Do you save Shadow or let him die?

I always save him. Except for the first time I ever played it. A party of Locke, Gogo, and Shadow could have a good time stealing items from enemies. Locke and Gogo with the ability to steal and just equip the Thief's Knife on Shadow.
Of course I did!

Of course I saved him!

Actually, I let him die at first, but when I found out that it was possible to save him after getting some hours into WoR>_<, I went back to my save file on the Floating Continent and replayed those hours after doing the right thing.

Besides, how could I kill him when he was
Relm's father? The only family she had left? Granted, he does commit suicide at the end, but at least he saw it through
Shadow was one of my favorite characters in the game. If I woulda let him die even accidentally, I probably would never forgive myself. Yes, I know I could restart it or just not save, but even pretending to have Shadow die would crush my spirit.

Anyone who let's Shadow die is a sick sick bastard. You deserve to be punched in the throat.
Save him only if you want to see his dreams or his ending... otherwise he's a waste of time. Every character is more or less the same in that game, at least toward the end.
Save him only if you want to see his dreams or his ending... otherwise he's a waste of time. Every character is more or less the same in that game, at least toward the end.

What are you talking about?
The characters in this game are significantly different. They all have their special Abilities and you can train their stats the way you want them to be.

also, Shadow's Throw Skill was used to get a 1 hit kill on the Final boss.

Shadow Kicks Ass. :mad:
I am guilty of letting Shadow die. But that's mainly because I did not know that he would join you again if you waited for him.
I always save him. First time I did it by accident. I decided to wait around fighting until the last few seconds and then jump XD
What are you talking about?
The characters in this game are significantly different. They all have their special Abilities and you can train their stats the way you want them to be.

In the World of Balance, yes there is a big difference between character abilities. I'd rather have Shadow or Edgar in my party over, say, Relm.

Toward the end of the game, you can throw Ultima + economizer on anyone. In that case Shadow == Relm == everyone except Umaro. Shadow will not make or break your team.

also, Shadow's Throw Skill was used to get a 1 hit kill on the Final boss.

Shadow Kicks Ass. :mad:

You can do the same thing basically with Psycho Cyan. But you need neither Shadow nor Cyan to make short work of Kefka. Yes, Shadow kicks ass but you don't need him.
I admit, i never used to save Shadow, but that's only because i thought his death was unavoidable, like Aerith's in FFVII. Discovering otherwise was purely accidental because i waited until the timer ran out from fighting.
I saved him. I didn't do it because I thought he was good in battle (although his Throw can do quite a bit of damage sometimes), but I did it because he was such a cool character. I probably wouldn't have realized that I even could save him if I hadn't read it in the walkthrough I was using (yes, I have a bad habit of relying way too much on walkthroughs). But yes, I did save Shadow, mainly because he's the freaking coolest character in the whole game.
Lol… No, I completely forgot about him the first time through (kinda amusing), but I’ve never forgotten him since. I doubt I really would have used him though.
Well, I let him die the first time through. I was too busy contrating on getting away from the Island.
I never leave a man behind! I stayed and waited for him, but I actually use Shadow all the time.
I saved him, because I'm a nice guy even if he does rob my money (I paid and he only lasted 4 battles WTF!?).

But I regretted afterwards...
Toward the end of the game, you can throw Ultima + economizer on anyone. In that case Shadow == Relm == everyone except Umaro. Shadow will not make or break your team.
Hahah that old chestnut. It annoys me when people complain about how the same the characters are, because they are only as same as YOU make them. You don't HAVE to teach Ultima and give Economizers to everyone ya'know. :rolleyes:

But anyway, yeah, the complitionist in me demands that Shadow is to be saved. My very first play through I didn't because I didn't know you could but when I realized my friend had, I immediately found out the means in which to do it. Ever since, Shadow was saved every time. He's probably one of the most damaging characters in the game without having to rely on Relics. Stock up on Fuma Shurikens and your laughing! :D
I always saved Shadow because I think he's an awesome character...and who doesn't love Interceptor? XD