Do you train?


Feb 19, 2007
Bristol, UK
While playing FFs, this one in particular, do you train up your characters for levels?

In previous games (IX, X-2) I didn't really and so I started here without training either. I've found that I am getting destroyed by all the bosses, and even the normal monsters when a bunch of them attack me. I have found (after reading guides on Gamefaqs because I was too annoyed at being so crap) that I am about 7-8 levels behind the recommended level. I am confused as to whether I have missed something out (which helps you to obtain EXP), or whether the game actually expects you to train up your characters...

Just wondering, did anyone actually train, or did you just go through the storyline and was able to defeat the bosses?
i mainly went through the storyline and defeated the bosses - but i made sure that my main 3 were always at the recommended level that the guidebook gave.

But last night i kinda went insane for 2 hours and leveled Penelo up from level 12 to 31 ^_^ gonna do that with Vaan and Balthier too.
I never had the guide to make reference to, so I was a bit in the dark as to what the recommended levels were for certain parts of the game. However, I do enjoy the aspect of training; becoming more powerful. It's... a thing I have. D=

So yeah, I trained a lot. So much so, that I even decided that I was bored at of the game sometimes. But only because I trained so much I forgot about the impact of the storyline.

I should tone down on the training I do...
I normally just tried to atleast get my level higher than the enemies I am fighting. Uusally about 3-4 levels. I also had 2 parties. Party 1 of Vaan, Balthier and Ashe aswell as Party 2 of Basch, Fran and Penelo. As soon as my first party hit level 30, I would then switch to my second party. I find that it helps in FFXII to have all party members at the same level or close enough as I had to switch quite a few party members over during boss fights.

The accessory that gives you double exp is called Embroidered Tipoet. I think it isn't available to buy until you reach Old Archades (5,000 gil) but you can steal it off the Coeurl's at Tchita Uplands (Not far before Old Archades), it is fairly rare but the theif's cuffs would help.
Yah you see I am only at the bit where you head off South to Ozmone plains. I'm only level 18...only guide says recommended is >lvl25. Suffice to say I am dying. I also have no money and crappy equipment.

I reckon I'm gonna head of to those mines in Bhujerba and kill some skeletons for their Bone Fragments. Anyways, cheers for the advice.
Yeah i found that i had to train way more than any other final fantasy i have ever played.
For me the leveling up was probably the most fun I've had in an FF game so far. I leveled up not only to stay strong, but because for once it wasn't boring to fight. Instead of randomly being shot into battles, the choice of who you want to fight and actually physically doing it in real-time action was a blast.
You dont need to train your characters, just dont run from fights and do the hunts as you approach the proper level to them. So like...don't bother trying to do a rank 4 hunt when you're barely able to do rank 3s, but if you find another rank 3 one then go give it a shot.
my main team is level 81, 88 and 90 - my reserves are 62, 51 and 50 - so i intend to do some more training. As a rule i tried to avoid training, but there are times when it is called for. Worst mistake i ever made training was in FF8, where i levelled all my characters to level 100 on disk 3. go to ultimecia's castle, fight omega weapon, he casts lvl 5 death...all dead.
Yah you see I am only at the bit where you head off South to Ozmone plains. I'm only level 18...only guide says recommended is >lvl25. Suffice to say I am dying. I also have no money and crappy equipment.

I reckon I'm gonna head of to those mines in Bhujerba and kill some skeletons for their Bone Fragments. Anyways, cheers for the advice.

I wouldn't agree with the guide here. I was about level 18 when I went there. I got all my members to level 21 and headed for the Hennes Mines. Defeated the boss but after that I levelled up to 25. I will admit that it wasn't exactly a stroll in the park but I would say level 21/22 should be fine for where you are to go next.
I trained in every FF game I played. It was just something I did because I learned that I would always get my but kicked if I didn't.
You gotta level up in FF otherwise things will get really hard, as for me, i ain't realy fused, i got a bunch of level 53-57's. i'm just about to go to Pharos, but getting a few optional quests out the way, i spend most of my time leveling up, and optional quests. but from what i heard i'm at a really advance level from where i am at the moment.
Last time I played, I was killing these things that give you 3 LP and was wearing golden amulets. So, yeah I guess I do train. But games that you just HAVE to level up in I automatically sign them off as shite games. No one wants to play a game when they're dying to know more and can't get to the end. FFV that came with Final Fantasy Anthology north american version is a perfect example of a shite game.
As of playing all the final fantasy's, you seem to get an automatisme inside you that after a "main boss" if you found it hard to kick his head in...Well it's not rocket science : you train a bit! So yes I trained a bit every 3-4 main bosses or so...Which I would recommend so that you can accomplish the game with complet satisfaction!
I train, oh yes I do. Usually, before I enter a new place, I run around just outside of that area and train my characters. Yes, all of them! Then after a main event happens, I'd go train some more. I find it extremely useful for bosses and extremely hard enemies. It can be a pain in the ass due to the fact that it takes a long time for your characters to level up, but meh, it's totally worth it.
I was behind the curve in the beginning of the game but when I hit Raithwall's tomb is when I did some heavy leveling. From that point on, I was ahead of the curve and never needed to do any hard leveling. It was pretty much all downhill from that point on.