Do you train?

I don't use guide books so I never know what the recommended level is. If I'm getting beat up real bad, I just presume i'm at a suckish level and level up x3

I like consistency though. Since like, even if your main party dies you have a back up, I swap everyone around to keep their levels balanced. I have OCD -.-
I swap them around too. So I can have a second chance when the first party is KO'd.
I hate the game over screen very much so I usually end up being too strong anyway. Which I don't mind, because like i said, I really hate the game over screen. Its like telling you in your face that you fail at the game. Everytime I get it (which isn't much) I turn of the game and mope for a while :p
i never had to train to beat the story whenever a boss stopped me in my tracks id just keep trying new strategies the elder wyrm would be a perfect example since at first i would always huddle my party together but then when i realised thats what made it hit the whole party i spread them out a bit and used a character with a crossbow for reassurance though i never really focus on training i did make it past level 80 on my first profile by wandering about doing the side quests but i didnt know about the zodiac spear and now i have a new save with level 55-60 characters and i beat the hell wyrm with vaan at level 55 basch at 59 and penelo at 57 like IX i found that it wasnt mostly in your level but rather your equipment cause i got IX when i was like 10 and got my ass handed to me LOTS then i figured it out.
I swap them around too. So I can have a second chance when the first party is KO'd.
I hate the game over screen very much so I usually end up being too strong anyway. Which I don't mind, because like i said, I really hate the game over screen. Its like telling you in your face that you fail at the game. Everytime I get it (which isn't much) I turn of the game and mope for a while :p

and whenever I hear game over music.
dear god x.x

I usually just turn off the console so I can be like "HA! I QUIT. NO GAME OVER >D"
to try and make myself feel better ;S
Yeah its better than trowing your controller at the screen like my brother did once.
You can always try again later.
Training can be good for your Beastiary if you kill enough of each foe and you're not using a guide. Alot of what's written on a the second or third page about a foe gives you hints on how to unlock things in the Bazaar.