Do you use a walkthrough?

When it comes to Final Fantasy, it always comes down to walkthroughs. I check to check to find the best walkthrough, and I recorded myself doing the walkthrough so that way I didn't want to use my computer and print the entire walkthrough LOL!!!

I also bought strategy guides for back up.. wait a minute walkthroughs are backups!
I used to play games with walkthroughs or strategy guides when I was younger. I just had to get and do everything in a game. Nowadays, I just play games and try to find everything on my own. I resort to walkthroughs usually when I play a game again. But I feel I need to get through the game at least once on my own.
I don't think this should necessarily be limited to the Final Fantasy series, but I do frown down upon using walkthroughs. It takes a massive part of an aspect out of a game when you go to reference one for every little thing.

Part of a game is the struggle, being challenged, and being intelligent enough to overcome the challenge (not that it makes you a genius or anything), if you can't play a game without someone helping you I don't really think you can call yourself a gamer.

When it comes to additional content, my views on the matter tend to differ though. Most of the time additional content wants you to grind something out just so that you can even walk into that area without dying immediately.

I personally don't reference a lot of walkthroughs very much, and though I'm sure some people appreciate that they are posted... I just don't think a game is worth my time if I'd need to reference a walkthrough for it at every turn.

Edit: I really only mean with relevance like having a full analysis on battles before you go into them... Sidequests etc. and scripted dialogue events or whatever, I could really care less about using a walkthrough for.
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I only used one for FFVII during my first play-through. Because I kept getting stuck and not finding my way and in the end I gave in. I only checked walkthroughs for the other games when I was really really stuck.

But now I'm trying to finish FFIX as completely as possible (with all the side-quests done) so I've resorted to using a walkthrough.
Normally I will use a walkthrough if I am stuck with no clue of where I need to go next (when talking to every NPC in town gets you nowhere). Other than that, I'll use a walkthrough on my second time through, just to get all of the goodies I missed on the first playthrough.
Damn right I do. These games have too much secret bullshit and such to not use a walkthrough. Especially for me because I want that secret strong weapon or whatever. Plus sometimes I just get stuck somewhere and don't feel like being irritated by it, so I just look it up and all my stress disappears. Walkthroughs for FF games are great, especially if I can find a funny one. Those are awesome.