Do you use a walkthrough?

I usually have a walkthrough open that I can flick through when I'm playing a game. I never actually read the advice they offer for progressing through the story, though - I look at the maps, sidequest info, and occasionally enemy and character statistics. I have a lot of games, and I get weird compulsions to randomly start playing them. It'll probably be at least a year before I get around to a second playthrough, so I like to get everything done on the first go around. Plus it means I don't finish the things in under 10 hours and come away extremely pissed off that I even bothered buying the game.
I only use a walkthrough when I am stuck at a certain part of a game. Even then, I spend a few days trying to get past the part I am stuck on until I finally resort to reading the walkthrough.

If I've finished the game once, I play it through with a walkthrough to complete everything. Just a habit :D
First Playthrough - No walkthrough. I prefer to experience the game naturally. With FF games, this isn't quite as big of a deal - the puzzles are usually pretty simple and won't ruin my brain trying to puzzle them out. The real puzzle is usually how to manipulate the mechanics to achieve maximum advantage in every fight (part of why I'm really enjoying my first playthrough of 12 - it lets me program my characters for battle so that I don't have to waste time fiddling with menus on non-challenging combats). Actual puzzle games I forbid myself from ever using walkthroughs on - since the puzzles are the game.

2nd Playthrough - With FF games, I love to do a perfect run/100% second play (well, that's a lie, I do all of the stuff I really want to, so it's usually more of a 95% second run). Unfortunately, these games love to include one time, extremely obscure things that you only get ONE chance to do or it never comes up again. Generally, these give you a chance later in the game to do really cool sidequests, so I usually sit down with a walkthrough for my second run.
Only if I'm truly stuck at a certain point, but never for the entire game.
I use them for Zelda when I'm stuck but I don't really use them for final fantasy. Some times I use them for a boss thats hard only to find that I just need to level up.
When I start playing FFX again (monday hopefully) I'm going for the 100% without a walkthrough. I pretty much know what to do for about 98% of the game, and what I haven't done I'll have fun finding out! I usually use walkthroughs though, because I'm a bit obsessed with getting all of the details right
I use Walkthrough in FFVIII for the summons that you have to steal or do something else or I use it when Im stuck and for the Grid (FFX).
I always complete a game on my own first. I want to experiance everything as a surprise even if I may be missing out on something along the way. Only once I've finished the game will I even glance towards a walk through. Depending on how much I missed out, I will only read it so far to get a rough idea of where I need to go before stopping and moving through the rest on my own.
I always complete a game on my own first. I want to experiance everything as a surprise even if I may be missing out on something along the way. Only once I've finished the game will I even glance towards a walk through. Depending on how much I missed out, I will only read it so far to get a rough idea of where I need to go before stopping and moving through the rest on my own.

That's exactly how I do it, too. First time without a guide for the experience and the story - the second time to make it perfect and experience everything I might have missed.
I rarely use a walkthrough, unless I've been stuck on a particular part of a game for more than a week. It's just a habit of mine, I guess. Back when I first started gaming on a serious level, I didn't even know that sites existed with walkthroughs and guides - so I thankfully avoided relying upon them.
I dont use walkthroughs unless I want maybe the best weapon in the game ((like excalibur or Tournsol in 12)) because unlike the early FF Games they are making you work for the best weapons now ~.~ and maybe if I cant kill a certain enemy or something Ill resort to looking it up
Only game I've used a walkthrough for was FFX-2 on the second playthrough to get the mascot dress sphere, other then the odd things like that I prefer to do everything on my own, makes the game more rewarding.
I'll usually use a walkthrough for games I suspect will be difficult. For example, older FF games, adventure/puzzle games and things like that. If it's a newer next-gen game, I usually won't use a walkthrough unless I get stuck, because as most of us know, newer games are definitely easier than older ones. I think I only needed a few TIPS in Final Fantasy XIII, never even looked at a walkthrough.
I use them, but I try not to. Only when I am really stuck or same, wanting to make sure I haven't missed anything. Most players I think try not to use walkthroughs if they can help it. It's more fun playing a game when you figure it out or complete it yourself. Though walkthroughs don't hurt at all.
I didn't use a walkthrough in the past, not sure if that's because I couldn't afford one or that I didn't want to "cheat", either way I still don't really use one now unless it's during sidemissions or a VERY hard boss. =(. Bosses can get really tricky sometimes and so can getting ultimate weapons and armor.
I try to never use a waltthrough, did once though. I feel it ruins the game for me or robs something good from me. I like figuring things out myself and if I don't in the first playthrough, a second play through or another will reveal new things to me, making the game even better. :)

I have recently though, used a walkthrough once. It was for Final Fantasy X-2. I wanted to get everything in the game, but my disc broke before then so it doesn't really count xD