Do you use a walkthrough?

I don’t use a strategy guide the first time I play through an FF game because it ruins the experience and certain plot-points can be ruined. However, the second time I play through the game, I’ll invest in one. I mean, without a strategy guide, getting certain weapons (like the Zodiac spear in FFXII) would be impossible, right?
i use em cuz i dnt wonna start all over again to try and get 100% but i wish i didnt use em i just cn't help it =(
It really depends how hard the game is.
Like i will play untill i get stuck then i will use a walkthrough or watch a video on youtube, or if i need to get somthin like weapons or some shit then i will use one.
i tend to use walkthroughs all the time just because mainly, you can get all the important items this way since it tells you where everything is, and i don't have to go back to get that item later. Also helpful for boss battles, when you need help and you don't know how to beat it. I also sometimes use it when i get lost on a map or in an area so i can find my way out.
Wow, I honestly thought I was the only one who did that... I play through the game once, as soon as I get it. Then I'll go buy the Strategy Guide and play through it again getting all the secrets and what-not.
I didn't use walkthroughs in the early days, like 10 years ago. But I know now that in these kind of games there are a lot of secrets and I am too lazy to look for them myself so I use the walkthroughs for them. I got one for FF XII. Bought it. And I also use alot of wakthroughs that i find on the internet. They are usefull and useless at the same time. I say this because there is info that u don't really need thats in there and there is the info that u really need and is missing. But still thank you to all the god people who are trying to make a decent walkthrough of any FF game. I know it is really hard work and I am not one to start typing one :p
I use walkthroughs only after I finished the game the first time I play it. They are pretty handy and you find out about alot of secrets and sidequests.
I would've never known you had to defeat 13 - 22 tonberry's to get the king tonberry in FFVIII 0_0 Seriously who would've known that?
a few years ago, back when i used to spend a lot more time actually playing, i used walkthroughs after having finished the game on my own for the first time.
there's always so much stuff you wouldn't ever find out without any external help, that you're forced to look it up in a walkthrough..
i find this frustrating..
anyway, presently i only play a little for distraction, not getting too sucked into the story. now, i only look something up, if i'm too lazy to think about it hard enough :P
Nah, I can't say I'm a fan of walkthroughs. I'd rather go through a game and just try my best, even if I die a few times or miss an object or two. Walkthroughs take a lot of the challenge and in my opinion... fun out of the game. Some people would disagree that it doesn't reduce the fun of the game but I think it's impossible for them to realistically comment on the surprise and excitement from the unknown in a game. I know there's several times when BustaMo has accidentally read too far ahead in his guide and ruined part of the story for himself. Not using a guide saves me from that issue.
Seems like most of the members here are pretty smart :D
I can't stand using a strategy guide on my first run. After I beat it I feel empty, like I watched someone else beat it. It just isn't the same. After that though the secrets of the game are mine for the taking with the strategy guide xD
Seems like most of the members here are pretty smart :D
I can't stand using a strategy guide on my first run. After I beat it I feel empty, like I watched someone else beat it. It just isn't the same. After that though the secrets of the game are mine for the taking with the strategy guide xD

Yeah I have to agree. It's no fun if you beat the game using a walk through. I'd rather make mistakes on my first run than watch someone else beat it for me. When you beat it yourself, it makes the feeling that much better. It may take longer, but that is alright because Final Fantasy games are fun!
I would have to agree with almost everyone here, I dont like to use walkthroughs at first. And the only time I will break down an look at one in my first playthrough of a game, is if I am stuck at a part. And what I mean by stuck is that I have been at that part for about three hours and about ready to throw my controller into the TV. Other than that I maybe to check the beastairy for a good item to steal.
I use them, only when I need them. I take a look online to see what are some miss able items because I can really only play turnbased rpgs 1 time through ,so I spend all my effort and time on the one play...I will see what I need to get for the ultimate weapons and pick them up as i go. Fighting bosses, I will typically fight a boss 2 times before I look at a guide, and then in certian areas like Fossil Roo in FFIX I used one after a started getting lost and didnt know where to go.
I only use a walkthrough if I get really really really stuck, otherwise I don't really bother. I do use walkthroughs for FFI and FFII though, as those games (particularly FFI) give no hints about where to go next, and generally I have no idea what the hell to do without a walkthrough xD
I used to play most games twice. the first time through, i would just play. explore. then, the second time through, i would use a guide and do/get everything in the game. But, now that I'm at college, I have less and less time to play. I've restricted myself to gaming only in the summer and winter breaks (it's brutal. but it has to be done). And because of this, I generally only have time to play each game once. So i use the guide the first time through. Alas. such is the way of a busy research schedule.
I do all i can with no help, but there are some items and extras you would just NEVER know about, like getting Yuffie in FF7.
Honestly I use a guide whenever I have to find a new town or find anything that's located in the overworld. It's such a hassle flying around the world just to find a tiny town or a remote location with a key or something. I actually basically played through FFVIII with a guide the entire time, but I had to find the GFs after all =) for ff7 i only used the guide for finding places so i never unlocked vincent and yuffie or any of the ultimate weapons
Did something... may have changed my mind

well I'm about to start playing Vagrant Story and I already have the guide so I may just use it to make sure I get everything in the game the first time through. I just know that if I use the guide and I like it and play it again everything would be spoiled. At the same time I don't know if its going to be one of those games I don't like.

I'm just thinking that maybe as long as I do have the guides, might as well use them.
I feel that the way that they set up final fantasy XII you need a walkthrough. Without it you would never know where to find the espers or the items needed to find the epsers. Also you would have a pretty hard time finding some of the later hunts in the game because some of them are like situation sensitive. Also the monster trophy hunt would be next to impossible. So they are needed even though I don't want to shell out another 20-30 bucks to buy them