Does anybody else think FFXII killed Malboro's?

There were Marlboros in FF6, just dont think they were called that...though the ones in FFX were a pain in the butt....
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The Malboros in the Galmoro Jungle were a cinch. And they look so small, compared to the ones in FFVIII.
I'm not too picky about the Marlboro's in this game, I think they look good, just small maybe. The thing's I'm ticked about are how FAT the Cactuars look and also the fact that Tonberry is mentioned in the beginning of the game as a fighter ship, and NOT an enemy. :( Not cool. I wanted to see some Tonberries wondering around with a knife and a lantern.
I actually really loved the Malboro's >_>

They were adorable o.o Especially the ones with the tiny crowns and mustache's ^^;
The first time I encountered a Marlboro, I killed it in like three hits. o_O
The real pain is Putrid Breath of Cassie and stronger marlboros. If its successful you're characters will have all status ailments that exist in FF12.
I't didn`t killed the malboros; you just have to see one of the hunts.
I kind of like the change. Even though they are smaller than the previous Malbaros, they still can cause you problems. Now on top of having Bad Breath (which has be toned down) they have Putrid Breath and love to Lunge at you. They might not be that challenging but they still are annoying.
i always thought the malboros would be massive creatures agen and i was peeved off when they wernt i wanted to throw the controller at the screen... then i realised im 14 and just carried on wiht the game lol
I dunno why I found them to be a niusance at first maybe I didn't have good enough weapons, but then again they still have the bad breath ability but it's called cloying breath for me
The Marlboros in the previous Final Fantasys were so big. Now they're small...kinda like Marlboro babies. The only Marlboro that could possible seen like a regular Marlboro is the Carrot, but even that has an irregular shape.
The marlies in FFXII are not that scary, they don't always cast bad/putrid breath...fortunatly, as I am having a dinger of a time trying to find a 'ribbon' (if anyone knows where they are please let me know) But this isn't the first FF where Marlies were non-scary. FFVII had marlies in it but they were pretty much beatable and without a ribbon. It wasn't until FFVIII that I gained a healthy respect for the veggie's.

The worst by far for me was Tonberries..and I haven't found one yet.
Um, FFVII had decent Malboros, and you'd be almost scewed, unless you did have a ribbon, or a bunch of luck. That is unless you are a pussy, and ran from the Malboro battles.

Staying on topic; yes. FFXII's Malboros were a pathetic excuse.