Does anyone Cosplay?

Miaku Kitty

Academically Stressed Feline
Jan 17, 2007
I was just wondering if anyone else shared the same passion for cosplaying. I only find excuses to do it around Halloween or Costume Parties (since I've never gone to a Convention... But I want to), but I really enjoy it. So far I have only dressed as 2 characters (both from a final fantasy) and they were "simple costumes". The first one was Tifa, how simple can you get? Sadly enough, I don't have picture's. The next one was a Selkie (not a specific one from the game, just part of the race) from Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (picture below). I have been wanting to buy some off ebay, but they are so expensive! >.< So, right now I make my own. :D But I feel more accomplished when I do. If any of you have any cosplay picture's, please feel free to share them! ^_^

I cosplay occasionally. I've done Elena before, and I'm working on perfecting a Cloud cosplay. Plus my friend does Reno.
Moving this to Event Square for you. Please remember to post threads in their proper place in the future :) If you need help, don't hesitate to contact me or another mod.

I've cosplayed as Lenne before :) It was fun too. Here's a couple of pictures.

Me as Lenne 1

Me As Lenne 2
Yeah, sorry. I thought this was the right places to do it. ^_^;; Anyway, very nice costume as Lenne. :)
I like to casplay!!! At otakon last year, I cosplayed as songstress rikku. I don't have any pictures right now, but I still have the costume, so I'll take some more.
lady aerith, i love that costume. unfortunely here in australia theres little or none opportunity to do cosplays. and there is only one annual convension for anmie/comics/fantasy type things, and its smack bang in the middle of semester (doh!)
I find it funny that there are no guys here yet. haha. I dont do it, though I have thought about it around halloween.

And nice costumes everybody
I love cosplaying, but I'm just a beginner. Right now, I don't have the money to make costumes or go to cons. D: Really want to do Cloud, Roxas, Demyx, Phoenix Wright, and redo my Duo Maxwell and Link costumes. Though for Link, it is hard to compete with PikminLink. She is amazing! :D
If I wasn't so lazy, I could probably throw some stuff together and do a 15 minute cosplay. XD
But I have blonde hair, so I'm pretty limited as to which girls I could cosplay. I'd love to do a Rydia cosplay one day. ^_^
It would make my DAY if someone would cosplay Zidane! XD
It would be cool to have a cosplay request thread! XD
So members can just randomly request a cosplay, and other members can take it upon themselves to do random cosplays. lol.
It would be cool to have a cosplay request thread! XD
So members can just randomly request a cosplay, and other members can take it upon themselves to do random cosplays. lol.

My request::nerd: You as Lady Yunalesca? *:ninja:Mysterious hand punches Guv'na in the back of the head, resulting in K.O.*