Multiple Platforms Dragon Age Origins


Spiral out, Keep going..
Nov 21, 2006
Nashville, TN
Black Mage
Cloud Strife
FFXIV Server

So who is going to look into this? I think I'll take a look into this on Xbox 360. It looks pretty intriguing but it may be like every other dungeon crawler. I guess we will see.

What about you, heard anything about this?
It looks fairly decent. I've heard that it's supposed to be quite good, it's made by BioWare who made Baldur's Gate and KOTOR. However I don't think I'll get it or at least for a while because it seems quite similar to Demon's Souls, which is a PS3 exclusive, and has got really good reviews.
I made a thread about it ages ago, but noone seemed to care much back then hehe. I'm a huge BioWare fan and I love everything they've ever made, but I was still a little bit sceptical when they started rolling out trailers with rather bland graphics and stiff character animations all set to the music of Marilyn Manson :sick:

The reviews I've read so far has made me a bit more hopeful though, so I'll definitely check it out as soon as I have the money. I still don't think that the graphics are anything to write home about, but I guess that looks aren't everything.
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Im grabbing the SE game and guide from work. You get some nice goodies, but also a code to unlock Epic Dragon Armour for ME2 :D AWESOME!!!! What peeves me is we have copies in now, but Im not allowed mine till Friday :(

I like what Ive seen so far and I love Bioware, ME and KOTOR series are so fun and this looks like its going to be more fun ^^
Ummm I have heard alot about this game being so good. Too many games to get but I might consider this for christmas. It looks really good! It is an adventure game right? Rpg not MMO. sO whO played it so far?
I LOVE IT!!! As I told Shu last night lol. Its so addictive, I was nearly sick for eating my dinner too fast to get back to playing lol. Just wow, its Mass Effects but set in LOTRs, just amazing. There is so much you can do and Im currently doing the Noble Human campaign, maybe an elf later. Plus the seduction part is fun ;P Im getting to know Alistar, whom I love, really well lol.

The characters personalitys are just perfect. Alistar reminds me of Xander from Buffy, mad quirk sense of humor and cute and Morrigan is not only sexy, but funny also. Im glad I got the guide lol, I need it!

But what I do like its when you load a game up again, it lets you know the story so far and the whole story so far is in your menu. Thats great for gamers like me who jump from game to game. The only other game I remember doing this is Rogue Galaxy. So helpful.
For what little time I got to play on it when I got it (graphics card on my main comp is fubar so waiting for a replacement :/) I will definatley say its nothing short of awesome, Bioware have really done a good job with it and I especially love the fact that the game is actually not as easy as some of the stuff we have seen released recently, the story is pretty solid too.

SE better step up a gear with there next game as Biowares rpgs are getting better and better with each release.
FREAKING LOVE THIS!!!! Ive racked up roughly 32 hours and Im only level 12 rofl!! Alistar is madly in love with me, SQUEE! Hey, hes cute for pixels ^^ and Im a human tank lol. Its so addictive, done all the downloaded quests, more please Bioware lol. Its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing. BEST RPG EVER!!! Yeah, I went there :D
I was debating buying this, but I didn't like the look of the battle system in the trailer. However, people everywhere are praising it so much that I might add it to my Christmas wishlist and see if I get it...or buy it with my PS3. I have waaaaay too much to be getting on with on my 360 at the moment...
I did download the premium soundtrack though, which I was quite impressed with. Music, to me, is an important part of a game~
Yeah, Im totally in love with Alistair lol. He is just so cute and I love the random coversations your party have when they are out and about with you. I cant get enough of this game. Trying to make it last as long as I can through my first play.
Yeah, Im totally in love with Alistair lol. He is just so cute and I love the random coversations your party have when they are out and about with you. I cant get enough of this game. Trying to make it last as long as I can through my first play.
I hope future RPGs do the same, it makes walking from one destination to another actually enjoyable rather than tedious, and most importantly, the conversations are actually quite good. However the one bad thing about this game that I've noticed so far is that the voice acting is quite bad, but that's only a minor thing.
Personally I also think some of the main story quests are too lengthy, quite often they're big long chunks and take 3-4 hours before you can do something else, the ashes quest being the best example of this.
This comes pretty close to being my favourite game of the year, I've had it for just under a weak and I've already played more or less fourty hours.
Yeah I agree the convo does make travelling less dull. And totally agree with the ashes quest. It gets abit annoying doing the same quest for alsmot 4 hours. It has become one of my favourite games ever. Im about only 40 hours in and had it for 2 weeks, shameful lol :D
Ill most likely get my ps3 tomorrow since i get paid that day and this is most definitly the first game im ganna be playing. The way u control ur characters and activate spells and skills seems so warcrafty which is great since that system is still fun even after 4 years of playing it. I hope they do some DLC with new spells and quests later on.
I'm curious, is it similar to Oblivion? I loved that game and I really hope it is, for obvious reasons it'd be very difficult to match the same standard but it'd be epic if it even had that feeling to it D:
I think the graphics are the most similar thing to Oblivion, how they look real as opposed to something like FF12 or 13 which is designed to be impressive.
I don't think it's like Oblivion really, with the exception that the plot isn't too long, but there is not as many side missions and you can't interact with NPCs in the same way. However you get to interact with the other members of your party instead.
I'm not sure that there will be much fun in replaying it though, there is only 5 or so main quests, which I assume will be a bit boring by the third playthrough, which you'll have to do for the platinum. I'd buy in and then trade it in if I were you. I do think it's a great game, more enjoyable than MW:2 imo.
I personally prefer it to Obilivion. Im still not 100% in love with Oblivion, Im kinda 45% liking it. As for DAO Im in love 100%. Its a shame its a shortist game, but thats what makes it so good with the different character creations and the 2 year downloads :D
Lol, to update!! I completed the game about an hour ago on 52 hours!! The credits are long, be warned!! However, Im dissapointed by what happens:

I became queen and ruled with Alistar. So when chatting to your party for the last time, they talk of a parade and a party. However you get either! I wasnt happy with that. Maybe you see several months later and how your character has gotten on. I wanted to be sat with Alistar, watching my dog run riot in the castle kitchens, with the whole group around having a dinner together. Something nice out of all the killing :(

I still love the game and its my fav of all time, but more thought into the ending would have been nice x3
I finished it with a similar number of hours, it was pretty difficult to get to level 20 though.

After the game finishes you get a get to continue travelling around like you did before you fought the archdemon. You also get a summary, but that's more or less it.
Was it just me or was leveling up pretty much a bitch? I finished at level 20 I think and rest of group were level 19s. Its sad how there wasnt much to the ending, it was abit anti climax lol.