Multiple Platforms Dragon Age Origins

I've started playing it properly over the past few days, and despite a slow...sloooow start, it's pretty fantastic. I love the battle system, and I find the blood effects pretty funky.

I'm a Female Elf Mage, just collecting the vials of darkspawn blood. Just met Morrigan. It seems like it's going to be a good game :yay:
Yeah, bet it seemed particularly promising when you met Morrigan, huh? xD I just got a new addition to my team today: Sten. From what I have read on the Internet, and at the time I knew what it was, but now I forget...think it was something to do with his level ups... :hmmm:
I agree that your Dog is the best tank. Him and Alistair kick arse. But my party for the first run through was Alistair, me, Leliana and Wynne. So kinda the goody goody team.
Has anyone used Shale? I just unlocked him, and I'm not sure if I want to put him on my team or not...he'd probably replace Morrigan, since the two-mage attack strategy isn't working out too well...not to mention I can clear the entire area by myself with Fireball followed by Tempest. I have my healer, and Alistair is my tank, so she's kinda redundant. I'd need another party member, and I don't want to use Leliana or my dog (I'd had enough of playable dogs with Repede in Vesperia), I'm considering it.

I'm shocked, though. I was expecting a huge, dumb and stereotypical golem. Instead I get a short wise-ass. With the most awesome voice actor ever.
I do not have Shale, no. I dunno if im far enough in the game or not. I went to the circle of the magi
to TRY and save that conner kid but apparently I said something wrong and wynne or whatever 'er name is turned on me and then, I forgot about Irving and didnt save him so I ended up having to kill conner -__-
But, on the bright side my character an' Alistair are going strong he gave me a rose :D His personality is cute XD. Dude the dog that you get if you do save him, he really does kick arse and he kicks arse HARD. :wacky: As of my team I usually have Alister, my dog, and Leliana. I'm a mage so I can do distance with the Leliana chick cus i made her an archer while the other two kick arse short ranged. :monster: I have a shitload of sidequest an' whatnot that I should do. So next time i play, imma get right to that.
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Shales a woman lol. Her story is so sad, make sure you complete it. I do like her wise ass attitude, calling people squeeshy (sp) things lol. They did well with the characters and their personalities. Spot on.
She is? Oh, bugger. Well, she sounded male to me. Although it would explain why I got +6 approval from her when I told her the crystals made her look slimmer. XD
She has also replaced Morrigan in my party, as another damage dealer...her constitution is insanely high. Almost double everyone else's, actually...

BioWare community manager Chris Priestly has announced on the BioWare forums that Return to Ostagar (scheduled for release 5th Jan 2010) has been delayed on all platforms. No further information was released.

OMFG, Im mega upset. Today was a day off, had my microsoft points at the ready to buy and then this. Im snowed in also, so it would have been perfect. But no, the Gods hate me. There hasnt been a reason why and no other release date has been given. Bioware have kept quiet.
Oh I bet I know why! They just had layoffs in several departments at EA, while it might not affect their department in particular, there still is the underlying theme of money behind it all.

Also I'm lvl 5 now, and am enjoying it but only thing I'm find out is there is ALOTTTTTT of dialog. I feel a bit automated in the attack system as well and the fact that only the person that kills the enemy gets the exp erks me, since Morgaine always steals my kills. :jtc:
^ I don't think that is the case, Shu, because one time my main character got a level up while the other characters were fighting monsters, and I was no where near them, running in the opposite direction in fact. Not sure why...can't remember. :P
Positive? because I know Dog was my same lvl at one point, and after checking a few times he was actually higher than my main. I noticed EXP pops up above their head (person who kills them)... maybe I should read how the exp system works. I might be wrong.

Of course there is always quests and such to make up for the exp gaps.. eh I'll give it a further review.

EDIT: You are right, I guess the number popping above people's head was a bit confusing at first. Eh rely on a simple look up online to prove me wrong, thanks Bolt =P.
You're welcome, glad I could be of help. ;) Yeah, tbh, I thought it worked that way too, until that experience of mine that I mentioned, of leveling up while being nowhere near where some battling is going on. xD
Do they get the same amount of EXP or does it work a bit like Borderlands where if one person kills an enemy they'll got 100% of the EXP whereas the other characters will get 50% of it? :hmmm:

How long are the origin stories anyway? I checked the 360 achievement guide and it said 1-2 hours but if you wanted to 1000G/Platinum it would take in excess of 120 hours...which doesn't seem to add up :wacky:
Do they get the same amount of EXP or does it work a bit like Borderlands where if one person kills an enemy they'll got 100% of the EXP whereas the other characters will get 50% of it? :hmmm:

How long are the origin stories anyway? I checked the 360 achievement guide and it said 1-2 hours but if you wanted to 1000G/Platinum it would take in excess of 120 hours...which doesn't seem to add up :wacky:
It's like FF, all characters get all the EXP. Characters outside of party level up at the same time, though they'll always be slightly below your character.

As for the time it takes to Platinum, I'm not sure, the only difficult ones are 250 damage with one hit and discover all endings/outcomes. You'll have to playthrough 3 times at least to get the level 20 for each character class. So 120 hours seems about right.
Still no RtO :( Although heres something just as fracking awesome:

Ahhhh yeah baby!! Alistairs back and new companions!! Im hoping you can transfer ALL save data over as you can in the new Mass Effect. If so, Im still Queenie XD March cant come soon enough!!
Haha yeahhh x] im looking so forward to this game :) And I agree, I hope you can import everything cos that would be awesome :ryan: thanks for the update :monster:
No probs hun.

Just an update!! Return to Ostangar is now avaliable for download on XBox. It costs 400 MS points and yes you can earn achievements. The official website said you couldnt, but I unlocked a 25 point one during a fight. So get playing guys!!
*envy* I've got it for PS3...damnit, why haven't they released it over PSN yet?! There is NO excuse. None whatsoever. We are not amused >.>

In other news...going to start my Warrior file tomorrow. I intend to become Queen of Ferelden this time. I'm working on Leliana with my Rogue...
It was meant to be released for all consoles on the 5th. But after some secret delay, they havent said when PS and PC are getting the add on. Hopefully soon. Lets hope they dont delay Awakening!!
This game, yesterday, did not amuse me in the slightest :jtc:

I was doing the Broken Circle quest and somehow, after I'd left the Fade the game glitched and kicked me out of the tower onto the first floor and because the doors are locked it's not possible to get back to where I need. Safe to say, at level 17 and with it being the only mission left I needed to recruit, having to start again, one was not amused. :mokken: