Multiple Platforms Dragon Age Origins

I liked DAO and it aumsed me perfectly fine :awesome:
Though, I get what your saying, it must be frustrasting having to start over. That's why you save often :monster: though, it never happened to me during my gameplay so it looks like your shit outta luck there Ryan xD
I can't wait for the DLC to be released for PS3 but man I want to finish one save with all missions before that expansion hits. I'm currently working on my DW rogue with max cunning which is awesome.
I liked DAO and it aumsed me perfectly fine :awesome:
Though, I get what your saying, it must be frustrasting having to start over. That's why you save often :monster: though, it never happened to me during my gameplay so it looks like your shit outta luck there Ryan xD
I was gutted, I ended up clocking something like 36 hours as well :sad3: I started again with a female mage, only this time I'll have 2 save files instead of the 1 so the game doesn't try to screw me over again D:

It wasn't long after I'd beat the High Dragon either D: I just realised I have the Shale DLC code in my box as well, although it does say it runs out in April 2010 :hmmm:
OMFG!!!! No way, didnt you save or didnt the game autosave???? Thats madness, I can understand you being pissed off hun. Sorry to hear that :(

Awakenings soon ... £24 on, but I may trade in stuff for it.
I seriously can't believe that Return to Ostagar isn't out on the PSN yet...what in the name of heavenly fuck are they playing at?! Whoever is responsible seriously needs to get their act together, its getting beyond a joke...>.>

Awakening is going to be download-only on PS3 over here, as well. I wonder if they'll bring that out on time or massively delay it. I really don't understand why we can't have expansions on discs over here...I wonder if the US expansion disc would work, I might just buy one...

Reading this thread reminds me: I need to carry on with my warrior nobleborn file. I need to seduce Alistair!
Lol, I loved seducing Alistair, he is beyond adorable. I havent got round to seducing the rest of the crew, need to do that next time I play. Cant believe its been delayed that long for PS3, it was delayed almsot 2 weeks for 360. To be honest, its not the best downloadable content. Awakening is whats going to make it big again I think.
From the moment he started going on about his woes with mages when you first met him, I knew I was in for several hours of witty remarks and adorably whiny comments. Its one of the reasons why he never left my party - the other is that he's an incredible tank...

...I still want that golden armour D:

Awakening looks awesome, though. Blue lightning dragons. I was a tad disappointed that Origins only had three proper dragons - it looks like we're in for more with Awakening. Not to mention the Darkspawn that looks like Nemesis. And hopefully more awesome soundtrack, and more wonderful party banter~<3
OMFG!!!! No way, didnt you save or didnt the game autosave???? Thats madness, I can understand you being pissed off hun. Sorry to hear that :(
It autosaved, but only after it kicked me out the tower. Only I didn't realise at the time I wouldn't be able to get back in so I went and did about 10 hours worth of other stuff and went back, that's when I realised :wacky:

On the other hand, it had its positives. I wasn't totally sure on how mages worked when I started a new game, so I took the booklet out and found a leaflet of the redeem code for the "The Stone Prisoner" and "Blood Dragon Armor" for free. The first one surprised me considering it's £11.99 on PSN. The game owes me it anyway for making me play 36 hours to then hate me. 8F

Awakening's looking good though, even though I haven't see too much :hmmm:
You should always do the mage/tower quest first, or do that before you go to Redcliffe.
I also got the Stone Prisoner thing with the game, and that sidequest is quite short, you get an extra character but it's only a couple of hours worth of gameplay.
Well, apparently Return to Ostagar is being released on the PSN on the 11th of March. Whilst I am extremely annoyed at the delay, that gives me the motivation I need to run through the game again before Awakening comes out...
I started again with a female mage
I always thought mages were the best anyways TBH. I know my mage kicked ass :griin: I find it just a tad easier to kill dark spawn and whatnot :monster:
Well, apparently Return to Ostagar is being released on the PSN on the 11th of March. Whilst I am extremely annoyed at the delay, that gives me the motivation I need to run through the game again before Awakening comes out...
I actually have never heard about the Return to Ostagar :hmmm: what is it suppose to be about anyways? I've heard about Awakening and I do want the expansion.... >_> soooo many games I want xD
In RTO, you can go back and kill any darkspawn still there out of repsect for your fallen King. Also you can find his armour and stick it on Alistair if you fancy :-) Its got no achievements, but I managed to unlock 1 for killing a certain amount of deadspawn, which was nice!
lmao how many darkspwan are there?? :gasp: haha but any game related to DAO i'll probably end up getting anyways xD :monster: I love it XD though, I do like achievements...:hmmm: ahhh whatever xD How much will it cost?
Think its 1200 MS points on XBox 360. Im not sure when it'll be avaliable for the PS3. I thought it had been already, but people have said it hasnt :/ Awakenings is going to be around the £25-30 mark for 360.
Well Awakenings has been set for 19th March for XBox 360 and PC here in the UK. I havent read anything on a PS3 release, but Im sure it will be out shortly afterwards. Anyone in Northen America can get it today >:(

Again, Im thinking its going to be the £30 mark. Its a whole new adventure with new characters and some old ones. More info here:

Im likng Anders, he reminds me of Alistair. His lines are hilarious. Sadly there can be no romantic interest in the game, its mainly about the war :( Your saved character can be transported over to the new game, however, any romances wont matter :( So Im not a queen in this one *stamps feet*

Alistair does put an apperance in the official trailer, and Oghren the foul dwarf is back also :( I miss Wynne!!! Oh and Nathaniel Howe, son of the man who tried to kill you is a companion also!!! Its like a soap opera!!
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I pray to the Maker that the PS3 version comes out here on Friday...if it doesn't, I may just break down and cry. We got Return to Ostagar LAST THURSDAY. If its delayed on the PS3, I dread to think how long it'll take...

Still, its looking awesome. Although lack of romances is irritating...I want to romance the corpse! Still, I might just start with an all-new warden if that is the case. After I test my mage out, of course...
Lolz, Justice is a hottie isnt he XD yeah I make a whole new Grey Warden then. I think its sad a Bioware game has been made without the romance. Thats one of their elements they give in their games. I think they rushed this one, so they cut out the romance completely. I mean youre fighting a war in the first game, but you got some booty. Whats the difference now???

And thats shocking you only go the add on last week!!! Its been for 360 for a good month or so now. I myself havent completed it yet as, seems pretty short anyhoo.
Yeah, when you consider Mass Effect 2 linked to the first and then expanded on it, that Awakening won't link to Origins, and that its an expansion as well, makes somewhat disappointing and definetely rushed. About all Awakening appears to have in common with Origins is the standard stuff - its set after it, and a few characters from it make an appearance. Its disappointing, and makes playing through Origins feel somewhat pointless. There isn't much point carrying over a character if their history is going to be erased.

I am looking forward to fighting the blue lightning dragon, though. That looks like such an awesome enemy. Hopefully there will be more proper dragons in Awakening. All we really got in Origins was the High Dragon, Flemeth and the ArchDemon - not really living up to the whole "Dragon" part of Dragon Age. This one needs more.

Return to Ostagar is pretty short and easy, yeah. You do get some nice weapons out of it, though. The armour isn't really worth mentioning - stuff like the Juggernaut and Legion sets are much better. I use light armour on my main character, so...yet another set of armour that gets stored away in my chest on Warden's Keep. XD
Got it yesturday, woot and so far tis good. Oh and I imported my previous character who became Alistairs Queen and he does recognise me as his wife and Queen of the kingdom!! Stupid website told lies!!! Im happy Im recognised as Queen!! But yeah, you cant romance anyone still, but of a shame, that was fun. But you can still give gifts and earn apporval from people! Random. Tis still a good game and Im enjoying it so far, but I didnt get the walkthrough, so bit scared of getting it wrong lolz :gasp:
Cheating on Alistair with a corpse? That'd be awesome..."I'm the Queen and I'll sleep with whoever I want!"

Why is it only Oghren that comes over in Awakening, though? I never used him! I'd rather it were someone interesting, like Shale or Alistair...hell, even Zevran would be preferable. I'd also like to know what happened with
as well...hopefully we'll see more of her in Dragon Age 2.

Anyways, I finished up my Origins file this morning, and imported my Queen to Awakening. Only cleared out the courtyard thus far, though. Nice to see I keep all my equipment - decimating enemies with the Summer Sword is always fun. My companion now has the Juggernaut armour equipped, as well~

Even though I'm not a trophy maniac, I should go through and get, mebbe I'll start another game as a rogue - the last one went quite badly so I kinda stopped halfway through - and get those I've missed out on - romancing Zevran and Leliana, recruiting everyone, a couple of Origin story trophies, etc etc. I don't have the level 20 Rogue trophy yet either, so that'd be ideal. XD

Although I kinda wanna start out as a mage again...Arcane Warrior/Blood Mage/Battlemage sounds like a winning combo to me, and my current mage is just an Inferno death-machine.