Multiple Platforms Dragon Age Origins

I actually did, but I'm terrible with them and just made them attack what was around and to heal when they got to around 50%. I'm in this...tower...thing. I forget what it's called right now. It's the siege after you've become a Grey Warden. At least for a Dalish Elf. I dunno if this part is the same or not.
That's pretty much right at the beginning.
You can switch character by pressing R1, so you can play as the mage they send with you, if you find that easier, unless he is already dead that is.
It's easier if you just go room by room so that you don't have to fight too many enemies at one time. It's also possible to change the difficulty, nothing in there, including the boss should be too difficult to kill.
I tried that :P Everyone just kept dying :rage: Took me forever to get past these two rooms. I just remembered I got up a few floors until I died over and over again and then rage quit. I'll have to look where I'm at :hmmm: Too lazy to open it up right now.
Take it slowly. There is quite a lot in the tower that you can use to help you, as well - unleash the mabari from their cages, use the ballista, kill everything room by room. I'd suggest going for any archers first, because they have an annoying habit of chipping away at your health. Unless you're playing on hard or nightmare, most of the time the others will just miss you when they attack.

Also, what type of Warrior are you? Are you wielding both a sword and a shield, or a two-handed blade? Make sure you apply your stat and skill points to things that will actually benefit you: for a Warrior, you don't want to put points into anything but Strength and Dexterity...and maybe a little Constitution, if you find you're dying a lot. Raising the other stats won't really benefit you at all. To start with, you'll want all the Combat Training talents as well, since those allow you to access more skills. If you're dying quite a bit, Herbalist might be beneficial to you...although I never really used anything other than Coercion and Combat Training in my playthroughs. xD
Hm. I'll do that then :lew:

I use a sword and shield and because I'm an elf I occasionally swapped to my bow to see if I could kill them from afar. Didn't really help all that much... I'm pretty sure I only put points into Strength and Dex so I should be good there. Can't remember what level I'm at.

EDIT: Playing it now. I actually use two swords and am level 5. Mixed up the tactics for my mage so he was actually using his magic (I have no clue why I didn't know that to begin with :ffs:). I'm now on the ogre and am contemplating lowering the difficutly due to lack of potions and flasks required to make more.
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The Ogre shouldn't be too hard. I'm pretty sure it's the only enemy there as well, so you can just pound away on him. Just stay spread out and you should be fine.

Although, I haven't done the game on anything higher than normal yet, so I don't know how hard the Ogre can be.
Hm. I'll do that then :lew:

I use a sword and shield and because I'm an elf I occasionally swapped to my bow to see if I could kill them from afar. Didn't really help all that much... I'm pretty sure I only put points into Strength and Dex so I should be good there. Can't remember what level I'm at.

EDIT: Playing it now. I actually use two swords and am level 5. Mixed up the tactics for my mage so he was actually using his magic (I have no clue why I didn't know that to begin with :ffs:). I'm now on the ogre and am contemplating lowering the difficutly due to lack of potions and flasks required to make more.

Do you have the Quick Heal set up on your 'shortcut menu' (no idea what it's called xD) so that you can quickly switch from characters to characters and use it when they need it? I've got mine set as O. Easier to heal that way in oppose to opening up the radial menu (R2). Speaking of which, I find it a lot more convenient to have the radial menu toggled open/closed instead of holding on to it. (So annoying if you ask me). You can find this in the Options, if you haven't already.
OHHH MYYY dragon age origins is probably like the funnest game in the world. I'd love to answer any questionss about this game...I'm obsessed with it. :gasp:
Do you have the Quick Heal set up on your 'shortcut menu' (no idea what it's called xD) so that you can quickly switch from characters to characters and use it when they need it? I've got mine set as O. Easier to heal that way in oppose to opening up the radial menu (R2). Speaking of which, I find it a lot more convenient to have the radial menu toggled open/closed instead of holding on to it. (So annoying if you ask me). You can find this in the Options, if you haven't already.

I have nooo clue what the radial menu is. Must be the numbers down at the bottom of the screen for the PC like if you were playing most MMORPG's. I was literally out of every sort of health potion and the mage didn't have any healing spells so I had no choice but to put it on easy or die. I had the mage use fire weapons, though, which helped a bit. Now I'm in Lothering and have Leilana and Sten. Then it crashed on me so I had to do it again. This time I didn't threaten the church women with death :lew: (I must be the only person using the PC version :P) Right now I'm trying to make the poison for Barlin (probably spelled that wrong) in the pub where the teyrn's soldier's attack you. I'll probably just use the wiki because I have no clue where to find the venom extracts.
They're just out in the field type areas next to where you leave Lothering. There's also the Chantry board quests you can do to, those are easy and it'll hekp you get used to the game. The Chantry is basically the Church in the game, and the Chantry board is outside the place where you threatened the old woman. Also the radial menu can be very helpful, because it shows things through walls such as traps etc and it also shows all bodies and chests, so if you think you may have missed something, open the radial menu and turn around, if you have missed anything it will show up on the radial menu.
There was only one quest on the Chantry Board. Taking out some thieves. And I can get two other quests from two people around Lothering, but they think I'm causing trouble and won't talk to me :| Oh well. I'll do the poison quest then :P Also I don't think there is a radial menu on the PC version. I'll have to look. It's only the master menu from what I've seen.
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I love this game beyond belief. I only wish the sequel was half as entertaining, but it doesn't have that magic that made the first one so magnificent. I prefer doing Male Noble and male/female Mage (though I've gone through all of the different origins, just not the different genders of each). I prefer to be either a mage or a rogue. I'm not much for being the run up and hack at stuff fighter, simply because I find it's harder to avoid blows and you have to be almost overly diligent with the party macros. As a mage, I go for Spirit Healer and Spellsword so that I can wear armors I normally couldn't by using my Magic stat instead of my Strength. I also spec on the cold range, have swarm and crushing prison spells

However, my favorite class to use is Rogue. I don't have to flip through my characters to pick locks, I snipe from a distance while Alister or Ogrim goes in for delivering punishment. I tend to use both Morrigan and Wynne if I play as a rogue with Wynne focusing on healing and buffing, while Morrigan brings down the pain and hexes. When I play as a mage, I have Wynne learn some damage spells but still focus and healing, while Alister/Ogrim tanks and Lelliandra attacks with her bow.
I wish I had chosen a rogue, but I guess that can't be helped now (unless there is a save editor that let's me change my class). Finished a few quests off the chanter board and got the toxin extract and made some poison.
Also the radial menu can be very helpful, because it shows things through walls such as traps etc and it also shows all bodies and chests, so if you think you may have missed something, open the radial menu and turn around, if you have missed anything it will show up on the radial menu.

What, really? I thought the radial menu is merely for selecting potions, talents, items, etc? I guess I'll have to give this one a try. Is there any indication on the radial menu that shows I've missed anything? (Red, green icons, perhaps).

Draklor - Nevermind about the radial menu then. xD Didn't realize you had the PC version. We're pretty much on the same location in the game, though I'm about to leave Lothering. And there should be four quests in total. After you finish the first two quests, two more will appear on the board after.
Leliana's a rogue so use her, then if you like you can switch back to your own character if you need to do any fighting.

They won't show up in any particular colour, but you'll see their name. Often if you kill quite a few enemies at a time you might forget to loot one of their corpses. If you use the radial menu it will show that one of the bodies can be looted. It also works for chests, books etc they may not have seen.
What he's talking about for me is just holding down tab to see what can be interacted with basically. I finished all the quests in Lothering and went on ahead to the Circle Tower. I'm in the Fade right now and have 3 of the shape shifts so far.
What he's talking about for me is just holding down tab to see what can be interacted with basically. I finished all the quests in Lothering and went on ahead to the Circle Tower. I'm in the Fade right now and have 3 of the shape shifters so far.

I have 3 of the shape shifts as well (Mouse, Burning Man, and Spirit). I went through all five islands, and only managed to free the barrier for "The Templar's Nightmare". (That Ogre was a pain...) I should have followed a guide beforehand, because now I've only got 11 poultice. I'll have to rely more on the Spirit shape shifter to heal myself from now on and save the rest.

I'm guessing I'll have to go back to the other islands and find a way to free up the barriers...

This game is kinda hard. =/
I didn't have any poultices at all xP I relied on saving constantly and trying till I beat the enemies so my HP would regenerate. And some of the areas have those things that can heal you (forgot what they're called at the moment). They've got blue crystals poking out of them. I finished the Tower and went on to Redcliffe and did a few things around there before I finally got off the game :P Spent a good 4 hours in that Tower.

EDIT: I do admit, that when it got to the point where I couldn't get past a part, I put it on easy for the set of enemies. But it was on normal for all the bosses. And I can't seem to find a way for Wynne to use party heal when everyone is around 50% health :hmmm: Tactics are nice, but I wish they would sort of think more for themselves at times.
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I recently finished the game to 100%. I completed the main game, the DLCs, Awakening and finally fought the Harvester on Hard. To all those struggling with it (because as far as I'm aware, it's possibly the hardest boss throughout the entire game), it is possible to beat. The switches are the key and you just have to plan your tactics very well. xD

As for the main game, I loved it. I almost always made Alistair my love interest and he's tied in first for my favourite character with Morrigan. That's not to say the others weren't great. Oghren was funny at times, Zevran's just a flirt, Sten's very loyal, Wynne's that grandmotherly type, Leliana is ... a bit crazy and Shale makes me laugh by calling you "it". I'd either choose a female noble or female mage each time. I find that mages are my preferred class.

Mage MC + Alistair + Morrigan + Wynne = Win. :ryan:
Just slightly curious, is anyone able to save the NPCs (Murdock, Ser Perth, etc) in Redcliff during the attack at night? I read that you can get a pretty good helm if you're successful, but the NPCs kept dying on me. I know in the PC version, you're able to manually heal the NPCs, but PS3 (and I'm assuming XBox) doesn't seem to give that option. I've tried to distract the enemies by using Threaten, but that only works for so long.

I'm already past this main quest, but I just wonder if anyone (PS3/Xbox version) was actually able to save them. Restarted that mission five times last night, and I finally gave up out of frustration and just moved on with the story.