Multiple Platforms Dragon Age Origins

I bought this today with my PS3, am looking forward to playing it. The trailers put me off, because the battle system looked a little dodgy, but I'm extremely curious as to why its been getting so much praise, and since there aren't really any PS3 games I want that much until next year...

Anyways, is there anything I should keep in mind whilst playing? Anything at all. I'm going in blind, and I'd rather avoid gamefaqs, because people are just too free with spoilers...
Id say be a rogue first time round. You dont encounter Leliana till a good few hours into the game and you do encounter alot of locked chests and she is your safe cracker. Thats my advice, I was a warrior first time round and I regret it now. So my new character is a rogue now.
I looked at the video review on IGN, and that's making me buy it, hopefully i will get it after christmas with the money i'll get from people ^_^

Thanks for the advice Sapphire (even though it wasn't directed at me :P )
Id say be a rogue first time round. You dont encounter Leliana till a good few hours into the game and you do encounter alot of locked chests and she is your safe cracker. Thats my advice, I was a warrior first time round and I regret it now. So my new character is a rogue now.
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind ^^
I tend to be a mage in RPGs that give me the choice, I like tossing fire around and I find being fragile makes it a bit more challenging...but locked chests are annoying.
Be warned being a mage, dont go blood mage unless you wanna go dark side-ish. It'll please some of your party and will turn others agaisnt you. But then again you dont have to have those who turn agaisnt you in your party. Youll see when you play :-) Theres alot to take in just before you create your character. But its such a fun game, so enjoy :D
Love DA:O, but sadly I overplayed it and finished it with two weeks of having it and haven't looked back. Lvl 25 Primal Mage who was unfortunatly too nice for my own good, did the ritual (those who've played as a male know), and really liked the story.

Right now my woman is playing it as a rogue so maybe when she's done I'll continue my 2nd char. I was just both excited and turned off by how easy it is to cheat and "buy" levels. I was max level not even halfway through the game. Also that when I started playing I had 13 hours in the game and only 6% of the game completed, and only 35 hours or so later I finished the main quest. I guess I just would prefer more main questing instead of side questing.
It's definatley an awesome game, I love that bioware have taken elements from MMO's and there previous KOTOR II engine and strung them together.

Having finally spent a bit of time playing it, I'm half tempted to call it by a different name :P

Dragon Age: Conffessions of a Grey Warden.....anyone that knows who robin askwith is will know what i mean :P
Well, I finally managed to tear myself away from Zelda/Luminous Arc/Dante's Inferno demo and start this a Dalish elf Rogue.

I absolutely LOVE Alistair's sense of humour...although he didn't approve of my killing the hungry deserter in his cage. But the bastard cost me ten silver, and since the option to kill him and nick the key came, why not. I like killing people.
Only I can't use the key at the moment...
In any event, this game is shaping up to be pretty awesome. Although the controls and battle system are going to take some getting used to...I keep accidently stealing from people.
I actually never heard of the game until I got it for xmas. I started playing it and boy it's such a great game! I LOVE it :) Not that far, considering my bro's hog the damn thing but I really enjoy it so far :D i'ma human chick mage and i'm a part of the Grey Warden... and I just met up with Duncan and my character drank the blood. that's about how far I am XD. Like I said, I dont get to play it that much but it's very fun to play and i'm glad I got into it :)
Alistair is one of my all time fav characters and he is soooooooooooooo damn hot for a bunch of pixels. His humor reminds me very much of Mal from Firefly and Xander from Buffy lol. Oh and the guy in the cage is Sten, he can join your party rofl XD The new add on is coming out early Jan. More Greywarden goodies ^^
I got this game and so far it's brilliant :ryan: I started off as a Human Warrior, I think he's a warrior at least and am pretty much at the part DeadFantasy's at. So far it has the basics to be a fantastic game, the battle system is awesome and I love the twist right at the beginning of the story. Didn't see that one coming I admit. :wacky: Dialogue is fantastic! Although I have a question, is there a way to block? I can't find it in my manual. :wacky:
Yeah, I picked this game up yesterday, and I've been pretty addicted to it. My main character is a Rogue City Elf, and so far I'm in Lothering with two new characters. However, I'm just using Allistair, Morrigan and Leliana. Since I'm a rogue, I've made Allistair the main tank of the group, Morrigan a caster, and Leliana an Archer since my character is already a dagger-wielding Rogue.
I got this game and so far it's brilliant :ryan: I started off as a Human Warrior, I think he's a warrior at least and am pretty much at the part DeadFantasy's at. So far it has the basics to be a fantastic game, the battle system is awesome and I love the twist right at the beginning of the story. Didn't see that one coming I admit. :wacky: Dialogue is fantastic! Although I have a question, is there a way to block? I can't find it in my manual. :wacky:
You can't block, it's like FFXII, you can only input commands. Passive skills effect your ability to block or dodge but you can't control it.

I downloaded and completed the Shale quest, because it came free with the game, but it just felt like it was hastly added, whether that's representative of the rest of the dlc, I'm not sure.
Warden's Keep is pretty epic - I completed it yesterday. Undead soldiers and skeletons rising from the ground, demons everywhere in the tower itself...its all over far too quickly, though. The music was incredibly atmospheric, as well~<3
Thats the problem with the downloaded content, you can complete it pretty quickly. Is ok, seeing as though its 2 years worth of downloads and the next one is out Jan 5th 2010, Return to Ostagar! Trailer looks awesome, but cause it contains spoilers, Ill be good and not post it XD
I know I asked this in the SB but I wanted to know the length of this game. I want a game that will occupy me for a rough 4 days while the fiance is out of town. I am thinking about getting MW2 and this at the same time and trade a few other games in. (MW2 of course for online) ..

So let me know, I've heard great things about this game though as far as content, I just don't want it to be a short play through.
My last saved game was 56 hours I think. Or 72? I cant remember lol. It can last you for a good while. Spanning 4 days?? Maybe if you went onto hardcore setting, it may take longer then 4 days to complete.
My brother got this game for the Xbox 360 for Christmas, I've played it the last couple of mornings, and am loving it, enough to take me away from my own favourite game out of what ones I got for Christmas (Tekken 6, also for the Xbox 360). XD

And I was at the last stage in Scenario Campaign when I started getting into Dragon Age: Origins. :P Anyways, I am an Elf Mage (male), up to Level 6 so far, with a Magic stat of 30 (just learned Sleep, suppose that'll be good to keep things under control when facing a large group of enemies, so they aren't all attacking at once, which can get ugly...).

I haven't really gotten far beyond drinking some of that blood, when you become a Grey Warden, officially...just went a little further, lit the beacon for the signal, then...well, I hadn't ought to spoil too much. >.>

I do have another mage in the party now though, and am currently at Lothering. ;)
Bolt said:
And I was at the last stage in Scenario Campaign when I started getting into Dragon Age: Origins. :P Anyways, I am an Elf Mage (male), up to Level 6 so far, with a Magic stat of 30 (just learned Sleep, suppose that'll be good to keep things under control when facing a large group of enemies, so they aren't all attacking at once, which can get ugly...).
If you're after crowd control with a mage, I'd recommend Mind Blast instead. It stuns everything around you, and seeing as how you'll be getting swarmed if you use area spells, it'll definetely come in handy.

SapphireStar said:
Thats the problem with the downloaded content, you can complete it pretty quickly. Is ok, seeing as though its 2 years worth of downloads and the next one is out Jan 5th 2010, Return to Ostagar! Trailer looks awesome, but cause it contains spoilers, Ill be good and not post it XD
You have officially made my evening~<3

Anyways, small update on my progress/hype...spoiler-tagged, just in case:
I'm in Circle Tower...its freakin' CRAZY in here. Almost as bad as Warden's Keep...I'm wondering, should I have gone and got Shale before I came here? He'll probably replace Alistair as my tank, and then it'll be me (I have two files - one mage, one rogue, it'll be the case in both of them...and my warrior file, if/when I start it), Morrigan and Wynne. Three mages works surprisingly well in combat - Morrigan and I slaughter, Wynne keeps our health up, Alistair mauls everyone who I mind blast.
Just unlocked Tempest with my last level up...I cackled. Its even more fun than Fireball! Definetely going to concentrate on getting these higher level attack spells now. I almost cleared an entire room of assorted enemies by planting a Tempest in the middle of it, and its only a level three spell. Mage is BROKEN.
Going to carry on with my Rogue file tomorrow...after I clear Circle Tower, of course. I stopped at the third floor, for some reason...
The dog is actually the best tank in the game. Because you only need to spend points in strength and constitution, whereas with other characters you need to give them some dexterity. Alastair is particularly helpful in the tower because he's a templar i.e. he can nullify magic. You should try to have variety in your party, one damage dealing mage and one who heals or buffs, you can use Leliana instead of a mage for that.

One playthrough takes about 50 hours Shu, after that you may want to play through again with a different class of character.