DS Remake?


May 12, 2007
I'm pretty sure it's true that they are remaking this game with enhanced sound and graphics (on the DS). Can someone please send me a link to the page for information on this, and also post your thoughts.
Are you planning on buying it, is it really worth it?
I'll probably be getting it. I'm just afraid of them making the characters too cutesy and I'll most likely prefer the original.
Dear god... This means there goin to release EVERY FREAKING ONE from III-VI on the DS, and possibly I and II... God.. I'll but them but... Why? They are fine. And yeah Rydia, if the characters and graphics are all designed by a 5 year old for his Halloween costume, like FFIII, I'll be greatly dissapointed.
I will buy this game, but i really REALLY hope that SE don't fuck it up, i want the characters to look good but not overly-chibified...:dry:
The only thing I'm worried about is the party size. I'm almost willing to bet that it won't be five people like in the original.
The only thing I'm worried about is the party size. I'm almost willing to bet that it won't be five people like in the original.

I don't see why not. FFIII's battle system was reminiscent of the old FF games and it also had 4 characters in battle. I don't see any reason to change that in FFIV. It remains unique for having 5 characters in battle and shouldn't be changed.
I couldn't care less if the battle scene looks croweded. Have ya'll seen the picture for this game? Cecil looks so badass in his DK outfit.
I am absolutely looking forward to this game! It was my first RPG when I was a kid. I didn't know what I was doing at the time but I have played it through when I did. Recently I started playing II on the SNES... then went online and came across the GBA version... and now the DS version?! I think it's great. If you don't want to play it, don't play it. The way I see it is I loved the game, I definitely want more.
I don't really mind how they make the characters look

I don't think it will be as cutesy as FFIII, but I wouldn't mind if it did; not to mention, FFIII wasn't overly cute anyways (except for the Devouts, and Arc was so cute with those ears...:inlove:)
I'd bet on the characters still being chibi-ish (since going for realistic graphics on the DS isn't realistic... :P). And anyways, if you despise this version, it doesn't mean you can't go back to the original.
I heard about that from a friend... And I really think this is going to be great. I do not believe the graphics will be too chibbish, only a bit. Since, well, in the original versions the eyes on the sprites were big enough to be classified at least anime styled (well, during battles anyway).

I'd like to see how they'll design the backround for the final battle though...

Anyway, FFIV is my 2nd favourite Final Fantasy in terms of storyline (and possibly my second favourite overall) so this is awesome news to me.
I just saw the Japanese trailer for FFIV, didn't show much but, urgh! I want it! :D

Also, I read this on Final Fantasy Wiki and thought it was interesting.

According to executive producer Takashi Tokita (scenario writer of the original release), 3/4 of the original script had been cut from Super Famicom original release, but this lost material will be reworked into the remake, while some new events will also be added.

EDIT: YouTube link

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When i saw the way the game actually looked, I was immediately disappointed. I don't know, that...chibi Crystal Chronicles look just doesn't suit IV, I think. And as if Octomann didn't look ridiculous enough!
I'm just judging the game by looks now, I haven't played the remake, so I can't fully judge it yet. But this gets me thinking "nevermind Kain, think...Cecil...or even worse...Edward. O____O"
When i saw the way the game actually looked, I was immediately disappointed. I don't know, that...chibi Crystal Chronicles look just doesn't suit IV, I think. And as if Octomann didn't look ridiculous enough!
I'm just judging the game by looks now, I haven't played the remake, so I can't fully judge it yet. But this gets me thinking "nevermind Kain, think...Cecil...or even worse...Edward. O____O"

If you are referring to the gameplay pic, that's Dark Knight Cecil, I think, and not Kain.
It may never go down to $20... most reasonably good DS games are made, sell out, and then are sold used for crazy prices. If you want it, get it fresh. I've made that mistake a couple times with DS games.
Yeah I reckon the States will get the game by the end of the year and Europe in 2008. I'm not bothered since I can just order the States version anyway. I'll probably do that because I'm not waiting another 4 or 5 months when this game comes out.