Easiest /Hardest Esper


Grand Master Mage
Mar 22, 2007
Who was the easiest esper in your opinion.

For me it was Chaos, Walker of the Wheel, seriously.

I fought him with Basch, Vaan and Penelo, Penelo was immune to silence and had her gambits set to curing the party. Basch and Vaan both had Telekensis set in their gambits and I just let go of the pad, 5 minutes later Chaos was dead.
Belias, just have oil heals and he's a sinch. Even without them he's not much of a challenge, being a compulsory boss near the start of the game.

But if you're talking about the optional ones then I'd probably go for Exodus or Zalhera. Exodus just couldn't do much damage to my party, and the fact that healing spells can damage Zalhera is a big help.

Cuchulain and Adrammalech both gave me headaches, especially Cuchulain.

Zeromus was fine once I actually levelled up to a decent point. I never got 'round to trying Chaos, Ultima or Zodiac though, so I'm not sure what they're like. I doubt Zodiac'll be much of a walkover though.
I thought Famfrit was the easiest, infact the hardest thing about him was that you fought him during your fight with Cid
Uhm Belias has to be easiest, you need him for the story and well....he's weakest one...not to mention the first one you get.
Don't get me wrong...he did kill me the first time I fought him >>;;
Adrammelech was one of the easiest, he was easy to find and, since at the time I already had Telekenesis, I guess that made it even easier. But the thing is...almost all Espers are easy...sometimes the thing that makes them hard is all the extra enemies they might have around, those are really annoying.
For me it was Chaos, Walker of the Wheel, seriously

What level were you at? I really struggled against Chaos, took me about 40 mins, maybe I wasn`t leveled up enough :huh:.
Belias was the easiest, with him being the first esper boss and everything.

I also found Adrammelech pretty easy, I defeated him with relative ease.
I haven't found any to be paticulary hard once you've got a decent Gambit set-up on the go. Belias by far though its pretty damn obvious.
Ahh I see my guys were between 5-10 levels lower. That said it was one of the better boss battles just cause of the fact that it took so long.
I know this is kinda cliche, with him being the "final" Esper and all, but I hated the Zodiark fight... it totally annihilated me nearly twenty times!
I had everyone at level 81 and he still totally killed my party (Vaan, Basch, Fran) in about 8 seconds, then out came my 55 Balthier (instantly dead), 49 Penelo (Even quicker than Balthier) then my 66 Ashe.
She managed to last a grand total of 12 (yes *sob*) 12! seconds before dying...
That was the first eleven of so times mind and on my first playthrough
I got him in the end.

Slightly offtopic though, sorry
I thought the easiest Esper was Mateus
Belias, Fira, Long-distance attacks.
Lather, rinse and repeat.
I actually found Adrammelech by accident and got my ass handed to me. lol.

But Cuchulain was veryyy easy for me as I got him while in my late 60's. haha.
For me the easiest was Zalera. He didn't had nay strong attacks, he only casted status infecting spells and weak skeletons rose when he was idle.
the easiest one for me waz the one u fight in the mesophorian highwaste (his name slipped my mind). i beat him with vaan, ashe, and fran leveled somewhere in the 50s i think
For me Famfrit was the weakest of em all,i would say Chaos,Belias,Zalera and Zeromus was also weak.Zodiark was the toughest of em all.
Exodus, for me. He was a incredibly easy, but that may be because I was so much farther ahead in the game than when most people do it. Never realised what those shrines in Highwaste were for!