Nintendo Entire Zelda series

twilight princess. it was the most beautiful and best story in the series. link's new abilities were utilized to their fullest and the introduction of edna was a nice addition. this game was my most fav nintendo based game and the best in my opinion. ganon was put into the game very nicely too
Twilight Princess is my favorite. It was the first Zelda game I played, and everything about it blew me away. The graphics were amazing, the battle moves were very fun to use, and many of the dungeons were very creative. It is actually a very fun game to replay for fun.
I love all of them, but I LOVED the idea of Four Swords. I was absolutely hooked on it for the longest time when I first heard about the concept of a multiplayer Zelda game. I just wish Nintendo would expand on it. Four Swords was definitely a lot of fun, if you had a full group of 4 players. I'd always play with my sister (who really, isn't very good at games, but she was willing to play), my mom (she's actually pretty decent at games, actually), and my cousin (she matches my skill, and we've been rivals in gaming for the longest time.)

We made a pretty amazing team, too.
Ive played i think almost all of the games in this series except for Zelda 2. I think this is one of the best game series personally in my opinion. Good story lines and most were fun overall.
Love Ocarina of Time. There were plenty of dungeons of varying difficulty to keep me busy, and the ocarina music was classy. Requiem of Spirit needs a hip-hop remix. I liked all of the weapons (some weapons in other games didn't impress me, like the Cane of Somaria and Cane of Pacci) and the plot never seemed to drag. That was a good year for games, if I remember correctly.
So what all Legend's of Zelda did i NOT include in the poll, i just put the ones i knew right off the bat on there, but there are a lot more i know, anybody care to enlighten me?
Ok I can't vote in this poll and I do see the results...

I would have to say that A Link to the Past is my favorite Zelda game. I like how it is very simular to the original, but more updated and complicated, and it the story isn't way to involved. I like my Link to not have much interaction with NPC's. :D

Followed closely would have to be Twilight Princess. I haven't beaten this game yet so it could replace A Link to the Past as my favorite. Unfortunatnly, A Link to the Past has nostalgic value to me.

And you can't forget the original!

And to respond to the poster above me, maybe we should include an other option.
Ok I can't vote in this poll and I do see the results...

I would have to say that A Link to the Past is my favorite Zelda game. I like how it is very simular to the original, but more updated and complicated, and it the story isn't way to involved. I like my Link to not have much interaction with NPC's. :D

Followed closely would have to be Twilight Princess. I haven't beaten this game yet so it could replace A Link to the Past as my favorite. Unfortunatnly, A Link to the Past has nostalgic value to me.

And you can't forget the original!

And to respond to the poster above me, maybe we should include an other option.
Aye, but i don't think you can edit a poll once it has expired... perhaps i should have set the date longer than June 30th... hmmm but i agree... the "other" option seems like a good idea, if only i could add it in now >.<
Definitely The Ocarina of Time. The storyline was awesome. Gameplay good. Graphics were great for its time. The bad guy was scary. Ahh~ This game is just soo awesome! I loved the idea of traveling between time, growing older and younger.
The original is my favorite It was such an expansive game at an early stage of the NES's life, and even through there wasn't whole lot in the way of significant missables or any way to twist the story (aside from doing low-level equip/life challenges), it still had great replay value. Music was fantastic. I remember beating both quests in about 4 days (I was very young at the time), going up to my room, and starting to cry a little like I'd lost someone. I hated myself for killing the mystery so fast.

OOT is a very close 2nd. The only areas I dock it points, are that a little more intimate level of character interaction would have been nice, and that some of the townspeople are just disturbingly odd, ones with the pointy moustaches that trapse around on their tip-toes...arms flapping. Just wierd.
So what all Legend's of Zelda did i NOT include in the poll, i just put the ones i knew right off the bat on there, but there are a lot more i know, anybody care to enlighten me?

Off the top of my head:

The Legend of Zelda (NES)
Zelda 2: Adventure of Link (NES)
A Link to the Past (SNES)
Link's Awakening (Gameboy)
Ocarina of Time (N64)
Majora's Mask (N64)
Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages (GBC)
Four Swords (GBA)
Wind Waker (Gamecube)
Four Swords Adventures (Gamecube)
The Minish Cap (GBA)
Twilight Princess (Wii)
Phantom Hourglass (DS)

I think that's all of them, feel free to say if I missed any or if they are in the wrong order. ^_^
OoT is the best game. TP was amazing because of all the little bits that reminded you of OoT but had much better graphics making it breath taking. Like when I went into the Temple of Time. Oh my God I cried. Anyone whos played OoT and didn't like TP. You are a fool.

I found MM a let down after OoT. Wind Waker is amazing. If you think the game is going to be childish cus of the cute graphics your wrong. It was fantastic! Phantom Hourglass intigued me cus WW was so good but I was let down by it wasn't Ganon and I wasn't impressed with this Bellum sucker and I found the whole game waaaay to easy but not bad looking for their first game on the DS.

Bring on Spirit Tracks in Dec just hope it isn't DSi enhanced game cus then I'd have to buy a DSi. When they asked Nintendo if it was they just replied with 'wouldn't that be nice'
Not got my hands on a Wii yet so haven't played TP. First on my list a new TV, than onto a Wii.

Wind Waker was indeed brilliant. Massive world to explore, and the ending boss battles were great, alot of exploring. Just wish there was more land.

A Link to the Past is epic. Loved the travelling between worlds and the upgrading of weapons, a fully powered Master Sword is the dog's bollocks.

Ocarina of Time, absolutely legendary. Probably the game I've spent the most time on not actually doing anything, just roaming around. The story was great, loved the gameplay, the graphics at the time were great too. Freaky ass looking people though lol.
Every Zelda game has prided on being unique and redefining the game after every installment.

We all have a special place in our hearts for OoT, because well, it was like the FF7 for the zelda series.

Personally, i'd go with Twilight Princess. Excellent and compelling storyline. Great use of the Wii controls so much i was more immersed in the game than any other Zelda title
i love a link to the past!!! i like ocarina of time and twilight princess too, but a link to the past was the first zelda game that really got me hooked, therefore i will love it forever :)
I can't believe that Majoras Mask isn't on this list. It is the ONLY gold colored game in N64's history and it is not on the list?

Anyway, Majoras Mask is my favorite. Mostly because I can change figures as I put on different masks, the bosses are humorous, especially the mask itself. Ocarina of Time is a good second place, though.
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I am a loyal fan of The Legend of Zelda series, and I enjoy all the games in the series. My favourite so far would have to be Wind Waker. I'm extremely excited for Spirit Tracks and Zelda Wii right now. I love the Zelda series in all it's glory, all the games are truly brilliant and should not be missed!
OoT is my favourite by a long way. The story was IMO the best of the lot, and some of the dungeons actuallly presented a challenge, though at time, some were just really easy. I actually liked OoT so much when wind waker came out on Gamecube I got the version that came with OoT and a special OoT "Master Quest" which extended the dungeons from the original game, that was fun! I also like TP a lot, as it returned to the N64 roots, giving me another game similar to OoT, which I had been hoping for for quite a long time.
I chose Ocarina of Time I though Link was cute as a kid =P with the fairy. It was my first Zelda game i've play on the 64. I remember watching my dad play that game and to me it'll always be a fun game I enjoy. It's a classic well to me since that was like my first Zelda game XD. I just thought the game was fun and I love it =D