Story Yuta
Story stopped as the other boy spoke and looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a slightly curled smirk...Story enjoyed being alone but he also enjoyed pissing people off. He couldn't help it. It came with the bitterness he held inside his heart.
"Stay out of my way, and I'll tolerate you." He sneered. His voice was deep yet smooth for a boy of his age but there was a hint of venom to his tone. Giving one last glare, he left the room. He had about an hour until dinner time. What was he meant to do in this dump until then?? He walked out into the dorm corridors and watched all the people busily trying to find their rooms, all so excited...what for? Story rolled his eyes and made his way to the courtyard. There weren't many people here yet, there wasn't much need to come out into the couryard while people were still unpacking.
He sat on one of the benches there and rotated, laying his back on it, putting his hands behind his head and he stared up at the stars. Looking at the constellations. It was lovely here in this one himself.