Eureka Academy

I had already desided i was going to have nova make an entrance at the meeting, i'll be a little late (fashionably)... Start the planning and plotting good sirs...
Many of the StuCo guys are waiting for people to show up in the dorm right?

I know that Delijah and Veerle cannot join since they're on mission
Okay guys i'll be in spain for the immediate future (say a week and a half), i got broadband there so i'll try and get posts up but i might be "lagging" for want of a better term...
Sorry for the double post but i wanted the bump to get it back in the spotlights... But is everyone on holyday or something? Since posting speed seems to have taken a (stage) dive when i left for my vacation...
I don't know, but it is starting to concern me, I've been waiting so much lately for Vikki to make new posts as the RP goes along, it all seems to just be at a stand still, frozen in time, except that time is not waiting for it... :gonk:
I've got Raistlin in the proper room and am waiting for more people to show up. The only difference is, I'm patient and can wait. :griin:
Well, patience or no, I think weeks with next to no activity in an RP isn't a good sign, and if that doesn't change, this could be heading in the wrong direction fast, that is my main concern as far as this RP goes. >.>'
Weeks? I believe it's only been a week and a half. At the two week period, that's when I would be worried. However, the slow down didn't really start until Oliver made the announcement. Which was the 18th. I posted shortly afterward then we didn't get a post in there until the 23rd.

Still, sometimes people just can't post. Shit happens. Most people don't have their lives floating around the RP section of the board. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Then again, you have an amazing track record of panicking and worrying when there is no need. :hmmm:
Oh shush. :wacky: Yes, I've gotten carried away some now and then, but not non stop, as one might think by what you let on. :P

But apologies for when I have blown things out of proportion, made some big deal out of something that wasn't really that big. <.<

Well I'll continue to hope for a bit more activity in the RP before too awfully long. And when it has become two weeks, well, I'll be amidst a few day stretch of not having any access to Internet, I think that would be the first day actually. :hmmm:
Personally, its the teachers. All other DisCo members besides Raistlin has missions. All StuCo are already in the room. All thats left are the teachers to get there. I guess we could start ahead before the teachers get there, but Oliver would have to post. There is no need to panic. Once things get kicked back into gear, there is enough people with interest for it to keep going, even if people drop out.
Yeah, Raistlin got stuck with the afternoon mission. :hmph: However, that gave him plenty of time to research and what not. :griin:

I'm very eager as to what's going to happen in this meeting. :britt:

It's not just that.

It's summer. Some people have plans. Others are affected by other things. Heat, family, commitments with friends...

I have concussion so sitting and thinking and writing an RP post pushes me a bit atm. =/

(If anyone wants to pad the pavements for me, I'd be eternally grateful -__-)
yeah i just figured i´d check... writing a thesis gives me a butload of time to worry about fff:)

/me goes and closes some blinds for fran...
ah fuck. I was gunning for it T.T

I might be willing to take Veerle since she is on a mission with Maya, though i cannot guarantee that ill play her eactly the way you would. Just until the mission is over.
I WILL get a post up by the end of the weekend. Just bear with me for a couple more days, is all I'm asking.
I have to try and become a bit more into this RP...I have a spar going on right now, but man I am itching for a fight!! :rage:
You're actually supposed to be at a meeting Squeezy :hmmm: If you don't go then oh well...

Anyways my darling students! How I missed thee! But now I'm back and free....well almost free from summer dates and stuff! But No more school in the summer whooooo! Now! Lets get to posting. or shall I speed things up? I'll have a post up on like Friday/Saturday.
Oracio Krego can go, but Arukab is in a bit of a spar...I'll get Krego there in my next post, probably gonna do a latter tbh :hmmm:
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I could have at least done something for Sophia, but I have been lacking inspiration, and we've been super busy with the move (we being myself, my brother, and my father)...

And on that note, going to be packing the rest of the stuff and leaving tomorrow, so I won't have access to the Internet for two or three days, just a heads up. ^^; But I'll have Hi-Speed Internet once I get back online. :ryan:
*Steals post 1000*

I'll aim to post after Bolt and Vikki. I prefer to cover both my characters with one post. That's the reason for my lack of activity lately.