Eureka Academy

mitsuru you are a BASTARD you stole my plan:)

well at least i got to intelectually browbeat the lot of you:)
Thanks for warning us Bolt. ^_^

Anyways, got my post in so....Oh! I almost forgot about the expulsion still going on... I'll get up the list soon...
Does he mean his long ass post that I've yet to respond to?

I'd say there were smart points made...except for one missed concept :tehe:
You neglected to answer my question...Can I do a latter for Krego to make it as though he was on time?

Also, where is this post that says anything about me being called into a meeting? :gasp:
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Actually I found it, and that means Arukab is included that put's a kink in that. I wanted to see if I could edit my previous Arukab post instead, because Arukab also must go to the meeting now...
I had a better idea among working on Krego's post :andry:

Krego will pop in and disturb the fight after the meeting, so you can go ahead and post with Taron. I'm being complicated today...
Also, this one is to Oliver...can I have Arukab call his daughter, Luna, into battle? :wacky: She can really do some good damage :8F:

She would be treated as an NPC mostly under my command. Other people can influence her actions as well, so long as they keep her in character. After the battle she would go back to her own life and never pop up in EA again :mokken:
Ooh grandstanding with no basis in fact...

@Oli the post would have been thought through more carefully but RSI was eating my arm and shoulders...

EDIT: I am so tempted to make you prove your "I´m so badass you cant begin to comprehend" statement... To bad collateral would be well beyond my own preordained limits... And I am not quite that petty, i mean i´m close to being petty enough that if i write a two page post to help you lot out and you dismiss it out of hand to then force you to do it but... Not quite...
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Ooh grandstanding with no basis in fact...

Which is pretty much the same thing you did.

Assuming that a school is going to use 200 pound bombs, tanks, planes, etc, is kind of (if you pardon the pun) blowing things out of proportion. We're talking about two school's here. Both of which are rival academy's. If I was about to go up against my rival that used swords and magic, I'm not showing up the the party with Ak-47's and rocket launchers. I'm going to want to take the fight to him, with swords and magic to prove that I'm better.

That's the logic Raistlin is going by. Take this however you will, but I didn't like the picture that you painted up for us one little bit. Which is why I brought up one I did like. No offense, but with the picture you were painting it was starting to sound like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. If I wanted to join a CoD:MW RP, I would make one.

So, let's say you do make that two page post in order to make us conform to your standard. I'm sure no one here would allow it, and it's somewhat pretentious, don't you think?

Let's say that bombs were dropped. We could easily have all the Mages of the school create force fields protecting the school and the people. Instead of trying to take things over by making long posts designed to force us to do what you want, how about we do what many RPer's before us have done and work together? It seems to have worked many, many, times before. Why fix what ain't broke?
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EDIT: I am so tempted to make you prove your "I´m so badass you cant begin to comprehend" statement... To bad collateral would be well beyond my own preordained limits... And I am not quite that petty, i mean i´m close to being petty enough that if i write a two page post to help you lot out and you dismiss it out of hand to then force you to do it but... Not quite...
I assume that this is directed to me? :wacky: Like I have said countless times before, Arukab is almost untouchable, and to team with Krego is to make the apocalypse a real possibility, don't talk as if I can't when you have to even see me in a REAL battle and not this petty teachers play.

Also, to say the the government would allow students under the ages of 20 and a few teachers older is ridiculous :wacky: Do you think they would trust that many students with such advanced weaponry? :rofl: Just the idea tickles my tummy. (That's supposed to sound childish). I would love to see what would happen to the government if me, Ringo, and Oliver were given such weaponry :wacky:

Also, did you forget about your own magic as well? If your character is so worried about the students, then couldn't she do what she did with Sophia? The ferfnir? But you know, without the near death experiences? That would ensure their safety. They would no longer be in range. So next time you worry about such a thing, think about your characters capabilities. I for one do know that Arukab and Oracio can cause hell to freeze over by the look of the team. I made Oracio just for the purpose of a tag team, I was hoping to get this opportunity.

Besides, all of our teachers are basically invincible, so just the idea that we could ever die is just...I don't even know the word...Ludicrous? Arukab can't die, why do you think he is over 200 years old? :rofl:

Kudos though, I needed a good laugh before work :8F:
Wow.... so many plans for destruction and doom.... *is impressed*

I'm technically still part of this RP, I'm just biding my time for a come-back (by Oli's agreement) so I suppose I'm still allowed to comment.

Welp, I suppose I had better move on.... things to do, people to blow up in Starcraft two (woot, that rhymed!)

Oh yeah, you guys shouldn't be factoring in the powers of the Student Council. Just to let you know.
Okay my intention was NOT to grandstand with no basis in fact my character has said she would be talking in worst case scenarios, which means a full on assault which is intended to WIN and win BIG. Ofcourse i dont know what kind of tech the enemy (read the armed forces) has and what they are allowed/willing to commit... I am negating the entire enemy academy based on the ground that they are insignificant next to the armed forces which as far as i read earlier posts (and based on what you guys told Nova) will be involved.

As I said this is all based on conjecture and roleplaying on my part based on what little i know of military tactics and proceedures (a butt tonne of books and a few decent documentaries being foremost amongst those aswell as the less credible action movies).

As for the later things, yes Nova´s a very powerfull individual maybe the scariest SOB on the planet at this point in time, however if she does anything with her magic (starting at lighting a cigarette) that has concequences on her health, as i have mentioned in my bio and roleplayed prior to this thign, could she demolish an army. Quite probably, would it be a case of burning down the village so that you can save it? Yes, Orbtial barrages and multi gigawatt lasers make for very cool light shows but they arent exactly precision weaponry.

One more thing directed at "Other" I´ve checked Akurab´s bio and as far as i read it you can make silver armor, and do some cool things with that stuff, -a cool power, original and probably very badass versus werewolves and other things with a weakness versus silver-.
However the way i read what you wrote down (and i am and have always been a hardass for "if it´s not in your bio your char cant do it") your character is an old (you say he is biologically around 50) human who doesnt age well and is armored in something with a Moh hardness of 2.5 which makes it slightly more sturdy then gypson and less hard then Calcite. I´m prepared to accept that its magical silver and thus very awesome and a great deal harder then normal silver but the way you wrote it down if that dude takes a big hit his skin might be intact but he´ll be blasted of his feet (kinetic energy doesnt lie) and possibly pulp his internal organs since you mention no protection from impact of any sort nor any other defences then some fancy silver spikes and a dagger (based on it´s size i´m not calling that a sword sorry i have kitchen knives bigger then that) which makes him stop aging...

But lets knock this off i mean if we wanna go and do some massive grandstanding sure hey lets go I´m game for it... Just dont complain when i start applying some serious math and try to calculate how many peaces the world ends up in when we´re done...
*Peices...but anyway, my post will describe the actual unit attacking us.

Lets not worry or fuss over this as everything will run smooth. On another note I am sensing powerplaying in the air. lets not talk too big students.