


This the same Aunt Bessie we're talking about here?
Unless he has a strange brother who likes to log on and pretend to be him, just to get him banned.......whoa deja vu. why is that familiar :wacky:
*scratches head*

Rings a bell. :O

Unless Haldo was drunk when he wrote welcome, that could explain everything. Brings out his inner heart.
He's a little kitten really. I know this because we're best frannnds, obv. :awesome:
1) Europe sucks.
2) Argor is wrong, and I'm right.
3)Only my word matters here.

Besides that, I doubt that you're too far off the mark.
And if I welcomed someone it was obviously because what they had said was somewhat amusing.
Am not.:ness:

Unless that mean I'm also wrong about you thinking I am wrong and that secretly you love every word I say. :awesome:
But then you'd be wrong about that and you'd be wrong at being wrong, then wrong at being wrong at being wrong. You'd just be a circle of wrong-ness.
If in doubt, just remember that I am right.