
All engish people believe they are superior to everyone. They cling onto a silly cup win that was over 40 years ago. You cant watch one world cup match without them bringing up 1966. Its all over the news about how this could be 'englands' year...its sad and fukin annoying -__-. Sportman who are scottish or irish are reffered to as british people when they win but if they lose theyre reffered to by their home nationality.

That was truth:monster:

Not true!

I'm not sporty in that way at all. I don't give a damn about 66 and I find it annoying that that soddin victory IS our culture now to most people within England. :brooding:.

It sucks.
That's because you haven't done anything since then. The highlight of the last 50 years of your history is winning a sporting competition, which is pathetic.
Also Alex G Bell didn't invent the telephone, he patented it, just like American companies are trying to patent Basmati rice.
Have fun selling your sovereignty to Brussels:monster:
I admit that we've sucked for so long now. It's not my fault, if it were me in charge of culture we'd be an awesome Steampunk society.

We just suck because people don't care / don't understand culture etc. Wales, Scotland and Ireland etc are full of awesome culture but we're generally stuck with meh. You go to these places and they're full of passion about where they're from.

You to England... and... Most places it's just full of crap. Not happy with England at the moment :gasp: .

It's the fixation on football and rugby and cricket that is our downfall in my opinion! Yes sport is good etc when you're into it but put priorities first!
I admit that we've sucked for so long now. It's not my fault, if it were me in charge of culture we'd be an awesome Steampunk society.

We just suck because people don't care / don't understand culture etc. Wales, Scotland and Ireland etc are full of awesome culture but we're generally stuck with meh. You go to these places and they're full of passion about where they're from.

You to England... and... Most places it's just full of crap. Not happy with England at the moment :gasp: .

It's the fixation on football and rugby and cricket that is our downfall in my opinion! Yes sport is good etc when you're into it but put priorities first!
It's not apathy. It's the fact that at the end of the day, it's a small irrelevant landmass. It's not even a regional power, Germany and France are the main European powers. England/Britain was once a global power, now, it's sucks America's cock for power. The problem isn't apathy, it's a ridiculous notion that your country should be powerful. Embrace mediocrity.
Meh. I don't care about power.

We ruled the world once and that is good enough for me :D.

I just wish we had more... culture. Or at least emphasised our culture more.

I wouldn't say we're irrelevant. Our language is widely spread etc. We're famous, well-hated, and will always be known, but yeah we're crap and weak.
It's a germanic language, so it's not yours at all. You can have Celtic if you like.
What culture would you emphasize? Shakespeare? That would be cheating as your country isn't like that any more.
All countries look to the past for their culture though.

And no. Shakespeare fails :brooding: .
No they don't.
A country's culture should reflect itself, not some past ideal that is a load of bullshit. England isn't a country of Constable landscapes and slightly eccentric upper class idiots living in their country mansions.
But our current state is crap.

We NEED to refer and express our past in order to come off as passable. And in order to feel slightly patriotic I don't want our culture to be fish and chips, knife crime and football. :gasp:

It's not about what most people are when your country is as crap as it is. It's about who we want to be / see ourselves as being.
So all germans should pretend the holocaust never happened?
No :confused:.

I don't mean to delete history, but I'm pretty sure most Germans don't consider the Holocaust as a defining element of what it is to be German.
It's hugely significant part of German history and effects who they are.
A country's culture is not what they like about themselves, it's who they are, what defines them.
You could say that your own personal idea of English culture is beer, and romantic poets. You could identify with that, but it wouldn't be English culture, as it has to represent everyone.
No it isn't to be ignored, the Holocaust is an important part of their history, but I doubt think they look back on it and to promote it as what it means to be a German.

And this is about identifying. I'm saying I don't want to identify with cultureless England. And in representing everyone the catch is that you lose individual cultures that way.

What I'm refering to is the image, not the whole-hearted truth. The face people put on and say "hey this is us!".

It's meant to make us look back and think "wow, we were like that", even if we weren't, it doesn't matter. It becomes part of our cultural myth.

If we take everybody into account when defining a national image we're just left with a big mess of... people, smudged together from different parts of the world. It all means nothing then.
What I'm refering to is the image, not the whole-hearted truth. The face people put on and say "hey this is us!".
Which is effectively a stereotype. There's nothing wrong with presenting an image to sell to tourists, everyone thinks that NZ is a lovely safe place, the English are slightly eccentric a la the good life etc. But if it's not accurate it's meaningless.
Yeah I agree it isn't accurate, but it inspires etc.

Life would be boring without some sort of image.

Not just to sell to tourists but to help give yourself an identity as well. To some people it is more important than it is to others, but to some people it is very important. It's different from narrowing yourself down though, I feel. Having a passion for what you feel it is to be cultural to your own area is different from stereotyping yourself as a person like a chav etc.

Besides I consider myself British more than English anyway.
I just read that.....:lol: why so serious eh? Who actually cares. Argor does bez' oppinion actually bother you? o_O
spam debate should be taken lightly :vikki:
His opinion means nothing to me. :awesome:

I just wanted to explain myself so I didn't look like a complete plonker. :monster: