excited about the main character?

I dont think they would make a character godmodding... If anything the character will be just as good as any monster at his level just like anyother Final Fantasy. I definitly think that its worth getting a PS3 over :D
The trailer and the character alone have made me much more excited for Versus. My friends have all seen the trailer too, and when the main character came on the screen we all squealed, "Ohmigosh, Sasuke!" We think he looks like Uchiha Sasuke, from Naruto... ^_^ Anyway, I'm psyched.

I'm just as eager to see the main character's flaws as I am to see what else he can do; he's sure to have some weaknesses somewhere.

*pokes Main Character*
I think this blue-haired dude is just the lovechild of Cloud and Squall. I'm not excited by this game at all. The whole thing seems to be a guise as to get more money from fans. OMG HeS SO B@ddaS$! Like CL0UD!

... Pah, I'd like an original character, please.

Oh, I forgot, he's designed my Nomura. Original isn't part of his dictionary.
I think this blue-haired dude is just the lovechild of Cloud and Squall. I'm not excited by this game at all. The whole thing seems to be a guise as to get more money from fans. OMG HeS SO B@ddaS$! Like CL0UD!

... Pah, I'd like an original character, please.

Oh, I forgot, he's designed my Nomura. Original isn't part of his dictionary.

I don't think the source of excitement is the main character being 'the lovechild of Cloud and Squall'. The reason people are excited over this new main character is that while he is dark and mysterious, the world around him is as equally dismal and morose. At first it would seem like a perfect match: an "emo" character in an "emo" world. However, seeing just what about his position in not only his world but the game as a whole is troubling to him sparks some anticipation in the hearts of loyal FF gamers.

So while Cloud and Squall were antisocial and depressing, they had characters surrounding them that were always happy and chipper, trying to break them out of their respective shells. However, in Final Fantasy Versus XIII, it seems as if there is no bouncy girl in a sunrise-colored dress squeaking at him to change his ways. It seems as if "????" will be malevolent and mysterious throughout the game while he battles his inner demons and more importantly, those who would stand in his way.
For the record, this game and FF13 are 50 percent of the reason why I have a PS3.

I'm pretty much the only one out of my friends who is excited about this game. I'm also in the "main character looks awesome" club, but I agree that it has something to do with the darkness and mystery surrounding the game... guess I'm just a sucker for that kind of stuff. I only wish that he looked a bit older than 17. I'm generally all over Tetsuya Nomura's character designs, but I think he hasn't accepted the fact that a character doesn't have to look like a minor to be cool and attractive.

Cleansation said:
I think he looks pretty cool even tho he's emo.

That is hilarious.
I think this blue-haired dude is just the lovechild of Cloud and Squall. I'm not excited by this game at all. The whole thing seems to be a guise as to get more money from fans. OMG HeS SO B@ddaS$! Like CL0UD!

... Pah, I'd like an original character, please.

Oh, I forgot, he's designed my Nomura. Original isn't part of his dictionary.

Pity you think that, considering according to the new, special trailer, this game is a fantasy based on reality. You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, truly. And just for the record, how on earth can you base him as emo? Because he's quiet? So now because a person is quiet they're automatically considered emo? Please...
I am so inlove with the look of this game to be honest.
I am planning to buy a PS3 for versus only. FF13 looks cool too but I don't like the look of the main character... I don't think I could get used to a female main.
I am actually more excited to see shotgun guy more than the prince though... man o mighty he is hot Amirite?
How can you not be excited about a hotty like that ;)

He's gorgoeus, strong as hell (he uses Haste :D), and probably rich.

But you know, how do we know he's actually there hero? For him to be so freakishly strong at the beginning of the game isn't likely; I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be the Final Boss or something LOL
The main guy looks like a more masculine J-Rocker.

Which in my book is A-Okay.
Plus, I love the aristocratic sort of characters, or the rich and powerful, like Rufus ShinRa, for example. So, hopefully this guy can deliver.

Though, I can say, it would be nice to have another goofball hero like Zidane, Edgar, or Locke.

But, the hot, surly guy will suffice for now. xD
How can you not be excited about a hotty like that ;)

He's gorgoeus, strong as hell (he uses Haste :D), and probably rich.

But you know, how do we know he's actually there hero? For him to be so freakishly strong at the beginning of the game isn't likely; I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be the Final Boss or something LOL

Actually that's a pretty good point :O
How I will be sad if that's the case!!!

But I guess they wouldn't play him up to be so huge if he was only the boss.:dry:

STORM CLOUD LIGHTNING SQUALL( for those who dont know: A squall is a sudden, sharp increase in wind speed which usually is associated with active weather, such as rain showers, thunderstorms, or heavy snow.)

square enix has a thing for weather terms..

But neways i think Storm and Lightning will be kick a$$ characters. Hopefully im not wrong.
I think he has a regal princely air to him which I quite like. I would preferably prefer him to be an anti-social loner with a heart (akin to squall in FF8) as most of the royal family cast in the FF's are either antagonists or straight out goody two shoes.

So if they could make this guy have the badass attitude of a overly powerful prince (who later matures and shed's his previous behavior) without the emo-ness of Cloud & Co then he should be an interesting character to see.
what pisses me off is what people think that is the main charecter, no one knows for sure. im confident that is this (hero) figure - (die if you think its lightning... lol jk but your not cool!)!!!