

  • Once a day

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • 2-3 times a week

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • 4-5 times a week

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • 2-5 times a month

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • once a year

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Never!

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters
I Exercise once a day, infact some days i exercise twice a day (namely monday, wednessday and friday) i do all of this exercise because i am studying Sports in college and i have to exercise during the college day because we have practical lessons and on monday, wednessday and friday I go to my local gym for a work out so i am rather healthy
Great thread Rydia! ^_^
Usually I go swimming once a week, but whenever I get a chance I go outside to cycle.
I can never resist dancing, I do that every single day. You can call me a sporty girl ;)
I exercise once a week. Well, if dancing truly is an exercise. For about 2 hours. :wacky:

Just to keep a good heart and all.

And sometimes on other days too.
When the hips just can't resist.
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I go to the gym 3 - 4 times a week, then on Wednesdays I go to acrobatics, and I usually dance throughout the week as well. I also walk a lot, as no one in my family who lives in my city has a car.
Gray Fox said:
I try to put in at least 20-25 mile jog a day.
Dear god, man. At least? haha

How do your joints hold up to that? Going on runs like that EVERY day would break your knees down. Finding the time to do that each day is a feat in itself. Crazy stuff.
Dear god, man. At least? haha

How do your joints hold up to that? Going on runs like that EVERY day would break your knees down. Finding the time to do that each day is a feat in itself. Crazy stuff.

In short...and to be 100% honest here. I am rehabbing from vicodin mainly because of it. I had to take roughly 30 vics a day because of that among other things. I have no cartilage in my knees because of it. But of course, silly me I have to relive my glory days. I'm training for athe Iron Man Triathlon. I've run for 10 years of my life and have never once lost a race. So despite the pain I have to keep on training to win.
i really need to start exercising more! i've become a fatty!! lately i've been so busy and i've been eating out too much. i don't have time to cook me a good meal. but it's so hard for me to get motivated >_< i need a workout buddy!!! i've decided to run down and up the hill i live on at least once a week. i did it about 2 weeks ago and i died x_x .
In short...and to be 100% honest here. I am rehabbing from vicodin mainly because of it. I had to take roughly 30 vics a day because of that among other things. I have no cartilage in my knees because of it. But of course, silly me I have to relive my glory days. I'm training for athe Iron Man Triathlon. I've run for 10 years of my life and have never once lost a race. So despite the pain I have to keep on training to win.
How do you manage that kind of training without the cartilage in your knees? o_O

That's intense.
Running has always been my life, way of entertainment, stress relief and so on. Besides, I've put myself through worse then that for track. Running with broken neck, hip, foot, and such.
But with the Triathlon training it doesn't put as much stress on me with the bike riding and swimming.

Other then running I find much joy in core workouts. Working out is a lot like the joy I find in video games. A slow progression, being better and better with each attempt.
ur wierd dude i dont know that guy i exercise about 3 times a week i dance not like that gay stuff i mean like hip hop that b-boy stuff
Running has always been my life, way of entertainment, stress relief and so on. Besides, I've put myself through worse then that for track. Running with broken neck, hip, foot, and such.
But with the Triathlon training it doesn't put as much stress on me with the bike riding and swimming.

Other then running I find much joy in core workouts. Working out is a lot like the joy I find in video games. A slow progression, being better and better with each attempt.

I know what you mean. Running is a great way to just get away from things. Definitely great for relieving stress...though I, personally, would have trouble concentrating on something other than a broken neck. haha I'm impressed that you can keep with it despite all the injuries. Good stuff.

And yeah, monitoring your progress can be fun...especially when you see improvement. When I first started running, I was running a mile in about 10 minutes. Pretty bad. A few years later, I average 6 minutes a mile for 5 miles. I'm no high class athlete, but I'm happy with the advancements.

It's easy to stick with exercising when you get something out of it.
I exercise 4-5 times a week on average. Usually on weekdays. Do about 40 minutes of weight training and 20 minutes of cardio. I enjoy it now, although I didn't at first.
Speaking of exercising, I went to the weight room last night (currently staying at a resort) and did 30 minutes worth of work-out. I did the threadmill, stairmaster, bar dips, leg lifts, and worked my pectoralis major and minor. It felt great! (But now I'm sore).

I'm actually tempted to join a gym... >.>

Ah well, running every other day suits me just fine though. I've been doing it for over 3 weeks now and I can definitely say that I feel a big difference as far as having more energy and just generally feeling great and healthy.
Does school count?

I don't exercise that much out of school like i'll go for a walk to help mum with the shopping and go to video store and go to a friends house and such.

But on Tuesdays and Wendsdays i do P.E for 2 periods so i guesss that's exercise then at lunch and recess i run around and such but yeah other then that nothing.
Plenty of walking is good, but it does not do enough for me. Which I was why Im doing this special leisure centre package for £20 a month. I get unlimited swimming times, gym times from 9am until 5pm (last admission 4pm), as well getting free entry into aerobics classes! <3
*well i exercise almost every night cause im busy in the day :)

*but i get lots of exercise at school cause im a health major, so we do warmn ups jogging and lots of sports activities,i catually like sweating out makes meh feeeellll sexaaayyy! :) weeeeeee :D
I've took up more Tennis now...I blame Wimbledon. It's good though, especially since we can go into school during the day (even though we've left) and play on the astro-turf since they have proper nets...and the PE teachers are willing to play as well...because they're are awesome :)

Haven't done football in a while now apart from 5-a-side which is every Thursday although I went on a one off today. But training should start back up again in July at some point so I need to reach peak fitness...which is why 5-a-side helps a lot, mainly because it improves ball control drastically and it is pretty much non-stop running. Although it is weird having our manager watching us because he works there xD
How often do you exercise? Do you work out often? Do you find it important to exercise?

Lately, I have been going to the gym. I figured that sitting at the computer for hours a day isn't going to be good for me in the long run. :P

I try to go two to three times a week.

I'm not too good at it yet though XD. Usually I walk on the tread mill for twenty minutes and then I do some weight training. The first time I went to the gym I way over did it and could hardly move the next day. XD

Eh, I went to a gym for a while, and could bench 235 pounds, but then I suffered an injury =(, Now I just do light weights, I can now bench 185, and am slowly making my way up :D.
i just recently joined the gym i try to go at least 3 times a week but to be honest its a real pain. But afer i come out the gym i feel so much better, brand new so to speak. I dont wanna end up fat and outta shape so i force myself to keep fit.
I am pretty much just a friggin' lazy bum. I work out once a month, if going to a concert and headbanging for 2 hours, or having extreme excess energy for some odd reason and do some push-ups counts as a workout..

Gladly enough though, I've got one hell of a metabolism so even if I don't work out and even if I eat junk food and candy 24/7, I dont get weight.

I am terribly regretting the fact that I cant convince myself to start to exercise though, as due to smoking and lack of exercise my stamina is under zero..

Doing sports is indeed a really good way to workout, as I've read in the posts above, but none of my friends is really into sports at this age, which is sad and me starting on my own is out of the question because I get extremelly bored after a short while, which is also kinda sad.
I cant really count the times I've taken up a sport or started going to the gym, but I got frustrated fast. The only conclusion I ended up with was that exersise is not compatible with my current character and lifestyle.

Too bad for me, eh?
