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Davey Gaga

Under you like a G.U.Y.
Jun 18, 2006
Glasgow City Centre, Scotland.
[FONT=&quot]I'm sure you'll all know about the recent events, which have happened, the most recent of which would be the LSD incident last night. There's been a long chain of events, which have occurred, and most of you members have been caught in the middle. It's time for an explanation, no matter how bad it looks for some of us. I'll leave out intimate details, such as exact words, but believe me; I'll leave no topic out.

Well, it all started a few weeks ago, interestingly. Darkblade and Sephire were having a discussion, during which, Darkblade said something to Sephire. Sephire did not like this comment and had been talking to me about this for a while. She was considering leaving FFF because of it. Well, she spoke to Darkblade just the other night, requesting an account deletion. A heated discussion followed on MSN and I was also part of this. Some things were said that should never have been said in the first place. Anyway, to keep you updated, that's three people who are involved: Sephire, Darkblade and myself.

This discussion was inadvertently taken to the shoutbox, as I believe some members will recall. After such discussions, Sephire was banned and I was demoted. Thus begins chapter 2 of the story...

Without causing too much trouble, I'm going to say that there were a number of things that several other members of staff were not too happy about, concerning Darkblade and the events on MSN. Garnet and Lady Aerith continued to discuss more with Darkblade, consequently resulting in Sephire's ban being lifted and my privileges restored. This brings us up to around lunchtime, yesterday.

Tethar Atrum soon became involved, in the sense that he agreed with the four of us and disagreed with Darkblade. After everything that had happened, we all resented Darkblade for some reason or another. Jokingly, it was suggested that we get in contact with the members of LOCP, now named LSD, for help in ... getting back at Darkblade. We all agreed that we would contact the member still on our contact lists on MSN, Abel.

We had intended for the members of LOCP to return and cause more drama. As a way of getting back at Darkblade, we had intended to just turn a blind eye to the drama and allow it to carry on, for Darkblade to fix all on his own. Some of us spoke to Abel, upon which, he blocked several of us and refused to aid us in anyway. It looked as though things would just carry on as normal.

Later that night, Abel IMed Garnet. He said that they were now interested in helping. Garnet consulted me, the only online person, for this. We decided to forget about the idea, because we knew how dodgy LOCP had been. However, by this time, Abel had managed to get some details out of Garnet. Garnet had no idea what Abel had been capable of at this point as she was not a member at the time Abel was. He told us that he was going to hack into FFF and ... mess around with Darkblade's account, as he was "public enemy #2". This is when FFF turned into that pure white screen with a few subheadings. He told Garnet that he made a mistake, which he'd fix it. He suddenly goes offline on MSN, i.e., we were both blocked. Soon, FFF was host to their image, their trademark porn and a quote or two from Darkblade, which they never let down ...

Garnet, Lady Aerith and I tried all night to fix it. Eventually, we had to give in and talk to Darkblade. Garnet had to confess everything. Thus, both Tethar and I were demoted, as we were the ones who were most involved with Abel, as opposed to Lady Aerith.

Other than details, which have not been disclosed due to personal reasons, for all of us, that seems to be it. Since the other day, everything has led up to this. I'm sorry for what's happened on FFF, I truly am. I've been asked to pass on apologies from both Garnet and Lady Aerith and I'm sure Sephire and Tethar Atrum would like to apologise, if they knew what had happened last night.

Darkblade, Garnet, Lady Aerith, Sephire, Tethar Atrum and myself have all made huge mistakes the last few days. Darkblade shouldn't have done/said the things he did, the rest of us should never have involved Abel. We had no idea what he was capable of, we had only intended for a little drama to occur. We knew that LOCP was full of bad people and we brought it upon ourselves.

Once again, we are all truly sorry for what's happened. Most of you will probably resent us for a while and you have every right to. I just thought it was time everything was explained to you all. This mess was never supposed to happen...[/FONT]
Thanks for being honest, Riku. I wish you could stay because of your honesty, and because it's going to be difficult to replace you for what you have done in the past that was good.

In the future, I really don't think revenge benefits this forum or any of its members. By doing what you did, you may have unintentionally affected other members here who only want to have a discussion on the forums, and it's not fair for them to be involved. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about Darkblade if you disagree with him because FFF is ultimately his forum, and the decisions he makes on it are his. I try to be as good an administrator as I can, but that's probably all I can do. If he makes a decision I don't like, I may just have to bear with it.
Thanks for being honest, Riku. I wish you could stay because of your honesty, and because it's going to be difficult to replace you for what you have done in the past that was good.
Thanks, that means a lot. :D

In the future, I really don't think revenge benefits this forum or any of its members. By doing what you did, you may have unintentionally affected other members here who only want to have a discussion on the forums, and it's not fair for them to be involved.
I know, and I can't stress strongly enough how sorry we all are >.<

Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about Darkblade if you disagree with him because FFF is ultimately his forum, and the decisions he makes on it are his.
Mneh ... the disagreements weren't about the forum, they were more personal... I don't think it's fair to bring a personal matter onto the forums though (... not again, at least).
If you knew that they were troublesome, why bother contacting them at all if you knew they had no interests in what you guys wanted at all?

What Sephiroth said is true. Revenge is never the answer. It will only come back to haunt you.
[A long post deserves a long reply]

Well at last the truth was spoken. Well I don't recent you, after all you are humans, you make mistakes. You are all normal people just like me, the LSD Clan, and the whole FFF. I've seen much of this "drama" during my short life in this world, because the world itself is full of this "rage" that blinds our common sense. There are times in which, I think that the world's creation was just a great mistake, an attempt to create a wonderful thing. Since the beginning of humanity itself, the people has made terrible mistakes, bad decisions like the creation of the Atomic Bomb, the wars and hatred.

After all, we are just simple beings, we barely know how to lead our own life and we end up messing everything after all the hard work. No one should feel bad, we are all humans after all, and as such we must learn how to forgive.....

I am sorry for I can't fully express myself, english is not my first language therfore there are some things I don't know.....but I really hope that you understand what I mean....
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I was generally ignoring these arguments up until now because I thought it was none of my business, and I thought you all could handle it. Apparently not. This hacking incident wiped out nearly a week of intensive work on the RPG, ruined several members accounts, and disabled the RPG completely for a rather long period of time (I fixed the world map today... thankfully). Now, I might not involved in your little squabbles about banned members and other forums, but when a whole damn island is wiped off the RPG, we have a serious problem. If this happens again... well, I don't know what I'll do.
I wouldn't mind if you stayed, but if that's your choice, then I don't wish to interfere.

Amy: just ignore him. If you see any other posts like that, just use the report button.
I was generally ignoring these arguments up until now because I thought it was none of my business, and I thought you all could handle it. Apparently not. This hacking incident wiped out nearly a week of intensive work on the RPG, ruined several members accounts, and disabled the RPG completely for a rather long period of time (I fixed the world map today... thankfully). Now, I might not involved in your little squabbles about banned members and other forums, but when a whole damn island is wiped off the RPG, we have a serious problem. If this happens again... well, I don't know what I'll do.

An added note to what Adamant wrote. The RPG ACP is not working properly at the moment. We cannot upload vital images. Adamant is correct. Several days of work have been lost. Not to mention everybody's character is back to where it was 4 days ago.

I am sorry, Riku, but nothing justifies the damage done. When hard work is lost.
After a rather tense conversation...

Adamant says: (5:06:39 PM)
I was planning on being mean
Adamant says: (5:06:42 PM)
something didn't work out
Cain says: (5:07:07 PM)
You're a nice guy.
Cain says: (5:07:24 PM)
We didn't intend to mess up your RPG, sorry.
Cain says: (5:07:31 PM)
We really didn't know about it.
Adamant says: (5:07:44 PM)
Adamant says: (5:07:55 PM)
you don't even mention "final fantasy forums" on the boards
Cain says: (5:08:20 PM)
That's private. :)
Adamant says: (5:09:30 PM)
lucy in the sky with diamonds
Adamant says: (5:09:37 PM)
i never understood that song until now
Adamant says: (5:09:37 PM)
Cain says: (5:09:57 PM)
Yes, obviously related to lysergic acid.
Cain says: (5:10:11 PM)
The Beatles loved that stuff.
Cain says: (5:12:33 PM)
Hey, can you tell your FFF friends that "LOCP" doesn't exist anymore.
Cain says: (5:12:38 PM)
And we're not affiliated with them?
Cain says: (5:12:42 PM)
We're LSD.
Adamant says: (5:12:52 PM)
well, you can tell them that...
Cain says: (5:12:56 PM)
I'm banned.
Cain says: (5:12:57 PM)
You do it.
Adamant says: (5:13:04 PM)
you can tell them on msn
Adamant says: (5:13:13 PM)
okay, I will post it in the shoutbox
Adamant says: (5:13:15 PM)
should I?
Adamant says: (5:13:17 PM)
Cain says: (5:13:20 PM)
Yes, thanks babe.
Cain says: (5:13:26 PM)
I told them all before, but they don't understand.
Cain says: (5:13:37 PM)
LOCP and LSD are two completely different groups.
Cain says: (5:13:38 PM)

No, I didn't put it in the shoutbox. It makes me feel better, though.
This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard of. I'm sorry, but I've never heard of someone's own staff trying to attempt a coup. Seems like Seph and Daryl are the only ones who know the score around here.
Now that I've had a chance to slow down and get in to post on this, first and foremost, I would like to apologize to everyone on behalf of the staff and myself. What happened was a very wrong thing to do. I was rather confused by a lot of things that happened and still do not fully understand the story as to why who was at one another's throats. I can honestly say that until last night, I had no idea what the LOCP were or what they were capable of, let alone who Abel was as did Garnet. We both were not members at the time before when they sabotaged the site. I had just heard porn was posted like crazy and that's all I was aware of. Upon agreeing to "hire" LOCP, I thought all they would do was post porn just to give Darkblade a headache. Needless to say, I was apalled by their actions taken. I'd also like to apologize to the RPG Moderators as they lost many hours of hard work. So, I just wanted to go ahead and give my apology for agreeing with the rest of the staff to "hire" the LOCP and I'd also like to apologize to Darkblade. I understand if it's not accepted and I understand if people do resent myself and the rest of the staff. Again my most sincerest apologies. If Garnet and myself had known what the LOCP were capable of, we never would have went along with this. That's all I wanted to say.
Now that I've had a chance to slow down and get in to post on this, first and foremost, I would like to apologize to everyone on behalf of the staff and myself. What happened was a very wrong thing to do. I was rather confused by a lot of things that happened and still do not fully understand the story as to why who was at one another's throats. I can honestly say that until last night, I had no idea what the LOCP were or what they were capable of, let alone who Abel was as did Garnet. We both were not members at the time before when they sabotaged the site. I had just heard porn was posted like crazy and that's all I was aware of. Upon agreeing to "hire" LOCP, I thought all they would do was post porn just to give Darkblade a headache. Needless to say, I was apalled by their actions taken. I'd also like to apologize to the RPG Moderators as they lost many hours of hard work. So, I just wanted to go ahead and give my apology for agreeing with the rest of the staff to "hire" the LOCP and I'd also like to apologize to Darkblade. I understand if it's not accepted and I understand if people do resent myself and the rest of the staff. Again my most sincerest apologies. If Garnet and myself had known what the LOCP were capable of, we never would have went along with this. That's all I wanted to say.

Your supposed to call them "LSD". Didn't you read the convo? :)
Geee cut them a break, so what they made one mistake, stop taking this as a chance to get at them. All the staff here are good people, they dont need to be plagiarized because of a little bit of vengance.
Your all just being to harsh its not like anything really damaged the forum, i think maybe everyone should just forget this little event ASAP and let everyone get on with their lives because the people who are almost chopping off eachothers heads over this are making other people feel bad.

Long story short, forgive and forget.
oops my bad :P I must have been posting, I didn't see the convo until just now ;)
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