Favorite Aeon?


Fuzzy Slippers
Jan 10, 2008
I am a curious person when it comes to how other people play a video game or what they enjoy about it. At this point i have almost beat FFX again and i was busy collecting my Aeons when i realized i never really determined which one was my favorite. Obviously everyone loves Anima because it kills everything in sight. But through playing all of the FF's i have come to love one Aeon, Summon or what have you. I think Shiva would have to be the best Aeon in my mind especially in FFX. Her laid back personality in X is just like me, a snap of the fingers and 9999 damage. Just wondering what you guys thought about the Aeons in X.
I dunno my fav Aeon is Bahamut and he's always my fav in Final Fantasy Games.
As for Anima I just like the damage he deals
I've always been a big fan of Bahamut throughout the series, and FFX was no exception. FFX's Bahamut was about as meaty looking as all the rest of the Bahamuts put together. I love the way he stands there with his arms folded, looking menacing.

Honourable mention to Ixion I suppose, because I quite like thunder elementals (same goes for Pokémon).
I've only used Valefor, Ifrit and Ixion, but Ifrit's my favourite because of its appearance, and I like its overdrive.

I like it in XII too, but it's the only esper I've used to far.
My fav Aeon in FFX is probably Anima because not only does He/She pawn everything in sight but I also love the appearance of Him/Her.

As for outside of FFX I'd say my fav summon is Odin with Shiva being second
Abilities aside, Ifrit. I love his design in Final Fantasy X. It was so awesome! I was very taken with it's design from the first time I saw Ifrit in FFX.

It's probably the best Ifrit design so far, I think. =]
Mine would be anima for its sheer strength. then it would be bahamut, always had liked him. Ixion would be up there too.

P.S. That's why I have a Bahamut signature.
Valefor and Ifrit were my favorites. I used 'em most often. Ifrit's overdrive was stinking awesome.

Bahamut and Anima were stronger, but screw it. I prefer the first few aeons.
Whoops, I meant Belias in my post, not Ifrit. I think the first time I used its overdrive was on a small, weak enemy. It was funny seeing it being englulfed in flames, and seeing a huge chunk of earth being hauled at it, because it was so unnecessary.
I liked Ixion because of his agility. His agility made him get more turns, which is really good.
my favorite had to be Anima as her abilities were awesum and she was massively powerful. she helped me defeat Omega weapon in like 2 attacks as i Grand summoned her and she had her overdrive ready and after 2 Oblivions Omega was dead (they dealt like 500k each it was great)
so Anima is my favorite
IXION. He pwns!!! He can heal himself with Thundara so he rarely dies, and he was frickin' useful in the thunder plains area! HEHEE!
As in terms of looks, I would have to say Anima, just because who that Aeon is and what they look like. THEY because technically he is two Aeons together i think. If not, oops.

But in sheer coolness, well I would have to say either Bahamut or Yojimbo. Just because Yojimbo is a samurai its awesome.
Bahamut, like quiet a few people I have liked bahamut all throught the FF series but the bahamut in 10 was awsome. They made the details across his body massively complex and the way he crosses his arms in battle gives you the idea of him being seriouslly powerful which he is.
Anima - I favour effectivenes over appearance
Anima is amazing. But if we have to pick someone besides her, I might have to say Valefor. It was the first, lasers are always cool, and it saved Yuna
from that marriage ceremony with Seymour.
I think Anima just looks epic, and the attack is also eye candy aswel....she just looks evil :gasp:

I like the magus sisters because they just kick arse. But overall, i think i will have to say Anima