Favorite Aeon?

Bahamut for me, but only because I just generally love Bahamut no matter what series he's in. He has many unique forms and each time, I enjoy watching this wonderful creature wreck havoc. Truly a sight to behold.

Yojimbo would be my second. Kinda sucks that it costs you gil for him to attack fiends though, but if you don't have any problems with that, he can surely unleash some amazing moves.
Bahamut for me, but only because I just generally love Bahamut no matter what series he's in. He has many unique forms and each time, I enjoy watching this wonderful creature wreck havoc. Truly a sight to behold.

Couldn't have put it better myself, just didn't have those words pop into my head when I first posted. :P

I'd have to say Bahamut's appearance in FFX is definitely the most colorful, but I'm alright with that, took some getting used to though, I like it when he's just a big, black dragon.
Hm...I guess Yojimbo. Just the whole design of him is cool :).

Shiva is cool too. ROUND HOUSE KICK FTW!
I would say Shiva, followed by Bahamut. I had nothing against Anima or Yojimbo, but they made things a little bit too easy. But they were great additions none the less.
For me it would have to be the Magus Sisters, they're very powerful, and although I know lots of people complain that they're difficult to control, they always obeyed me. I loved the fact that their was three of them, it made them more reliable too, because if one fainted you still have the other two. And their overdrive is just amazing.
Fav Aeon??

Hmmm i was just wondering cause im board what is ur fav aeon :P i would have to say ma self animia i dunno why ders just sumthing bout him dat is cool :neomon:
Shiva!!!!! i had a thread about her. She is so cool looking, and designed. And her magic is awsome
Do you not look before you post? There's already a thread like this on the first page.

And just so I don't get infracted for spamming: My favourite was Anima because even though she's a raging emo, she's the only one out of the extra Aeons that you can control. Her attacks weren't half bad either.
Do you not look before you post? There's already a thread like this on the first page.

Yes and that thread has been merged. :gmonster:

FFXIIFran - Do not create a thread that already exists. Also can you make your post more clearer?
I liked Bahamut since hes got a lot of versions and the summoning scene looks epic. ;3
Anima, he leaks blood from his eyes and kills everything. His design is wicked cool too
Anima and Valefor are female summons >_<

Anima or Bahamut for me. I'm a huge Bahamut fan anyway for his raw power and the fact that he's almost impossible to block. But Anima took the raw power and added the death aspect to it, which was awe-inspiring. Also I love the backstory of these two summons, the idea of Anima being
Seymour's mother
and Bahamut's fayth being present in Tidus' life, very clever bits of story ^^
Compared to previous titles, Ifrit and Bahamut didn't look as threatening :/
Vote goes to Ixion and Anima. Both are very interesting designs, but inevitably Anima is the most amazing, Oblivion is just an unbelievable attack.
mine is anima hands down when it comes to power. she's a freakin beast! i grand summoned her and she totally wiped out the magus sisters in remiem temple.

bahamut comes in close second.
i really like his design for this game.
his crossed arms show off that he is the King!
strangely, i liked valefor and bahamut. bahamut was almighty and all, but valefor had a really cool design also. We've never seen something like him in all ffs

ive always liked shiva throughout the FF series, not too sure why, im partial to the ice element, probably helps eh?