Favorite Aeon?

Favorite Aeon

Eh....I'd have to say Anima , I didn't know she was a female or was related to Seymour until I saw her fayth. Other than that Ifrit was re-done nicely, and Bahamut...eh well....I liked him as a dragon better(like in FF IX).

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will .. I think Bahamut is the most great Aeon of them !
maybe it's becuase of his stand and attack way !:)
Bahumat! He is in every Final Fantasy game! He is the most powerful Summon! his overdrive(mega flare)is crazy strong!
I liked Shiva. But I like her in every single FF. <3
She has grace (and water/ice) ^^

Anima is also great. Its story is just too sad. ._.
My favorite Aeon would be Yojimbo. I liked it when he could kill almost/every fiend. The only bad thing is that I use up all my Gil.
Either Valefor or Shiva.
I love the designs for both, although I do prefer Shiva's move; diamond dust is just cool (no pun intended)!
It would be so much easier if this were for FF VIII. :P Shiva WAS my favourite on that.
My favorite Aeon is Magus Sisters. They are the best! But Anima is powerful too and Shiva, Ifrit and Bahamut are loved from previous FF.
Bahamut, Anima, or the Magus Sisters I think...
Bahamut is huge and dragon-y which can only = COOL
Anima had a great story behind her and that FMV with Seymour in Luca was awesome...
And the Magus Sisters have the greatest costumes!
The again, I'm going to be annoying and say I like them all xD
Bahamat and Anima were the best. Not only were they powerful as hell but they looked awesome, and that's always a plus.
Shiva. Not becuz she was freakin hot.......no......not at all...........


Bahamut is quite menacing, and I've been a number one fan since the original Final Fantasy. I throughly enjoyed the X Bahamut model, and at that the sheer force and power of his attacks. He's without question my favorite.

The Magus Sisters come in close second because they're unique, comedic, and powerful. Though they are a bitch to obtain.
My favourite Aeon in terms of use is probably Bahamut, or the Magus sisters, as they are pretty useful. I also like Yojimbo, just because of his looks and his little dog, and his blade was pretty awesome, he was another version Odin really wasn't he? I call him Jimmy for short :D
She looks awesome, and her overdrive is just plain mental.

I like Yojimbo and Bahamut too, Yojimbo because he made a great "get out of jail card" in boss battles (dark aeons especially) and Bahamut because he's classic, and a beast.
Some of you have been making one-lined posts. I know it's a simple question but can some of you put more effort into your posts?

Why do you like this Aeon so much? What's your favorite summon limit break? Just try to expand your post more.
My favourite was Shiva, she's been one of my favourites through most of the FF games.
I would really love to see her in a Final Fantasy movie; she's really cool. :P
Anima was also one of my favourite Aeons.