Favorite Aeon?

well mine would have be Bahumut because he is a dragon, and of course
and other such beings are just cool FULL STOP
I love Anima and the Magus sisters. Anima I like because of the power behind it, but it looks SO much in pain, and the Magus Sisters I love the design of them- pretty yet powerful
I'd say Yojimbo. Mostly because of his overdrive. It's such a killer. Once a fiend gets hit by it, it's instant death.. Including the bosses. I even recall beating sin's final form with its overdrive. Saves all the time and the chara's energy for the heck of it. But it was by luck. An overdrive such as his cant suddenly appear like that.
In FFX, my favourite Aeon is Anima and Ixion definitely. Anima will destroy every fiend, and Ixion just looks mean and his entrance is pretty cool. But it's pretty freaky that Anima has human arms around his neck, holding chains, creative, but scary.

Just have to put this out there: My favourite summon ever is Alexander in FFVIII. Just have to love his Holy Judgement attack.
Anima! So much power and so much pain combined has created a force!

I like everythin about Anima, the move's Pain and Oblivion there just so powerful and Anima is a sturdy aeon it can take a beating and still dish out the damage, it makes the earlier aeons look like toys.
Bahamut was my favourite through all FF series.

Mod edit

Please pu more effort in your post, say why you like Bahumut, thankyou
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My favorite Aeon was Anima. the fact that it was such a powerhouse at the time you get it and the fact that it was the one enemy that raped my party continually in Macalania temple, i had respect for the Aeon..then i got it and made it my only mainstay-use Aeon.
Shiva, she seems to get more and more naked as the series progresses. XP

Normally I would have voted for Bahmaut since he is by far my fave overall summon in the series by far.

I just love dragons. XD

But I didn't like Bahamut's look for FFX.

I dunno why the idiots at SE made Bahamut fat and off colour and added that dumb wheel thing to him in this game.
Ifrit definitely. Shiva's knockers didn't really do it for me. It was kinda like that scene in Saw III... just nothing. But Ifrit's attack was absolutely bitching. As soon as you thought it was over, he'd pull out another kickass move. Love the big flaming furball. He kicks ass! Jabroni! Pants!
My favorite Aeon has to be Ifrit. Gotta love his feral design. In my opinion, he's the 2nd best looking Ifrit in the series, whereas FFVIII Ifrit is the best.
Dude Bahamut isn't black, more like blue in FFX. XP

He is the BEWD of FF. XP
All you ever needed was Bahamut until you got Anima.But my favorite is Bahamut love the overdrive alot.
Well, my fav Aeon is wery hard to chose, but I think it have to be Valefor:D.
Because, I have always lik her, from the first we get her!
Mine would have to be Anima due to the way you obtain him being seymore's mothers faith
It personalises things between the aeon and the player
I just love it :)
My favorite Aeon are the Magus Sisters, all because of their first appearance in FFIV. It's cool that they were used as summons because you get 3 times the help and strength to overcome some of those strong bosses.
I have two. There's Valefor, who is really cool and just looks so... mystical, I guess. Then Bahamut, who seems to be a lot of people's favorite. xD He just radiates sheer power and awesomeness. Plus, his fayth is the "spokesman" for all the rest of them, which is pretty neat.