Favorite Aeon?

Bahamut is the king of dragons and also what i think is the king of aeons, bahamut is probably my most favourite however yuna's forst aeon valefor is another aeon that i liked to use throughout the game.
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I'm surprised so many people in this thread called Anima "he" since you can't get that Aeon until you've met and talked to the person behind it.

It's a sad story, and it makes the early stadium scene with Seymour summoning her SO MUCH CREEPIER. Have you noticed there's a sort of plaque with her portrait dangling around the aeon's neck, plus her arms... JUST her arms? Eeee. (For reference: Picture of Anima

My favorite aeon is Shiva, because I'm shallow and superficial and think she's got the most dazzling entrance. Also I'm completely in love with that *snap* in her Overdrive.

But the best thing about Shiva is that if you ever meet her Fayth, you'll discover she was (apparently) a rather matronly-looking nun at Macalania Temple. So the aeon is showing that inside a rather frumpy middle-aged lady was.. .SHIVA!

This appeals to me.

Shiva's overdrive becomes scary again as soon as you get Lulu's Celestial Weapon. For some reason, I find the Lightning Dodge incredibly easy, so breaking Shiva's 9999 damage limit is not a problem.
I've only used Valefor, Ifrit and Ixion, but Ifrit's my favourite because of its appearance, and I like its overdrive.

I like it in XII too, but it's the only esper I've used to far.

Sorry dude, Ifrit is not in FFXII...well as an Airship he is. lol.

As for my favorite I'd have to say Shiva. She is most elegant in this FF game. She has looked her best yet, IMO. Badass yet lady like. <3. Her Diamond Dust is best to be seen too.
It's a sad story, and it makes the early stadium scene with Seymour summoning her SO MUCH CREEPIER. Have you noticed there's a sort of plaque with her portrait dangling around the aeon's neck, plus her arms... JUST her arms? Eeee.

Isn't she
Seymour's dead mother
? I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. Anyway...

I'm only at Yunalesca at the moment, but I say Bahamut. His overdrive can easily do 9999 damage, and he hits pretty hard. The only problem is that he can't heal himself because he has no set element.
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Isn't she
Seymour's dead mother
? I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. Anyway...

I'm only at Yunalesca at the moment, but I say Bahamut. His overdrive can easily do 9999 damage, and he hits pretty hard. The only problem is that he can't heal himself because he has no set element.

Yeah, Seymour's mother became a Fayth, Anima is the result
until ffx i wouldve said ifrit but i didnt like the way he was presented... i mean in ff8 he was almost human and he talked... not sire about in 9 didnt play it... but then in x he was a beast again and i didnt think it wasfair on him at all... i love YOJIMBO even though you have to pay him to fight
I'm a big Shiva fan myself. Always kind of had been, I love how graceful and menacing she manages to come off as at the same time. Props to the game designers.
since i never actually got all the aeons it would have to be bahamut i loved his megaflare it was so poweful i was mad when it was used against me at the end i was like how could you after all we've been through together the dangerous battles all those adventures
My top 3 would be Ixion, Shiva and Yojimbo. Though I've always liked Bahamut the most in the past, I was upset by this bulkier and more colourful appearance.

- Ixion. Just like the design and his attacks. I can't really describe why I really like him so much though.

- Shiva. Just sexy and have always liked Shiva. Her Diamond Dust in X is awesome.

- Yojimbo. A samurai with a pet dog, some throwing knives and an ultimate 1-hit KO sword slash. His design also looks fantastic and vibrant.

I will vote for Yojimbo due to me preferring it over Ixion, and Shiva being in many more titles.
Yojimbo is my favorite because he is a Samurai and his moves look so cool.His Wakizashi that attack all enemy by just slashing the air is so sick and fast.
Shiva hands down :S
Best overdrive, great design, MOST AWESOME ENTRANCE >D
I always end up using her in big battles, I dunno why x3
Yeah Yojimbo owns all other aeons, but damn did he have to make you broke just to get a good hit from him. He was like a pimp making us pay to do work.
My favorite Aeon is definitely Anima, I mean when you acquire it it's already powrful as hell(with break damage limit ability.) My second favorite is the Magus sisters. But I keep on training and training Anima in the Omega ruins, that's like all I ever summon.:sneaky::stare:
Definitely Anima because of her sad story.

A close second would be Yojimbo. I love the fact that he has a little dog companion. Sort of reminded me of Gilgamesh in FFXII. Enkidu was his name? Anyway, I LOOOVE dogs. Dog = God backwards, so praise the droL! :D
Valefor all the way =] I don't give a damn if she's weak, it's a nice looking aeon.
In each FF game, my favorite is the most powerful. So in this case, my favorite FFX Aeon in this case the Magus Sisters. Power reins supreme! :D
Well... Bahamut, because he looks cool...
or Anima because her (yes HER :tooweird:) overdrive is the scariest and is pretty powerful! It seems that I might be able to get her, I'm not sure.
Bahamut for his sheer awesomeness in the game. Although Anima takes home the power award and Yojimbo's style is pretty groovy.

Bahamut though and his overall appearance and attacks and whole demeanor are awesome.