Favorite Character?

Favourite FFVII Character?

  • Cloud

    Votes: 33 25.8%
  • Barret

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Cid

    Votes: 5 3.9%
  • Vincent

    Votes: 24 18.8%
  • Red XIII

    Votes: 8 6.3%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 15 11.7%
  • Yuffie

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • Cait Sith

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • Sephiroth

    Votes: 30 23.4%
  • None

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Aeris/Aerith (added to the poll later by Riku)

    Votes: 4 3.1%

  • Total voters
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For my non-playable characters, it would be Sephiroth and Rufus :) I like him: his arrogant nature, his greed for money and power, his defiance of death, his position in Midgar ... yep, Rufus comes after Sephiroth for me :)
TSG r u really cool?:huh:
anyway Rufus don't want money he want the power and the world-_-
What gave you the impression I was cool? :P I can't be bothered trying to fit in with the cool crew, they're all so superficial, plastic and need shot. I prefer to be my own person, not caring what or how others think of me.

Anyway, it's my opinion to like Rufus. He is a cool character, in my eyes.[unspam ;)]
TSG said:
I prefer to be my own person, not caring what or how others think of me.

Blah blah blah
well, my vote goes to Sephiroth! lov him, always have, always will ^_^

as for the others, it would be:

VINCENT! (my 2 choice! LOVE HIM too! not as much as sephy but..)
Caith Sith
I always thought Cid was great! His temper was hilarious and he just looks absolutely mental! Sephiroth is definately a close second though.
Lady Yuna said:
well, my vote goes to Sephiroth! lov him, always have, always will ^_^
u love pixels, u r weird -_-
Aeris didn't like her
Ok all of you who said that Aerith sucks, and is useless, your all a bunch of pansy's, plain and simple get a life and stop looking at gay ass Tifa porno all day and get out of the fucking gutter seriously. She sucked to you because you don't know how to play a game correctly with out having to cheat or pick someone eles because your to fucking lazy to actrually pick up the controller and level up. Most of you who acturally played the game know that Aerith kicks major ass and even kick piss ass Tifa up and down the fucking street so shut the fuck up all you Aerith haters seriously don't fucking post somthing like that cause you know your gonna be flamed...Anyways on to the question... (And yes Aerith should be on there because she is one of the 3 MAIN characters)

1. Aerith
2. Cloud
3. Yuffie
4. Vincent
5. Sephiroth
Aeris isn't the main character. She's dead. Sorry but when you die WAY before the game is finished, you aren't a main character.
Sorry hun but your wrong on that one. Even if you die your still a main character considering she did more then Tifa who just sat there like a little barbie doll. ^.~ Sorry though honest I know it sucks to know Tifa isn't an origonal(sp) Character but its the truth! ^^

The three main characters were Cloud, Aerith, and Barret
Cloud,Tifa and Barrett r the main characters not a dead girl-_-
and Tifa is cooler than Aerith do u know y?coz as u said her breast is big^_^
and FUCK to the MoTp i bileve wat i plaied not wat stupid book says -_-
see my sig and pass out, will u TA?:giggle:
DarkSquall said:
Cloud,Tifa and Barrett r the main characters not a dead girl-_-
and Tifa is cooler than Aerith do u know y?coz as u said her breast is big^_^
and FUCK to the MoTp i bileve wat i plaied not wat stupid book says -_-
see my sig and pass out, will u TA?:giggle:

LOL Hunny Tetsuya Nomura the creater of the characters him self STATED that "Aerith", Cloud and Barret where the 3 main characters in his Interveiw with EGM. ^_^
Also do you know why Aerith is is Cooler then Tifa do you know why? cos she's better looking, as a great personality, and doesn't have to worry about stuffing her shirt like Tifa^_^
And fuck your brothers info I beleive in what I play not what my piss ass brother tells me! LOL ^_^
Who gives afuck what is on your siggie? I've seen better Clerith pictures then Cloti know why? because everyone knows that FFVII's Canon couple is Cloud and Aerith, I hope you pass out from my info, won't you Dark Squall? :giggle:
My my, TA, you seriously are in desperation for different things to say, aren't you? Do you not realise that you are repeating yourself in every topic relating to Aeris?

Hypocrisy, over-reacting and desperation don't mix well with you.

Will you please just let it lie, let people say what they believe about Aeris and, for once, don't try to make yourself seem right about it.

Also, to point out, the main characters were Cloud, Tifa, Aeris, Barret, Red XIII, Yuffie, Vincent, Cid and Cait Sith...
LOL Hun the only reason why your reply to this is because you your self are being a hypocrit if you wanna no how just ask and I'll tell you also, I don't see you sitting by and letting me say what I want to now do ya LOL ^^ And Acturally no I'm just repeating my self because all of you are saying the exact same thing your selves so I guess you guys are in Desperate need of different things to say. Also I'm not over reacting I'm just debating your facts, and opinions :lol: So No I'm not a hypocrit, desperate, and over reacting sweetie ^^ you guys just don't like what I say :cry2: I wonder why :lol:
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