Favorite Character?

Favourite FFVII Character?

  • Cloud

    Votes: 33 25.8%
  • Barret

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Cid

    Votes: 5 3.9%
  • Vincent

    Votes: 24 18.8%
  • Red XIII

    Votes: 8 6.3%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 15 11.7%
  • Yuffie

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • Cait Sith

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • Sephiroth

    Votes: 30 23.4%
  • None

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Aeris/Aerith (added to the poll later by Riku)

    Votes: 4 3.1%

  • Total voters
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Tenshi Aerith said:
LOL Hun the only reason why your reply to this is because you your self are being a hypocrit if you wanna no how just ask and I'll tell you also, I don't see you sitting by and letting me say what I want to now do ya LOL ^^ And Acturally no I'm just repeating my self because all of you are saying the exact same thing your selves so I guess you guys are in Desperate need of different things to say. Also I'm not over reacting I'm just debating your facts, and opinions :lol: So No I'm not a hypocrit, desperate, and over reacting sweetie ^^ you guys just don't like what I say :cry2: I wonder why :lol:

You wonder why? It's because you seem to believe you are right and no one else's opinion matters.

I do not care why you think I am being a hypocrite.

We have let you have your say, but what you are doing is something different now: You are contradicting the opinions of others, constantly, in hopes we will all bend to your views and agree with you. My point is: It ain't gonna happen.

And acturally no I'm not repeating myself because you are all saying the exact same thing your selves

That makes no sense. You are not repeating yourself BECAUSE we ARE repeating OURselves? I'll give you a while to think about what's wrong with that sentence. Do I look like I need to use new phrases? No, because these are working fine.

I'll say this for the final time and, please, READ IT AND TAKE IT TO HEART:

Stop calling everyone hun. We aren't gonna put $20 in your thong for promoting Aeris. Now give it up and stop trying to make yourself seem more intellectual than you are because I know guys who use chatspeak who sound a far cry more sound in the brains department. Aeris ISN't on the list. You pick your favorite character from the list. You may disagree wholely with the list but who cares? Make your own damn thread. This topic gives you choices. Pick from those choices and perhaps say who you thought should have been on the list. I said Jenova should have been and that's my 2 cents worth but I don't go on and on for it and babble about how Jenova is a main character which i could easily do because I wrote an entire essay on that particular character.

Get a life and start your own topic. How's this? "Poll: Who's your favorite character? Option 1: Aeirs. Option 2: Aeris. Option 3. Aeris." Go do that and spare us your worthless posts or maybe surprise us so much that blood vessels in our brain explode and contribute to the topic. That's always a good thing.
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Nikkolas said:
Stop calling everyone hun. We aren't gonna put $20 in your thong for promoting Aeris. Now give it up and stop trying to make yourself seem more intellectual than you are because I know guys who use chatspeak who sound a far cry more sound in the brains department. Aeris ISN't on the list. You pick your favorite character from the list. You may disagree wholely with the list but who cares? Make your own damn thread. This topic gives you choices. Pick from those choices and perhaps say who you thought should have been on the list. I said Jenova should have been and that's my 2 cents worth but I don't go on and on for it and babble about how Jenova is a main character which i could easily do because I wrote an entire essay on that particular character.

Get a life and start your own topic. How's this? "Poll: Who's your favorite character? Option 1: Aeirs. Option 2: Aeris. Option 3. Aeris." Go do that and spare us your worthless posts or maybe surprise us so much that blood vessels in our brain explode and contribute to the topic. That's always a good thing.

'nough said about this ;)

You and I are going to get on very well, I see. Welcome to the forums ;)
Nikkolas said:
Stop calling everyone hun. We aren't gonna put $20 in your thong for promoting Aeris. Now give it up and stop trying to make yourself seem more intellectual than you are because I know guys who use chatspeak who sound a far cry more sound in the brains department. Aeris ISN't on the list. You pick your favorite character from the list. You may disagree wholely with the list but who cares? Make your own damn thread. This topic gives you choices. Pick from those choices and perhaps say who you thought should have been on the list. I said Jenova should have been and that's my 2 cents worth but I don't go on and on for it and babble about how Jenova is a main character which i could easily do because I wrote an entire essay on that particular character.

Get a life and start your own topic. How's this? "Poll: Who's your favorite character? Option 1: Aeirs. Option 2: Aeris. Option 3. Aeris." Go do that and spare us your worthless posts or maybe surprise us so much that blood vessels in our brain explode and contribute to the topic. That's always a good thing.

Kinda funny considering your the only whore here? LOL Sorry for the late post I have a life with a job and I'm getting ready for work Sephiroth so STFU for a moment LOL, also just because I say the words Hun, or Babe doesn't make me a hooker like you my sweet little whore ^^ Its called a HABIT yes thats what it is I call everyone but my father and mother and everyone eles father and mother hun or babe, its a H-A-B-I-T yes I know its a mircale hunny, also your not going to get a cent out of me with that mouth for walking around all skin clad LOL ^^

And also I guarentte by bahamuts light on ruling one of the seven plans of heaven I'm ten times smarter then you :lol: Also how about you get a life? I have a job, and many other things but what do you have? Somthing much better I bet with that g-string hu? :lol:
Tenshi Aerith said:
Kinda funny considering your the only whore here? LOL Sorry for the late post I have a life with a job and I'm getting ready for work Sephiroth so STFU for a moment LOL, also just because I say the words Hun, or Babe doesn't make me a hooker like you my sweet little whore ^^ Its called a HABIT yes thats what it is I call everyone but my father and mother and everyone eles father and mother hun or babe, its a H-A-B-I-T yes I know its a mircale hunny, also your not going to get a cent out of me with that mouth for walking around all skin clad LOL ^^

And also I guarentte by bahamuts light on ruling one of the seven plans of heaven I'm ten times smarter then you :lol: Also how about you get a life? I have a job, and many other things but what do you have? Somthing much better I bet with that g-string hu? :lol:

You seriously are a very immature child. Mindlessly insulting someone like that does not do justice for you nor your reputation here. I would place money on the fact that you are not smarter than him ... but then, that's a whole other story.

How can you make empty assumptions such as this towards people you know nothing about? To me, this seems like a final desperate attempt to be right ...
Na He's the one popping of things such as this causeing this type of thread to be a problem ne? I'm not being immature like you are trying to gain as much help from people in flaming be just because I have a though it said what is your favorite character, not Pick out of these characters who is better ne? Now your just putting on show not me at this point ^^
Tenshi Aerith said:
Na He's the one popping of things such as this causeing this type of thread to be a problem ne? I'm not being immature like you are trying to gain as much help from people in flaming be just because I have a though it said what is your favorite character, not Pick out of these characters who is better ne? Now your just putting on show not me at this point ^^

Must you always be so arrogant?

And finally, someone actually posting on topic. Yes, Sephiroth IS a brilliant character ;)
Yes if you must know. You need to learn that I'm very thick headed so trying to tell me somthing is only going to cause me to fight back
TA calm down please i think a girl like u shouldn't be that wild u know and for god sake guys we r friends *look now i'm talking like gandi:brood:* remember we r friends^_^
This forum is like Aeris VS Sephiroth :wacko: (TA and TSG)
My, it's like you hate each other or something like that D:<. Don't try to be rude... It's not fun reading "Forums Fights". And for the topic, it says:
Who is your favorite character? Still, they should add Aeris :P.
Stop fighthing guys :P, now 2 VS 1... not fair D:<
And like Squally said:
*sigh* dammit, T_A , you aren't doing the Aerith fandom any favors by posting in this place like you're ready for war. I'm starting to regret coming here. -_-
Again I was on a rant due to hyper activity and not liking the fact that they were flaming a character instead of telling why they picked there character I'll back off a bit and just relax...

Also I think we friends when not in the Final Fantasy VII area cause we laugh and have a great time LOL
Good to see you're going to attempt holding your temper in check. However, there is a way to correct misconceptions about Aerith without coming off as a rabies-infected fangirl. Calm and rational make stronger posts, ok?
K ^^ But I think that if were going to continue to talk about this that it be PMed because at this point were kinda spamming right?
wow. u 2 made about 4 pages when I wasnt looking on here. Whatever it is I go with TSG. He always has Sephiroth.
Vincent is my favorite. He's so much cooler than Cloud and he can transform into monsters! Now how cool is that?
Vincent said:
wow. u 2 made about 4 pages when I wasnt looking on here. Whatever it is I go with TSG. He always has Sephiroth.

Yeah I do! :)
I-Chan: don't regret coming here because of an immature argument. Think of it as your responsibility to help the forums become peaceful, hence your name: Da Forum Tranquiliser/

To un-spamm-ify myself:

I will always stand by Sephiroth. Everything about him is legendary and memorable. Why? He is a sinister man, with a cunning mind, not to mention absolute power and will. He summoned the ultimate destructive magic, Meteor, which not any random-person-with-the-black-materia can do. He burned an entire town to the ground, smiling, knowing exactly what he had done.

He released his theoretical mother, Jenova and carried her to the Northern Crater. So much more admiration to come, but that might take all day.

T_A, let's call a truce: you believe one thing and I believe another. At the end of the day, that's what it comes down to.
The Sephiroth Gene said:
Yeah I do! :)
I will always stand by Sephiroth. Everything about him is legendary and memorable. Why? He is a sinister man, with a cunning mind, not to mention absolute power and will. He summoned the ultimate destructive magic, Meteor, which not any random-person-with-the-black-materia can do. He burned an entire town to the ground, smiling, knowing exactly what he had done.

*sniff* Why isn't Aerith on the list?

Besides Aerith, I'd have to go with Vincent...

I like Sephiroth too, but he's kinda criminally-insane-yet-knows-what-he-is-doing-therefore-is-intelligent-yet-insane. xD I feel sorry for him. He must have had a crappy childhood.

Sephiroth: Dad-
Hojo: What do YOU want?
Sephiroth: Where's my mom?
Sephiroth: ...;_;

Ahem. xD Vincent is just plain cool. Plus, Dirge of Cerberus looks awesome. I can't wait to see what's up with the Vincent-Lucrecia thing. ^^
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