Favorite Character

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Feb 2, 2007
Who is your favorite character? i have 3.
Sepheroth, Cloud, and Aeris.

~Sorry to Hijack your post here. It seems that nobody wants to pay attention to what I've said. That being said this is for all of you guys that post in this thread.

I don't mind if we have a "who's your favorite character" thread in this forum, but I would like to point out if you wish to post who your favorite(s) are, please post a reasoning as to why they are so to avoid spam. If I see spam, I will close this warn the people who are spamming.

Thank you,
~Lady Aerith~
I guess mine would be : Cloud, Vincent, RedXII and Sephiroth (man imagine that as a team)
Cloud, Zack, Reno, and Genisis.
Cloud and Aeris because they had true love between them and they just pwn!

i Didnt much care for tifa :lol:

Barret and Sephiroth are my second favourites

Nanaki and Yuffie pwned as Well

Vincent & cid were ok not my favourite but liked them more than tifa

Cait sith - hated it - 2nd least favourite character after Tifa
I don't mind if we have a "who's your favorite character" thread in this forum, but I would like to point out if you wish to post who your favorite(s) are, please post a reasoning as to why they are so to avoid spam. If I see spam, I will close this warn the people who are spamming.

That being said my first favorite is Cloud. I don't know why, but he is the one hero that really stuck out to me. Throughout the whole first disk of him being Aerith's bodyguard, the way he protected, the way he began to show feelings for her really struck me. I loved their date scene the best of all <3 even in Advent Children he still really stuck onto me like a magnet and I just really adore Cloud. His personality, his look, and who could forget that chocobo head ;)

My 2nd favorite is of course Aerith. I adore this girl to bits. While she had flaws and wasn't the strongest of the group, she was still the most upbeat, happy and optimistic person. Even after she learned what she did from Elders and had her moment of sadness in the game, she still continued to stay strong. Her sacrifice for the planet and her love for Cloud drew me in even tighter to this girl and I adore her. She's sweet, friendly and playful and not to mention beautiful. Aerith's innocence was just endearing to me and another thing that got me hooked was how she was the one who opened up Cloud's emotions as well. She made him laugh and she made him cry. That is why Aerith is my 2nd favorite.
Well lets see i have a few

Cloud - Well basically because he is cloud
Sephiroth - The long sword etc
tifa - mad matial arts fighting skills
vincent - Obviously because he is vincent and partially because of the chaos half
Shelke - i don't know why i like her truthfully
Rikku - annoying but... well yeah
Cloud - obvously, ShinRa mercinary ^_^
Red XIII - always cool, calm and collected ^_^
Cid - the life of the game
Yuffie is my favorite. A lot of people hate her but that's ok. I can kind of understand why. I've always liked happy characters. I also like how she is the only girl that is not out to get a guy. That's always nice. She also wasn't created for the sex appeal. She's relatively flat on top and she looks boyish. And she's a ninja and ninja's are cool. She also proves that she's not just there to be a happy go lucky girls when she steals your materia. And I've always enjoyed the Wutai side quest. Even when captured by Don Cornero she still kept her sense of humor. A also like how she is more physically expressive than the other two girls. If you get the Yuffie date, she will actually kiss Cloud at one point during it. If you have Yuffie in your party during the biggest spoiler in the game at the end of disc one, she will give Cloud a hug. And she is a kick ass fighter. So Yuffie is my favorite.

Cait Sith would be my second favorite. Many people don't like him either. I guess I have a thing for unpopular characters. I always thought that Cait Sith was the most interesting character in the game, the way he slowly turns against Shinra. At first he appears and you think he is just some goofy cat on top of a Moogle. But towards the end of disc one, he proves us wrong when he turns out to be a spy and steals your black materia. Then he pretty much has everyone hostage till the end of disc one. He also actually cares about the people of Midgar. In the early part of the game, we see Reeve trying to talk President Shinra out of raising the energy rates or something like that. Later, he points out to Barret that his terrorist attacks killed over thousands of people. And you can't forget about the end of the game when he was very upset that telling the people to hide in slums may not save them from Meteor after all. It was also nice to have a character spy on Shinra during the game so we could see what they were up too. People say he's useless in battle, but he is meant to be used for defense. If your even in an area where the monsters are really tough, he's a good character to bring if you put cover and HP plus materia on him. I also found him to be a pretty good magic user.

Cid comes in third. I have always found him to be hilarious. I think he is the most quotable in the game. The part where he tells Cloud about his experience with the play is absolutely priceless. He is also a very good fighter which is a plus and his limit breaks are very nice. Even though he can be vulgar and at times seem mean, he always ends up kind of being like that single uncle that helps you shoot off bottle rockets on the fourth of July. And he has the coolest ending pose.
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Yey. ^_^
I'm glad someone else mentionede that they love Cait Sith. <3
He's not my favorite character in the game. But I love everything about him. I almost always have him in my party. lol.
He's actually a pretty strong attacker too.

Reeve. ^_^
Yey. ^_^
I'm glad someone else mentionede that they love Cait Sith. <3
He's not my favorite character in the game. But I love everything about him. I almost always have him in my party. lol.
He's actually a pretty strong attacker too.

Reeve. ^_^

Yay for Cait Sith love! Finally someone else who loves this character.
Well I always do my research on the characters. ^_^

As it turns out, a cait sith is a large black and white cat from some legend in Japan.
And Barret Wallace also shows up in English history...though I forget where...
Cloud, he is a very human hero dealing with his own demons & insecurities, on top of that, that whole dark persona thing is pretty cool.

Other characters in my party I just like cuz of their abilities or weapons Cid for his Scimitar & Highwind limit, Red XIII for his Stardust Ray...........& he's a red talking dog for crying out loud, who dosen't like that?!?!?
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