Favorite Character

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Red XIII for me. I love how he only speaks when he's giving critical info or input, and when he does speak, it's one of those moments where everyone, even the crickets, all quiet down just to hear what is going to be said by Nanaki. A wise, and very interesting character; Nanaki is my favorite it FFVII.
Ok, peeps, let's face it. Vincent kicks ass. Undead, guns, uneven matching of golden plating! D:

It's beautiful! Plus, I absolutely love how, in Adveny Children, they didn't put any detail into his cape, making it like just a splotch of red on his back...that was so kickass. I mean, come on! He's the perfect cliche!
Vincent <3 I love the dark and mysterious types, with tendencies to be emo. Plus I've always been a 'gun person'. And ya know, he's hot.
Aesthetically, I'd go with Red XIII. I dig the character design. His storyline is pretty slick, too. In battle, it's hard not to go with Cloud. Overall? I can't really say I have a favorite character, but if I had a gun to my head, I'd take Barret. Why? He's Mr. T!
As unoriginal as it sounds, I like Vincent, I'm always a sucker for the 'cool' characters like that - though Barrett was the one who most often had me in stitches.
Cloud probably ! first ever tym i played ff i was him just struck a cord wiv me an plus very very powerful , mysterious and just cool !
I liked Red XIII, Cait Sith, Aeris and Cid. Okay, here are my reasons.

Red XIII because he was so noble and his character just struck me as being so loyal to whoever knew him. A true compainion.

Cait Sith ... okay dont kill me! I know some people find him very annoying, but what he did in the Temple of the Ancients was a good thing and proved he can be a good guy!

Aeris because I was so moved by her death and she died in tragic circumstances. I wanted her and Cloud to be together, so her dying made the bond more powerful to me.

And finally Cid, because he is so damn funny! No, there isnt anything funny about swearing nonstop, but Cid made it very funny. Plus he had an awesome theme tune!

Do I need to explain myself?

Cliche, yes. Obvious choice, yes. But meh he wins hands down.

A thought there was only one character in FFVII: AC that SE didn't need to improve clothing wise to make them look cooler, Sephiroth.

Man of the times, mind of the future, stalker of your dreams.
Mine has to be Cloud, Tifa and Vincent i used them nearly the entire game and in the end they just owned sephy :)
Mine would have to be Cloud, Vincent, and Tifa..

These 3 are sooo cool.

Cloud- This guy OWNSSSS!!! Im naming my kid after him. Also there are only 2 other people in this world that can wield a huge ass sword and look like a badass and that's Sephiroth and Zack.

Vincent- This guy just oozes coolness and only says what needs to be said

Tifa- She's hot. I want her to get with Cloud. Her personality is caring as well.
In order my top twenty favourite characters from the game are:

1) Sephiroth
2) Cloud Strife
3) Vincent Valentine
4) Rufus
5) Aerith Gainsborne
6) Tifa Lockhart
7) Zack
8) Reno
9) Barret Wallace
10) Red XIII
11) Reeve
12) Cid Highwind
13) Rude
14) Tseung
15) Cait Sith
16) Hojo
17) Scarlet
18) Yuffie
19) Biggs
20) Wedge
Vincent first a real men,he is just wow!!!!!
Cloud the way he looks,fights and the way he love is like 'o My God"
Tifa she is the perfekt picture of Woman,and Friend.And she knows to Fight as well very good.
Sephiroth The perfect picture of bad.
Aerith well ilike her because she is so simple.
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