Favorite Character

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Most favorite character is Cloud, of course. He's just really unique out of all the FF characters in the series. I love his blond spiky hair and blue eyes. But what really draws me to him is his personality. He has a way of acting aloof and still manage to stay cool.

And then there's Reno. He was so cool, especially in Advent Children. He made me laugh a few times. I love his quirks and may I add that he's quite good at fighting.

And then there's Tifa and Aeris. Well, I can't really choose between the two because both stands out in her own unique way to me. I like Tifa because she seems down to earth, while Aeris is full of mystery and her character just seems to acquire an aura full of sadness, most especially during and after her death. Tifa's character was good in a way that she seems like the typical girl-next-door, who cannot really express her feeling because...well, I guess she doesn't really know how? Lol. Anyway, both their characteristics are cute and special to me.
There's not really a characer in Final Fantasy VII that I didn't like. I would have to go with Cloud, Tifa, and Barret as my favorite three though. The just seem like the main three. Cid and Red XIII are right up there with them though.
hmmm too easy. Vincent's favourite by far: tall dark and hansome, brooding, intelligent plus im always more of a gunner or any long distance attack kinda girl.
but runners up would be tifa just because she is the one that kept Cloud going after Aerith died and was always the voice of reason to him. the sensible one in the group.

My fave character is definitely Yuffie! She's ace! She's got a great care-free attitude, and is kinda annoying (but in a good way)!
i really like Aeris and Cloud the same but if i had to choose....
...i would choose Aeris.
She was the happiest of the gang.

Cloud and Red XIII were my favourite good guys and Sephiroth and Jenova were the best bosses i think.
Cloud and Zack

Cloud- His life story is just catchy to when it comes to all what he and zack been friend for a long time. He is strong when i wants too and I like the energy and style he carries.

Zack- He is awesome looking! Personally never used him...since i think its impossible to use that character in the game, but although then that...he is very interesting.
My fav chars would be Tifa, Cid, Barret, and Cloud, in that order.
Tifa: because she's one women you don't piss off.
Cid: because he's too funny for words.
Barret: same as Cid and because you've gotta love Mr. T!
Cloud: I think it's the hair.:cool: and an interesting story that introduced Tifa! :woot:
The whole cast of FFVII (with the minor exception of Cait Sith, and possible Barret, though I still love the two) are my favorite video game characters of all time. As such, this will be a very difficult post for me.

After much mental debate however, I have decided on three (I couldn't narrow it done any farther).

Cloud - Cloud is by far one of the best characters I have ever had the pleasure of controlling. He is strong, both physically and mentally, yet confused and occasionally meek. He struggles constantly with his own self image, with who he is, yet he still manages to grasp hold his sword and tear down all that oppose him. He has encountered so many hardships, and yet he is able to get up and keep moving and growing. He puts on the front of being a badass, but unknowingly is actually a badass.

Aeris - The innocent. The loving. The caring. The beautiful. Aeris was strong, confident, sure of herself. She had an heir around her that made you believe that she could somehow foresee her own demise (the whole Ancient thing maybe?) yet she picked herself up and did what she knew must be done. She was able to open herself up to Cloud, maybe not with words, but somehow she made her love clear. She carried the whole party through all their difficult encounters in one way or another. Finally, she saved the planet. Holy!

Sephiroth - Despite the fact that he killed my beloved Aeris, and was a complete psycho, I love Sephiroth. In his defense, he had a very good reason for being psychologically imbalanced. Everyone in Soldier did for that matter. How would you react if you found out that you were just an experiment and that some strange alien-esque life form was essentially your mother? He holds firm in what he believes in. And, lets face it, he is the badass!

The whole Final Fantasy crew holds place in my heart (and my skin.. I'll post pics of my tattoo once I get it all figured out). Not only are they all believable characters, but they grow. They grow as real people grow, the feel as real people feel, the have faults as... well you get the picture. The whole FFVII cast gets an honorable mention here.

I would like to apologize for my inability to properly form my ideas into words. This post evoked strong emotions into me, but I think all that came out was essentially difficult to understand, low class, gibberish.
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