Favorite Cid

FF VII's. he was the most indepth, and I didn't vote for FF XII's becaue therereally was 2 Cids (Dr. Cid and Al-Cid) and the fact that I hate FFXII.

Dr. Cid was the official one. Sure, it came across that there was 2, or seemed to be, but, no, Cid was the only "proper" in XII.
Yeah lol, I just got really confused, thinking there was another one 8D!
haha yeah i made sure there wasn't another one before i made this, as i seem to have a habit of making threads that are already made.
FFVI's and FFVIII's Cid's blew Donkey Kong.

FFVII's was the best followed by FFV's I'd say. THe one in FFV played a good role in getting your airship ready whenever you needed it and sending you on wild goose chases all over Alaska and crap to find things that didn't quite make sense at the time, but worked out in the end.
The Cid in X was quite intriguing I'd have to say.
I mean, an Al-Bhed Cid....but then again, Square experimented with oglops so......

The Cid in VII was a real character though, but the X Cid was IMO a great Cid as well. Don't forget him.
the cid in X was good and all, but it seemed to me like he didn't play a big enough role in the game to be a great cid as he only appeared in the game a few times.
VII and IX have the best Cids in the series.
I don't know WHAT on earth happened with FFVIII's Cid...
They totally ruined his devilishly charming facade.

FFVII's cid put a lot of the humor into the game.
FFIX's cid was outgoing, courageous, and had a great personality.
Cid Highwind is one of the best characters of FFVII in my opinion. He's actually got a personality (for a computer game character) and is fairly good in battle; limit and weapon wise,.

He's funny too! Always a good quality.
cid in ff7 is the best cid ever in my opinion he swears has a sense of humour has great attacks and has the best theme tune in my opinion of all the characters in ff7
I voted for FFXII Cid bcoz he's unique.. the old Cids before are obssessed with creating airships but this time he's totally gone mad. I'd say he's the most interesting and the best to me. while the FFIX Cid is very colorful as well and then the FFVII Cid is the coolest.
Cidolfus from XII, as he is, to my knowledge, the only evil Cid in the series. Not that his evilness makes him a good character, but it was a nice change of pace.
I think Cid Highwind is in the lead because of all the final fantasys, I think he is the most popular. The two Cids from FFXII are unique, Cid is funny in FFIX and Head master Cid was unexpected. I havn't met Cid in FFX yet but I'm guessing he's an Al Bhed because of the machina.