Favorite Fight Scene

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Chocobo Breeder
Sep 23, 2006
California baby!
my favorite fight scene had to be when all the old friends got backtogether and took bahaumet down!! all the awsome jumping and fliping and shooting and stabbing and slicing and punching and everythign! it was so freakin awsome!
Hm, its a two-way tie. The final battle was incredible, but I suppose my favorite was the fight in the Forgotten Forest. That was cool, especially with the creepy kids and the luminescent trees. . . and Vincent's appearance was very Spawn-like. That's a good thing, of course.
my favorite fight scene had to be when all the old friends got backtogether and took bahaumet down!! all the awsome jumping and fliping and shooting and stabbing and slicing and punching and everythign! it was so freakin awsome!
ya read my thoughts:lol:
I liked that one when all of them fought Bahamut side by side. I also really liked the fight between Tifa and Loz. But my most favourite one is the one with Cloud and Sephiroth (obviously).
I liked that one when all of them fought Bahamut side by side. I also really liked the fight between Tifa and Loz. But my most favourite one is the one with Cloud and Sephiroth (obviously).

Hm, I don't know about that first one. I've seen a lot of people that liked the fight, but I didn't like the way Bahamut was animated. I prefer his more Western-style appearance.
Mine would ahev to be the group battle when the team works together to take down Bahamut-Sin in Midgar. Its followed closely by the final battle between Sephiroth and Cloud. But it was great seeing all the original cast from Final Fantasy working together again. I also liked the battle between Reno, Rude, Yazoo and Loz, that was pretty damned funny.
Oh yeah, another one would be when Cloud has to fight Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo single-handedly. It was good old Vincent was there to get him out of it.
Bahamut-Sin takes my vote, for it takes everyone to throw Cloud up to kill him. I thought that was hilarious.

By the way, what is the move that kills Sephiroth in the final scene called? My friends are torn between Omnislash v5.0, or Cherry Blossom.
im pretty sure that it was omnislash, but not intirely sure.... he hit him 7 times i think i counted, so maybe its a combo between omnislash and nights of the round? i dont know...
Cloud versus Kadaaju to the remastered JENOVA track. That was great. Ultimately the finsal confrontation with Sephiroth was beautiful as well. They were fighting on falling rubble, it doesn't get more intense than that.
Bahamut-Sin takes my vote, for it takes everyone to throw Cloud up to kill him. I thought that was hilarious.

By the way, what is the move that kills Sephiroth in the final scene called? My friends are torn between Omnislash v5.0, or Cherry Blossom.
I've looked it up myself. It's called Omnislash v5.0. For bonus points, the sword is apparently named "First Tsurugi". Presumably because it is his first line of defense, and it is the sword from which the other blades are taken.
I love the Bahamut fight scene. Simply because I get to see Vincent in action. *Looks up to the sky, sky parts and eyes turn magenta*

And its just awesome to see all the characters come in. But for some reason, I'm not really into Yuffie...
Maybe the Yuffentine pairings have gone to my head.. *hates Yuffentine pairings*
Cloud Vs Sephiroth (One Winged Angel is my favorite song)
Cloud Vs Bahamut Sin (hell yeah amazing combos coming through)
Cloud Vs Kadaj (the battle at the beginning at the middle of the movie and the battle before Sephiroth's resurrection)
Yes, the Bahamut scene was nice, but I liked the Sephiroth vs Cloud fight most because it has AC OWA in it, and to me, that's the best song in all of AC, and Sephiroth's swordsmanship amazes me.
I guess it's between the fight in the Forgotten Forest, I like when Kadaj started the fight with his hand lol and the fight when all the team defeated Bahamut.

I hated the Tifa vs Loz fight because.... It looked bad, I guess it's the worst in the movie :/ The camera to fast, we didn't saw some moves and Loz with a weapon... that's not fair ><
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