Favorite Magic


The Madness of Giygas
Aug 23, 2008
Al Sawadi, best place EVER
Well, White magic or black magic. Overdrives or Limit Breaks, whatever you call them.
My favorite spells are:
1st, Ultima - lots of fun to watch :funnyface:
2nd, Blizzaga/Blizzara - I love ice spells :P
3rd, Death - hit chance is low but is cool
4th, Nova (Kimahri's Overdrive) - WoOoOoO!!
5th, Mega Flare - lots of power!
6th, Oblivion (Anima Overdrive) - CRAZY ATTACK!! :holyshit:

You can include defensive and healing spells too, but I don't see a point in thinking those are cool
Any room for time magic?

Haste--> Nothing better than having all your guys move three times before your opponent can.
Meteor--> Offensive time magic? Yes please, especially when it's animated well!
I've always been partial to Meteor myself, especially in IV and V when it was the strongest spell in the games. Flare, Holy and Hastega are my favourites too.
I prefer Black Magic over White Magic to be honest. Not just what the spells do, but the casting sequences themselves. With that said, I love Haste and Waterga. They both look AMAZING, and not just the graphics, but the sounds for the sequences too <333 Not to mention that they're both really helpful in the games. So yeah, Haste and Waterga are my favourites.
I can't choose one type of magic over the other, seeing as I find numerous spells from each 'category' particularly useful in battle.

First of all: Flare. A consistently incredible spell throughout the series, and has only disappointed me visually in FFX. Still, you're a teensy bit of a power house if you have that spell at your disposal.

Haste/Hastega/Slow/Slowga. Like an earlier poster mentioned, it's great having your characters make actions that much faster than your opponent can.

Protect/Shell. I don't know what I'd do without these spells sometimes. Unfortunately Shell reduces the effectiveness of curative spells in most FFs, so I tend to avoid using it, and hope Protect is sufficient in a fight.

Demi. Looks pretty cool from what I've seen of most instalments, and is pretty darn useful (Omega Ruins in X springs to mind). Pity a lot of enemies/bosses aren't affected by gravity damage. -__-

Thundaga. <3 lightning spells. An alright spell, but I mainly cast it just for visual kicks.

Curaga/Curaja. Self-explanatory really.

Poison, and Poison-related spells. Anything that saps HP over time; I have a penchant for weakening enemies gradually through status effects before charging in with a full-on assault. It's just... fun. >_>
Not really fond of magic, but there are a few I like

Meteor in V was an absolute godsend, other than that though, I never really use it in any game

Meltdown is easily one of my favourite spells EVER, I could just use it once and carry on hacking away with the weapons. Epic

Haste 2/Hastega anything that speeds the party up is made of win really

Demi is a godsend against anything that's not immune to it. It was loverly in Crisis Core

I used Poison quite alot in VII, not so much in any of the other games, but I liked it in VII

Shell/protect/cure - Saved everyones arse repeatedly :monster:

Pretty much the same as everyone above really, Im not really one for caring about black magic, but all the rest I find are pretty useful, but I guess out of that lot, my favourite would be meltdown
1- Meteor FFIX (looks dangerous, but nothing out of the ordinary)

2- Haste (the best spell to speed up a battle)

3- Blizard (luv to see monsters friezed :devil:)

4- Ultima (dangerously effective)

5- Cure and Life
...BLUE MAGIC. I love blue magic. =D Especially in VII, for some reason. It's really varied-I mean, it has both great attack (Trine), healing (White Wind) and even defensive (Big Guard) skills. I was rather disappointed XII didn't have any blue magic system, actually. But I also like Black Magic, given it siphons love out of the universe...
I like the haste spell alot it keeps you good on the offensive and i also enjoy white magic alot, nothing like being able to heal your super fast buddies then crush your opponents with something tough like a big ol sword ;)
FFIV Meteor = 9,999 Damage to all targets. Love it.
FFV/VI Quick. I love that spell.
FFVI Ultima = Awesome.
Basically, all of the strongest spell are my favorite. :D
Drain just fun to suck hp from the enemy and get it for yourself and i dont have to waste magic to heal that charecter(in a way you know). Heal and a damage spell so worth it
the problem with white magic is that all it can do is gay status and heal attacks! however holy pwns all!
FFVII had a very pretty ultima! but if we are talking attacks from aeons,gf's,sumons etc then Eden pwns all majorly!(Eden = very kick as sumon from FFVIII) you could say ark was awesome too! but lets face it he was a weird helicopter boat!
anywhoi fav magic = Enemyskill! magic hammer saves my ass!
Protect/Shell. I don't know what I'd do without these spells sometimes. Unfortunately Shell reduces the effectiveness of curative spells in most FFs, so I tend to avoid using it, and hope Protect is sufficient in a fight.

I absolutely hate that, and thus avoid using it for the same reasons. Healing magic should get around the Shell status, not be affected by it.

That said, XII was the first FF I actually used helpful status effects often, and since I've began using Haste and Protect a lot in the other games too. I used to just go for all out attack and hope for the best. Not a bad strategy mind, but I've found using Hastega, Protectga and Slowga makes battles even more fun :wacky:
1- Holy
2- Ultima
3- Obvlivion (Anima's overdrive)
4- Thundaja
5- Flame Purge (Bashes quickening)
I love being able to cure, some of the effects used for them are gorgeous. Plus you always need a healer. Defense skills are my favs.
Enemy skill from final fantasy 7. Final Fantasys 8's enemy skill or quistis's limit, is kinda weak. FF 9's was that he/she magic, better then ff 8's. If i recall, final fantay 7's enemy skill was the best ones becuase by the end of the game, i had a ton of enemy skills/magic.
My favorite spells have got to be from FF8, I mean;

1. Ultima
2. Renzokuken (I'm pretty sure this counts)
3. Meteor
4. Flare
5. Shockwave Pulsar (Hardcore)

These have got to be my top favorite spells and or limit break(s).
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oh oh oh SUPER NOVA from FF VII
also the weirdest, pandoras box or pandora, i forgot what its called exactly, its a enemy skill that you get towards the end of the game. Its space and a big question mark... lol
The best spell would have to be Meteor in ff8. Combined with triple(which is also pretty nice to have) it can make a big dent in any enemies health.