Favorite Magic

Blizzard/ice magics would be my fav in looks and such although ultima was always fun XD

Leviathan would always be leviathan just b/c i love tidal wave and water in general i would have said water magics for looks but ive always noticed that quite a few final fantasy games never made that many water abilities but oh well lol. Bahumut was also cooleo i just liked levi abit more~:x3:~

And for awesomeness and even thoughits not in many games but Shock is one of my all time favorite abilities just for the heck of how awesome it was and i loved just about al the non-elemental abilities that would just totally destroy your enemies XD
final fantasy's 8 flare is awesome! like... pew! pew!! PEEEW!!! PEEEEEWWW!!!!! KABOOMMM!!! and not to mention with triple... X3 awesome!
I have always like the Iced based spells like Blizzaga. Thundara comes in a closes second. I would have haste up there but correct me if I'm wrong you cant cast it on your whole party at once. That really annoys me when its in a game like IV and it takes 5 turns to get everyone hasted...