Favorite Part

F. F. Fan

Oct 24, 2006
Chicago, IL
What is or are your favorite part(s)?

Mine would have to be every thing in and about the Outer Continent. From the entire journey through Fossil Roo, all the way to the end of Disc 2 with the Iifa Tree.

The ones that stand out the most for me would be the Black Mage Village, Conde Petie, Madain Sair and the Iifa Tree.

Black Mage Village: No matter how many times I play this, the Black Mage Village always cracks me up.

Conde Petie: Again, the whole Vivi & Quina marriage also cracked me up.

Madain Sari: I thought this place was cool, it explained a lot history about the game and it has a great FMV.

Iifa Tree: This was my all-time favorite part of the Outer Continent; I loved every thing about the tree, from its role in the game, to its history and even the look of it was cool.

However, my all-time favorite part is Memoria. IMO its among one of the best endgame parts in the PS1 series.
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The scene when Alexandria gets destroyed is my favourite part of the game. Alexander defeats Bahamut then the Invincible destroying Alexander. The part I liked best was when you see Zidane jumping to Garnet's aid. It was the timing of the explosion that made it look perfect.

I also liked the time between when you first get to the Outer Continent to the end of disc 3. You learn more about Zidane and Garnet and their relationship progressing.
I really like the part at the beggining where you get to interact with the play. I always keep doing encores until I impress Queen Brahn.
I like the journey to ther Outer Continent, it's a nice moment when you come out of Fossill Roo and now have a whole new area to explore. And that's followed by some locations I like a lot: Conde Petie, Black Mage Village (such a sad place) and Madain Sari (another eerily lovely location).

As already said Memoria is a very good last part of the game too.
There isn't really a set area I like but theres 2 FMV's I love
1) Garnet jumping off building at start.
2) Garnet cuts her hair.

I have just started the game against last night got the bit where you find out Cid is a oglop. just b4 the hunt festival.
-Brahne's attack on the Red Rose
-Blank getting Petrified in the Evil/Petrified Forest
-Kuja walking out of Burmencia in the rain at the end of Disc 1
-Brahne's battle and death against Kuja and Bahamut
-Alexander vs. Bahamut
-Invincible destroying Alexander
-Fighting Amarant
-Going to Terra
-Kuja trancing and destrying his own home planet
-Entering Memoria for the first time
-All of the boss battles in Memoria
-The end scene between Kuja and Zidane, and Zidane and Garnet after the play.
-Brahne's attack on the Red Rose
-Blank getting Petrified in the Evil/Petrified Forest
-Kuja walking out of Burmencia in the rain at the end of Disc 1
-Brahne's battle and death against Kuja and Bahamut
-Alexander vs. Bahamut
-Invincible destroying Alexander
-Fighting Amarant
-Going to Terra
-Kuja trancing and destrying his own home planet
-Entering Memoria for the first time
-All of the boss battles in Memoria
-The end scene between Kuja and Zidane, and Zidane and Garnet after the play.
Damn thats just what I was gonna say and the whole blank gettin petrifiied thing still pisses me off that guy is so cool ^_^
Damn, can't believe I forgot the flight from Black Waltz III after you beat him, and you make it through the gate of Lindblum just ahead of him - a really thrilling sequence.
Hmmmm, I like the parts where people from the tantulus got to help you[Blank and that one guy who helps you while you control Dagger and Sir rusty[I like that name]] Oh and when You get to fight/get helped, by Beatrix. My favorite scene would be the one where Alexander destroys Bahumut and the one where Odin creates havoc is good too.
Don't know why, but I liked the part after Garnet lost her voice. I know it's strange, but I just did. After all, some things happened after she lost so much around her.
Ah that reminds me then of the scene where Garnet then cuts her hair with the dagger and when she does she let's it float off into the breeze of the wind. That scene just strikes me as awesome for some reaosn because even though it is a small action, Zidane's jaw drops and can't believe that a Princess and future Queen would be going this far in the adventure when she could easily be sitting on a throne somewhere having a facial and talking to royalty from other nations.
I like that scene too, BustaMo. I think it's one of my favorites, mainly because of the music background. I also love the part where there was a festival of some sort in this one castle (forgot the name) and you had to hunt the animals in different areas/district. I tried it so many times coz' I kept failing. I wanted to see Zidane have a date with Garnet...but I guess it never happens, much to my disappointment.
Ah yes... It's been a long time since playing FFIX...

Well, I do love the journey to the Outer Continent at the end of Disc III. And yes, it is true that you can see the relationship between Zidane and Garnet grow more and more.

Also love the part when Garnet decided to cut her hair short with a dagger.

But... The ending of FFIX was something that had moved me. Though, I have to tell you... The ending of FFIX was not what the creators originally intended.
There are a lot of great moments in the Game!

The play at the begining
Escaping evil forest
the Festival of the Hunt
Escaping Alexandria
Kuja destroying Queen Brahne
Fighting The Guardians of Terra
Kuja destroying Terra

This are some of the finest moments:)
At the destruction of Alexandria, I loved when Zidane showed up just in time and Garnet finally gave him a well deserved hug as he saved her. =] I could have cried then. I think I might have...
I liked the beginning of the game, when your on the boat, and in and around Alexandria. It was the best part IMO. But also, any time up until Garnet/Dagger
cuts her hair
is good.
I liked the beginning of the game the most I think. The rest was good too, and I have to say I loved the chocobo quest mini-game :D It was fantastic!