Favorite Playable Character

My favourite character in FFX is definetally Lulu

before I played with the game, I liked her looks and stuff but when I actually started playing, and figured out she is a Black Mage I started using her always:D I love mages (mostly black mages) and Lulu is pretty useful too :D and it is funny to see Lulu kicking the ass of Dark Aeons/Omega Weapon with a small doll xD
My favorite playable character is Rikku, however, in terms of usefulness, I would choose Wakka over her. Rikku has the best character and voice actor, and she seemed the most realistic to me. Wakka is not the best character, but in battle, he can be the strongest without a doubt.
I remember playing Yuna after the trials and it was pretty interesting being able to (or having to) rely on aeons and healing spells up until you find Auron, Lulu and Khimari. And although typical, I love to play Tidus's paradigm because I feel like I can relate to him as a person through the game. I also like playing as Lulu.. And Auron. It's so hard to choose a favorite :p
I think Kimahri/Tidus as an actual player but Lulu is my favourite character in the game.
Auron was easily my fav to play as. He could easily dominate over many of the fiends that appeared, and with haste could become a one man army. Though my main party was Tidus, Wakka and Auron.
At the moment, it's definitely Lulu. Bloody strong magic, and when you've got her ultimate weapon she's amazing. Yeah, Yuna can cast stronger black magic with her ultimate weapon, but Lulu does it with style...
i dont think any of the characters are original, that being said, ither LULU or WAKKA are my favorites, LuLu because there is just something about her ;) and wakka because he is hilarious and stupid at the same time eh!
Its a very Hard choice to decide If I liked playing as lulu,Rikku or Seymour (for that one time) I have to go with Lulu and I dont normally go for the magic casters but Lulu is one of those special few on my favorite mage list, towards the end of the game where I had her invade yunas grid to make her a great healer lulu is by far the best character I like playing with. She's also one of those serious types as well which is another thing I like.

I did like that one battle with Seymour cause its the only time you ge tto see his Overdrive "Requim (error on the name I know) I didnt mind dragging out that fight cause seymour was very powerful indeed and the only character that knows the ability Multi Cast. i wish i could teach Lulu that >_<
I would have to say that Lulu is my favorite playable character, with Rikku being a close second.

I honestly love that Lulu has many emotional layers throughout the game, she comes off as a harsh cold kind of emotionless character but as you play the game and devote time to talking with her, you realize that she is actually a very deep character.

Rikku on the other hand is pretty much a what you see is what you get kind of character in my opinion, she is what she is, whether you like it or not :)
I'd for Auron, for all that power :D definitely one of the strongest per strike and knows how to carry it with style too. Too bad his build was slow during my game, could't make use of all that potential wahahaha
Rikku. With just a little bit of strength boosting she becomes extremely useful. I love many of her skills, like Bribe and Mug. I use her in almost every battle.
It's really hard to say, but I'd say Yuna, since I love her as a character, and I just love the innocent, supporting characters. Following suit would be Auron. He kicks major butt, you know!
Yuna for sure.
She seems so fragile and dainty yet is so determined to selflessly give her life for her people. She's lovely and kind with an iron will and handles finding out everything she ever believed in was total crap really well.

And her summons were awesome and I love their entrances and little interactions with her. And its fun powering her up so she takes down powerful enemies with a whack of her staff xD
Probably Tidus since he's my favourate character ever. But X really has a lot of good characters. There were no characters that I disliked like there were in pretty much all the other Final Fantasy's.

Auron,Yuna, and Lulu were my go to's for battle. i liked their character in general too. LuLu was the voice of reason, and Yuna and Auron kept the party going.
If I had to choose, my favorites are Tidus, Yuna, and Auron.

However, I love all the characters. Kimahri is a little underdeveloped, but he's cool. This is like... the only FF where there's not one playable character that I didn't like :hmmm:

Another reason why X is in my Top 3.
Hands down, Auron. Let's face it, he's dead, wields a sword longer than most people are tall, and was faithful to his friends even after death. If that doesn't make him a badass, then I don't know what would. Besides, he was probably the most well rounded of the group. Strength stats, health stats, and defense stats, he was a beast. When I played this game, I never use Yuna, Kimahri, Wakka, or Rikku, and Tidus and Lulu don't get to fight very much either because I maxxed out Auron's stats. If I am not mistaken, I do believe he levels up the fastest as well...
Auron is definitly my favorite character by far. His sword is just awesome. Not only that but his battle stance and attack swing just scream "Badass" He's also got the whole mysterious badass samurai thing going for him to, not to mention that he's supposed to be dead.
Tidus because he's so adorakable. Dorky, but in a way that makes it cute and not so annoying.

Also he goes through so many emotions throughout the game. Happy, cheerful, cocky, silly, jealous, hurt, sorrow.... and all these emotions that he's feeling, you're feeling them as well as you progress through the story with him.

Not to mention, he's so random and funny. Some of the things he randomly shouts through battles is just so..... wtf, you'll burst out laughing because it was so random.

Basically he feels very human for something that's actually a computer graphic.

Auron is second place for being damn sexy and badass though
