Favorite Playable Character

Let's watch the one-liners here, they can be deleted as spam. Give us some reasons why you like the character you like, please. :3
Definately Yuna.

While she can't do much physical damage, the Aeons and white magic make her my favorite. She is also rather humble as a summoner.

Although, I also like Auron as well.
He is probably my most used character for physical attacks and I love his calm stoic nature.
Favorite character? For me it could only be one person. Auron, hes slick, cool as hell, has giant swords, his special moves are badass, hes just one mean mutha and a great damage dealer
Honestly, I have to go with Rikku, because she is way too awesome!
But I always use Auron, Tidus and Wakka when I fight. Those guys are epic >;D

Why? - Because he's very strong minded, isn't scared of anything that get's in his way, and doesn't let other people's problems effect him in a negative way, even though he seems like he doesn't care, I feel he cares a lot about the other characters in the game, even if he doesn't always show it. I like the way he looks, his clothing is cool, and his swords always look like they'd tear anything apart.
For me, Rikku and Wakka. Thief has always been my favorite FF class, and Rikku's sphere grid is loaded with agility and evasion. They both were constantly on my front line with Tidus.
auron of corse just because he was so mellow yes he was
but that did not stop him from being awsome did it

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Not sure who my favourite character was but my favourite to use are Rikku and Yuna, Yuna on account of Holy, Zanmato, and Anima. Rikku because stealing was so handy as well as bribe, not to mention Super Mighty G and the little bye bye when she iced an enemy.

1. Auron- no surprise, wise, BA, uses the katanas, banishing blade is very helpful, kicked Yunalesca's ass and actually avenged not only his own death but those of his two buds Jecht and Braska, along the way helping their respective kids' become legends, also had actual growth as a character from the tightwad younger Auron shown in the flashbacks

2. Yuna- She's brave, strong-willed, and very intelligent, leaves the dumbassness to Rikku, and the bitchiness to Lulu which is a good thing, also her overdrive is simple but awesome, she's the only white mage (until end game) and summoner so by default shes amazingly useful

3. Wakka- Not so much that I like him (really only "like" the first two tbh) but that he's an interesting character, people bag on him because he's openly racist and oblivious that the girl he guards is half the race he bashes, but his growing up on an isolated religion-heavy island like that makes his behavior excusable, mostly he's third because post-game he's the best character and a half, attack reels wins everything as we all know

4. Tidus- Don't really like Tidus (especially compared to my boys Squall and Cecil) but again, like Wakka, if you look at the context of his situation, his behavior only makes sense, plus by the end he becomes much more mindful of his relation to the rest of the party, and willing to accept the responsibility before him. he legit cares for yuna but does his best not to make her too sad about his leaving, so he's overall just a good dude. not the most interesting character on his own, but satisfactory I suppose.

5. Kimahri- Not much to say on him, Square Enix thought the same apparently. He's a blue Red XIII? Cool?

6. Lulu- Why Wakka? makes no sense

7. Rikku- Yuffie, Selphie, Eiko, Penelo, Vanille...all of you just go away

and special number 8. to Seymour, who is the worst villain in any post-VI FF because of his ridiculous outfit and hair, his overwhelming femininity, and the fact the he gets killed FOUR FUCKING TIMES and isn't close at all. Tidus got sick of his bitching, Tidus did!! You and Vayne go make out somewhere you amazing losers.
Auron. Definitely Auron, not only is he the strongest out of everyone but he's just cool in general. I had a perfect strategy with him on my team, Tidus would cast haste and Rikku would use all the best black magic possible and then Auron would use Armor Break and since he had haste on him, the second attack would be a normal attack but would usually always finish off whatever I was fighting.

Not to mention every time I play through FFX I always say to myself, 'When am I getting Auron?'
This isn't even a question with an answer that requires any sort of thought to me. Auron, hands down and shut the fuck up. He makes me feel like no one can fuck with me. And hey, no one can fuck with me when I'm him. So I win
Maybe Kimahri or Rikku. Gotta love the theif that can stealweapons and stuff. And another Red XIII? Gotta say it's pretty cool. Not sure how to explain it, but I think it's mighty awesome.
my team would be: Auron, Tidus, and Wakka/Lulu

i got so use to them i dont switch them
I think out of all of the characters, if I had to pick one who would be my favourite in battle it would be Rikku.

Not the original Rikku, of course. One customised to my advantage, namely Auto-Haste and a ton of each stat. There's something so satisfying watching Rikku run around decimating everything at twice the speed. xD

I also think that some of her battle quotes can be quite funny sometimes.
She's easily one of the most flexible characters, well. They're all flexible but I think it just looks best when Rikku is, although i'm probably biased.
I am going to rank these by how much I liked them in battle:

1. Yuna
I simply love summons and summoners in all games. Her aeons are not only very powerful but also very well designed, had awesome entrances, were customisable and very important to the plot.

2. Lulu
I have a thing for magic and moogles. I found myself using Lulu almost all the time. Not matter which RPG game I play I always use the strategy of 'exploit there elemental weakness' to some extent and Final Fantasy X was no exception.
I didn't like how she went into Wakka's path though. I ended up getting Ultima then jumping over to Yuna's area, same with how I made Yuna go over to Lulu's.

3. Kimahri
I made Kimahri go through all his little middle area and then went down through Rikku's. He ended up having a intense amount of HP, very fast, very strong and was just became much better than my Rikku. I didn't get far enough to do so, but I was planning on getting him to go up through Wakka's and then Auron's area afterwards.
I got a thing for spears/lances and non-human characters as well.

4. Tidus
Although he didn't really shine for me much throughout the bulk of the story. Once I reached Zanarkand, for some reason, he became amazingly useful. He would just slaughter everything. A very nice balance of speed and power. Then he went on to become somewhat like a Paladin because of Yuna's path which I found very useful.
I also love the Brotherhood sword.

5. Auron
He is quite powerful but I just kept finding him in the back lines. Quite a cool character, quite an awesome weapon and very nice stats but he just didn't stick out much.

6. Wakka
Although he was nothing to me during my first playthrough, one my second one I decided to give Wakka some work and he actually got quite powerful. I was somewhat amazed. It is pretty awesome that he kills things with a ball as well. That takes skill.

7. Rikku
Purely because my Kimahri was better than he in nearly every way. I do love Rikku, and I am sure if my game didn't break before I go up to her in my second playthrough that I would use her a lot (mainly due to Kimahri now taking Tidus's path). I find her Mix skill to be very fun as well.

8. Seymour
Although he is powerful in the one battle you have him, he just didn't stick out much and the fact that he is only in one battle isn't helping him much either.

So that's how I rank them based on gameplay. Them as characters is a different story but this isn't the thread for that.
I have a few gripes about all of the characters. But I liked Tidus' voice because it made him sound analytical and mature, like there might be a real personality behind that goofy smile. I also liked the speed-based focus given to him in battles. He was my favorite when it came to battles, with Auron and Lulu being second and third.
I loved to play as tidus for the satisfying crunch when his sword impacted that just no-one else could deliver. also his overdrive's are effective