Favorite Playable Character

I am going with Vincent Valentine. Same here with Cloud problems , not very much attached to it.
I had fun playing with Vincent so going with him ...
This is a really hard choice because there is at least 5 characters in this game that I absolutely loved playing. But I guess if I had to choose just one....it would be Cid Highwind.

I loved him as a character, his attacks were awesome and some of the dialogue he had was just epic. Plus when you first get him he was always in my party, he was a heavy hitter and his limits did a lot of damage too.
I don't think a simple cloud is enough cal xD
Personally I think Vincentis the best. He's got guns, does decent damage, and is a back row kind of guy. His weapons have decent slots, and as soon as I had him as a character he's remained in my party... ALWAYS (except for the parts where you can't get him). Also, his Limits are the coolest... unless you're in the Battle Square. Something that I've learned the hard way....:(
Cloud and Cid were my two favorite chars because of their triple growth weapons. Aeris was cool too, being able to heal the party with her limit break was cool.
I liked them all but Vincent surely was my favourite. I've always liked his kind of dark, mysterious but still kind characters. Just because of his coolness I got my eye on him even before playing FFVII myself. ^^'

On the first time I played FFVII I didn't know how to get Vincent. I was already going at the crater and ready to encounter the last bosses when I was told that I could've got Vincent already on the first cd. D'oh! I went to get him immediately but it wasn't fun anymore at that point, so I started the game all over again. Ahah.

I also liked most of Vincent's limit breaks, especially Galian Beast and Chaos. The other two were ugly so I didn't use them at all. Yes, sometimes it just IS about looks. And not just because of his nature, looks and limits, but also because his story was really touching and sad, imo the best story from of the party.

Nanaki was another great favourite of mine, mostly because of his unique felinecanine looks and cuteness and maybe a bit like Vivi-like nature too. The most sympathetic character of the game. <3
Favourite character from any Final Fantasy game is Nanaki, so I've gotta go with him as my choice.

He is the most unique playable character in the main Final Fantasy games. Not counting FFTactics games where you can recruit all kinds of different monsters, but I still say he'd be the most unique, being the talking, very intellegent quadruped of the franchise. Lol

Nanaki just looks really cool, and acts cool, and funny at times, like when he is trying to stay on two legs and walk around in that uniform on that boat to Costa Del Sol... XD

And to be honest, my favourite scene in the game is when he finds out the truth about his father that he thought of as a coward for so long, but turns out that was the complete opposite of the truth. Like that The Great Warrior music during it too, that really helps make it as impactful as I find it to be. :P
Durr, Cloud Strife and Aerith <33:piggyback: They're fun to play as. I also liked being Cid... he ran funny.:awesome: So that's why I liked being him.:yay:
My favorite is Cloud. I like his "I don't care about anyone" attitude, when in actuality, he does. I think his character development is similar to that of Han Solo's in Star Wars. Both of them were mercenary type guys, in it for the money, but they each had a kind, caring soul inside of them. It just took a little while for those feelings to become apparent, to themselves and everyone else. Neither character really liked to show it, but it was there. That's the ultimate badass personality, in my opinion.
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Vincent, most definitely. Cloud was cool and all, but I never got attached ot his character the same way I did Vincent... Which is strange, considering the lack of character Vincent shows at times. xD

However, his design, backstory, weapons and limits are all my favourites in the game (first time through, I was underlevelled against Diamond, and only survived because Hellmasker was attacking constantly and killed it when Cloud and Yuffie were KO'd xD).

I totally agree, really I don't think people give credit to how deep he can be even though he isn't as hyper or funny as the others not every one is a joker.


plus he's uber-hot...
I have to go with Yuffie, too~ =3 She was my support character (weird, right?) powering everyone up with Haste and Wall and the like. Plus, she was powerful in her own right, as well. Tifa comes in a veeerrrrry close second. ^^
Hmmm, if there's a warrior that fights w/ a sword, I'll always be impressed. It would be a tie between the near-godliness of Sephiroth and the kinda-vigilant Cloud.
A very hard question, in my mind I would have to say Zidane or Vivi. I enjoy both their attitudes and opinions. I like how Zidane plays his role, the thief with a heart. The brave fun-loving kid brought up around thieves and puppets to crime. I also enjoy the way he strives for love and how he would give his life in an instant to the one who has his heart. The same could be said for all of the FF main characters, but the background and image Zidane gives off definetly secures this spot. However I do enjoy Vivi, the lost one. Wants to learn about his past and is desperate to be normal (I like him how he is =]). He joins some people he doesn't know and adventures with them, building bonds between them like he was normal, and they accept him. I enjoy how nice he is and I like to feel his emotions while I play.

Cloud and Squall come close.
Sorry but idk why are you talking about Final Fantasy 9 characters in Final Fantasy 7 section
Zack Fair. Seriously. If he was a playable character in VII, that is.

Otherwise, Cloud is my man. A big sword and a broken hero is all I need in a Final Fantasy game. I also like Tifa and Vincent, so those three ended up being my final party. Next time I think Cloud, Cid, and Red XIII will be my team. Maybe Tifa in place of Red XIII, I don't know.
I think Aeris was probably mine, not in it for very long but a very caring character who, after no-one else has picked her, I feel deserves some recognition :P
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Mine would have to be Sephiroth. Epicly long, silvery hair, and a Masamune. What more could you ask for. AND, he don't look 1/2 bad.
First time I played it, it was Cloud and Red VIII
Second time it was Cid en Red VIII
So it seems that Red VIII stands out but...
I'm playing it the third time (it has been a long long time since my second time).
And i have not figured put yet who is my favourite now, keep you in touch about it...
Don't mean to sound too much like an ass but its Red XIII, no V in there Heidegger.

Having played Crisis Core, if Sephiroth didn't change, he would have been my favorite. This sounds really strange, but I feel the ORIGINAL game screwed up his character. I think Sephiroth is much more interesting while he was the calm and collected SOLDIER. But then he went psycho, started laughing like Kefka and went on a killing spree, I lost that respect I had for him. Despite that, he's the only character in Dissidia who scares me when I have to fight him. XD

Because of that, Cloud would be my favorite. I think his own character development and how complicated he actually is, is very interesting. I think its fascinating that he was originally lost between three different persona's; his original self, portraying Zack, and acting like what he thought a SOLDIER 1st Class would act like. Throughout the game, having looked at things, I think he acts like 'Cloud' for almost the entire game, except for the first part in Midgar, I think he acts more like Zack/a cocky SOLDIER. But I thought it was fun that his memories were all screwed up. When you were replaying his past in Nibelheim, I just thought it was interesting that he tried to avoid certain areas. Later on you realize his memories are jumbled up.

Regardless, towards the end, having played the game more than once I notice a difference between how he acts with his memories back and how he did back in Midgar. Having acted cocky and overconfident like how Zack was, but in actuality Cloud doesn't have unwavering confidence. He's unsure of himself and almost shy. But he still came back around, definitely having plenty in him to fight Sephiroth mano a mano. And all of this in a video game released in the 90's? I'm really not buffing up his character on my own, its all there. Amazing.