Favorite Playable Character

...I have to say... I quite liked having Barret too...

I felt all in control when you could wobble around with him for a while. Like... He's the leader of AVALANCHE and it just felt cool to be able to control that. :wacky:

He just doesn't seem like the kind of character to be controlled by the player. Would probably tell you to quit assing around. :rofl:
Where the frick is Aerith? What kind of chiz is that.

Well, mine would be Cloud or Aerith. Just because they're my favorite characters, though.

But then again, I really liked being Cid, THAT was awesome. I kinda wished I could be him more.
he is an overpowered, and overrated character. The fact that I'm not the biggest fan of VII does come into play in this statement, but hes just not that great of a character. He was just like all of the other spiky haired anime characters at the time.

It's not the fact that he has fans that makes him overrated, its more the fact that this guy was not really the greatest character that Square has ever made, and the whole idea of the flawed hero had been done. It actually had been getting done quite a bit around the time of VII, but this was one of the first games to bring that element to the industry. I don't think the fact that a character has flaws like "I'm a clone, but there is a supervillain that I must kill" makes him any more real. If he had some normal flaws, maybe fears or weaknesses to A SWORD JUST STABBED HIM IN THE FACE, then he would seem more human. I understand the latter would be ridiculous to put into a game, because it would destroy the elements, but you have to understand that its 1 am here, and I just got back from 14 hours of school, so I'm kind of at a loss for words.

I don't really like cloud, the way that his character was portrayed, or the personification of the flawed hero fad of the 90's in video games. If hes going to be flawed, give him some issues that are more real, like Nathan Drake and moral dilemma's of greed and love. If you cannot make the personification of this trait without making some guy who just appears depressed about life, then why make this character... Unless of course you are making a game about a sad emo kid who became happy one day.

I guess I just hold characters to higher standards than those that every cloud fan has. I know a lot of people who agree. And just to be fair, one of my good friends is a HUGE VII fan, and he is crazy about Cloud, and every aspect of the game in general. He has played through the game too many times to count, and knows it almost word for word now. He still calls cloud a whiny emo kid. His views on the events are not about saving the world, its about him, and what is best for him. The fact that everything else happened was just a hinderance, and an inconvenience to him.

Anyway, thats all that I've got. I'm gonna pass out for about as long as I was in school for... I hope. Laters!
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Thanks for the post, it definitely helps clarify your point. I can't defend Cloud's character in the entire Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, because Normua did turn him into an emo who can pull off supernatural stunts, defy death, and defeat Yazoo, Yaz, Kadaj, and Sephiroth without help from others. I can, however, defend his portrayal in the game itself which pertains to this thread ("Favorite Playable Character"). First, lemme fix your misconceptions:

1) Cloud isn't a clone of Sephiroth. He's a normal human who Hojo attempted to turn into a clone...but failed. Cloud, thus, became a human vegetable.

2) He was stabbed in the shoulder, not the face. Hence, why the wound was not fatal, although, he was still too weak to resist being taken by Hojo's workers. If you watched "Last Order", then you'll see that Nomura retconned the scene so that Cloud was stabbed in the chest...and lived (without the infused mako and Jenova cells, mind you). That I cannot defend.

3) Cloud didn't show fear in Disc 1 and most of Disc 2 because he was still trapped in his Zack persona (cocky & fearless). Afterwards, he does show more humanistic traits such as motion sickness...as shown in the dialogue with Yuffie when he started doing squats lol.

4) His realistic flaws are: thinking he has to make it big to impress his childhood crush, failing to make it big, fear of humiliation, motion sickness, and blaming himself for the end of the world because he gave the villain the means to...well...end the world :) He didn't even beat Sephiroth by himself. Only in the mental battle did he win 1 vs 1.

5) His Final Fantasy flaws are: amnesia, being manipulated/controlled by the primary villain, being introverted despite having 8 other friends, and anything else Square-Enix decides to recycle.

So what if Square-Enix makes every protagonist flawed? That's why we play their games, because the characters are interesting and have a memorable history! If Cloud were perfect, then he'd be boring. If he only had realistic flaws, then he'd still be boring. Let's face it, we play Uncharted for the adventure and not for Nathan Drake lol. One more thing:

6) In Final Fantasy VII (the game), Cloud is not emo. He repeated stated after his recovery in disc 2 that he would keep on living. The only form of "emo" I found in his story was when Tifa visited his memories in the lifestream. If you don't believe me, then download the Ultima (hacked) Edition and replay the game to see for yourself.

I know I can't convince you to love Cloud, but I want to at least help you understand some misconceptions so that you can form a more informed opinion on his portrayal in VII. I will admit that he's emo in Advent Children, Dissidia, and Kingdom Hearts for ridiculous reasons. I will admit that his physical abilities went off the scale in his appearances outside of VII, but then again, every character underwent the same transformation.
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Thanks for the references, and true info. I guess I will reconsider where I place him in my list of favorite characters, because he does seem to be better than I remember, but I guess I will have to play through one more time to see it more clearly. I have only played through the game twice. Once to play it as a gamer, and once to play it to win money from my friend. He bet me that I couldn't beat it without using materia, except for the few that were pretty much necessary. (I can't quite remember which ones he allowed me to use, but it was only 2 or 3 I think for elementals I believe... I'm not too sure...) anyway, I digress. I thank you for being the first person to give me realistic arguments against my POV, and I will definitely take these very valid points into consideration. I'm still calling it emo for blaming himself for the world's destruction... I know thats probably not the best term, but thats the word I've used for so long, and I'm sticking to it... XP... anyway thank you for arguing with me... I enjoyed it! XP
I quite enjoyed Nanaki ah Red XIII. He was my party staple along with cloud and either Yuffie or Tiffa I dont think there was anything I dissliked about him

Vincent's a fave but i didnt care for his limits so I used him alot but not so much his limits if ever
Cait sith I actually enjoyed because playing with his slots was rather fun for me so I did end up useing him alot
Barret wasnt bad but rather "eh" take or leave for me he was in my back up team
Tiffa because I like the monk/fighter type im a brute force person so I toggled her and Yuffie
Yuffie because as my second choice to monk/fighter I love a thief/ninja and her limits where usefull for a quick heal
Cid wasnt bad but it did take me a while to like his limits but still he was in my back up team
Aeris<----her name in my game actually I was quite irked when she died I think I had maxed out all of her stats and had her ultimate weapon and quite frankly most of her limits where also a nice thing to have as a quick fix in a boss battle but still in my secondary team lol
Obviously, you can tell it's Cloud by my avatar. But if I had to choose someone besides him it would it be Barrett
Aerith, because she's the only character in FF7 that I can stomach. More than stomach, actually I love her. She's the reason that I stopped playing FF7 at Disc 2 and didn't continue until recently.

I loved her attitude and outlook on life. She was very much a realistic character. And it's neat that she was an Ancient! But I mostly love her because she gave everyone a chance and was even willing to rush off alone to save the world. She had alot more going on then you would think by looking at the surface.
In disc one...
Aeris, whenever she was in ANY party, no one died!

disc 2...
Vincent, his chaos amused me when I couldn't control him

disc 3
Cloud, I loved that final hit after the last battle with Sephiroth.
Cloud is a given, but I really like Red XIII. He is wise, and has a good personal story.
My favourite was Yuffie, it was a good long wait before I got to her part in the game though. But whenever she's on my team its always clean sailing :D


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