Favorite TV Show

My fav shows are smallville, supernatural, gossip girl(so...), one tree hill, and family guy

smallville because i loved the superman comics:D

supernatural because it is cool and the winchester bros are true hunters and they sure know how to kill a demon

gossip girl because it portrays what happens in a late teenage years really well

one tree hill because it related to me because i was just staring high school at the time

family guy because it is the funniest show on television
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My favorite TV show of all time has to be That 70's Show. When I first started watching, it had already been airing for a couple of years. I never get tired of watching it, and always do when I happen to see that it's on.

I also enjoy watching Law&Order when ever it comes on. I don't really have a favorite Law&Order show, but I guess I tend to watch SVU the most.
Ever been stuck in a hotel watching tarantulas fuck?

Thats not my favorite show.

You know you all do it. You sit and watch something haneous, critical, grotesque...yet methodical and yet, ya wipe the slate clean of everything but "methodical" and say...

"I could have done it better."

I like watching shows without alleged fiction. Worlds Dumbest Criminals. Like when the guy threw the cinder block at the plexi glass and it bounced off and hit him in the head. No not like that....And then shows that contrast, Criminal Masterminds. Why? Simple....

People couldn't hide a body in a wax museum....
Bleach does not smell like bleach, children. This is educational TV. I mean they give us shows like CSINY, Miami, Numbers, Cold Case...knowing there are like millions of disgruntled, underpaid, worker ants out there with a budlight in one hand and a tube of Pringles in the other goin':

"I would have never done that...did you see that shit? He just fuggin stuck his fingerprints all over the...."

Thats why I like the shows cover actual incidences.

Just had a cautionary poster thought.

Ya know its funny...we play games where we spray the fuck out of middle-aged women with handbags on the sidewalk to get her out of the way so we can get to that car and yank the old man out and throw him in the middle of the turn lane...and yet if we speak to eachother here like this....it becomes suddenly scary for some of the 12 year olds driving tanks through malls...


I could have done it better....
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Bones and Ghost Hunters are at the top of my list.


I've always had a love for murder mysteries. Even though it's not too difficult to figure out that the culprit is either the first or second person Booth and Brennan interrogate, the murder cases are always pretty intriguing and creative. Sometimes it makes me wonder, "How many people are out there watching this right now and using some of what they see now to devise their own murders?"

Anyways, the characters and their personalities are just to die for, and the drama within the series isn't the usual "Oh he's with me but why is he dating you?!" type. The show is more of a comic relief among other shows with the genre. (I heard Monk was pretty funny as well, but I haven't watched it since I'm not sure what channel/day/or time it's on, hahaha. I'm too lazy to check in tv guide xP)

Ghost Hunters:

Who doesn't love a scare every now and then? Ghost Hunters isn't all too scary, it's just really interesting. Many skeptics try to shoot down as much gathered evidence they can from the show, but - call me gullible - I don't really think that it's fake.

The people on the show seem genuine and lovable. The more you watch the show, the more you fall in love with the investigators.
CSI: Miami, Heroes, House

CSI: Miami:
Horatio and his one liners... Gotta love 'em. This series is by far my favorite crime/investigation show. I love how technologically advanced they are even though we all know that those devices don't actually exist. The plots are always pretty well thought-out even though it usually is fairly easy to distinguish which suspect is the potential murderer.

Hiro Nakamura. I <3 Hiro! The whole reason I got into Heroes is because of Hiro and Ando's mishaps. I didn't care about the "save the cheerleader, save the world" thing. Peter Petrilli and Sylar are also wonderful. I miss Peter having his initial ability though. Sylar is easily the best villian ever. I'm totally addicted and absolutely cannot wait for the next season to begin!

OMG House! Okay, I liked the previous seasons a lot better than the new ones. His old team was way more interesting to watch interact. Chase and Cameron had such a cute little love connection going on. Cameron had the best quote in the series... No, she had the best sex quote in existance. It's always Lupus. Always.
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A few of my favourite shows are That 70's Show, Friends, and Will and Grace. I don't favourite too many just those three. Neither am I really open to new shows. I don't like watching television and I never get the chance to, but whenever I do and I see that my favourite shows are on, I'd sit down and watch it. I'm more into comedy and with these shows I'm always kept entertained.
My Favorite TV Show is FullMetal Alchemist, BLEACH and D.Gray-Man not too many people like it but it's much better than other crappy stuff like Naruto. "IMO"
The Sopranos. Most other TV shows either start out rather weak or lose steam as the show progresses. The Sopranos however was totally awesome right from the start, and just went from strength to strength until the conclusion of the show. There aren't any other shows out there which have kept me interested for 6 seasons in a row, and also kept me interested enough to rewatch on a regular basis.

Some other favourites would be Rome, Six Feet Under, Dexter (yes I'm a sucker for HBO shows), Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (season 3 and onwards anyway. Season 1 and 2 are awful), Battlestar Galactica, Trailerpark Boys, and Arrested Development.
For the last four or five years or so my favourite T.V show has been The O.C.

I bought all four boxsets and I've watched them all about six times or more now.

I am addicted to the storyline and the awesome characters. Gossip Girl is such a cheap rip off of this in my opinion. <_<

Nothing can replace The O.C! :gasp:

The soundtrack of the series is by far the best I've heard from any other movie or T.V show. They really made the best of this series.

My second favourite at the moment would be the Australian T.V series, 'Ocean Girl'. I love this show! It's so magical and it'd be awesome to be able to talk to a whale. :gasp:
There's alot of other good shows but my all time favorite will always be "The Wire" now thats an awesome show.The plot to it is very good its just better for you to watch it rather than read about it.So go watch it now :D
My favorite is a british show called skins. I find it really funny and amusing and its pretty different from any show ive seen. I also like a show called The L Word.

I think its an awesome series, before I didn't like it all that much, but after seeing it once on Tv again a few weeks ago I was hooked. It is about two brothers that fight demons and witches from hell (ironic?) As used out as that idea might sound, the series is actually quite good. I believe it is the mixed humor in it that makes it what it is.
Argh this sucks i have so many which i love doctor who, torchwood, numbers, ghost whisperer....i could go on for years.

But the one i love the most is All the CSI series including NCIS. Everything around the series facinates me, maybe i am morbid but i could sit there and watch hours and hours of it in one go. Nothing makes me feel sick whilst watching it, well maybe when kids are involved it does but the whole thing facinates me. How they deal with thing's and the way it goes through the seasons.

You seem to really get a connection with the characters from each series, For me in Csi las vegas grissum and warren are my favourites there characters just seem so fresh and i dunno i just really like them. Where as in miami i like herashio, cali, eric, wolf and alex they all seemed to have a connection but i also liked speed too. Whereas with NY i do not have any feelings for any of those characters yet for some reason but i only got the whole boxset for christmas and am on season one cd 2 at the moment so i do not think ill get into it character wise for a time being.

Storyline well i am loving them. The one thing i love the most about this serie or series is the fact the stories never over lap with other csi's and if they do they get the character leader to switch over to say ny or lv to deal with it, so you kinda get a cross over and i really like that because it makes it seem linked.

I guess i am a huge nerd, forensics has always been a facination to me, sadly i thought nursing was for me, guess this is my way of feeling a little in tap with that side of things even though i know it is not real and even though a lot of it is real in the sense of what they do, you rarely see RL csi saying there doing a double or triple like you do in the series. its not as glammed up as they made it out to be in the series its weird hehe

but got to say i adore it, so far have miami complete set and OMG T_T and NY boxset getting origonal csi next xD
I loved Friends, But who doesn't to be honest, Every episode guarateed my with a laugh or a hundred. Very well put together, superb actors, brilliant stories.
Cant wrong really
Not sure now i would have said lost but i've recently watched the wonder years and i prefer it to lost i'd rather watch it again over lost anyway Skins is up there as well
lost and bleach.
both are equally awesome.
it wouold be hard to decide between the two but i would pick lost.
Man so many to choose from, like Scrubs, My Name is Earl, That '70s Show....

But like VII Master, my favorite is Supernatural. I didn't pay much attention to it, then watched like the 2nd season before I stopped watching it. But about a few months ago, I started watching it again and haven't stopped since then. Most supernatural stuff they show there (ghosts, demons, etc.) don't scare me, but recently I watched the episode where they showed a wraith. One quick glance really scared me!
in a nutshell i would have to say my all time favourite is Friends: i own all 10 seasons and they never get old! chandler ad joey made that show!

family guy - its always funny i still laugh at re-runs that i have seen a million times

American dad - same reasons as family guy really it funny as hell

CHUCK - i love this show at the moment there's Action and Comedy are the best genre mixes and itr makes this show epic
I have to say Friends and LOST. I can't decide between these two. They're both awesome!

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