Favorite Weapon

Big Casino

Money for Nothing
Mar 4, 2007
Apolagies if this thread has been done before.

Yup outta the whole series which 2 weapons were your favourite??
it could be clouds buster sword, irvines guns or even eikos flutes:huh:

My favourite was the brotherhood tidus weapon in 10. I just loved the way it looked the way u can see the water swirling around inside it, its just awesome.

My 2nd fav wud have to go to the nail bat in vii! yeah i know it was random and stupid(why would he think of fighting sephiroth with a bat, is he insane?) but thats what i loved about it, it was just weird and funny!:P
Buster Sword in Final Fantasy 7- Big swords own all lol.

Lulu's Cait Sith doll in Final Fantasy 10- So cute.
Masamune - Sephiroth's sword, i mean, DUDE COME ON!
Excalibur - Any sword named this owns,fact.
does it matter if its game or movie or both or whatever lol if not then mines gotta Vincent's Cerberus
I'm a gunbalde nut. The concept of them is so cool. My favourtie's definitely the Linoheart. It looked totally awesome
Then my second favourite would be Zidane's Ulitma Weapon from FFIX. That too looked cool, and I think the whole idea for the twin-bladed weapon like that is too
FF7 - Tie between Cloud's Buster sword and Sephi's Masamune.
FF8 - Ummm, would Angelo count as a weapon? Yeah, I know he wont so I'm gonna have to say either Squall's Gunblade's or irvie's guns.
FF9 - Zidane has some groovy looking weapons here so i'm gonna have to go with him.
FFX - Brotherhood looked really nice but then again, Yuna had some really ornate weapons. If we're talking cuteness though, Lulu wins hands down with any of hers!
FFX-2 - Can't really comment here becuase most of the weapons based in this game we've already seen in FFX soooo... Oh, but I like Paine's skull sword design.
DoC - CEBERUS!!! Need I say anymore?
I'm a gunbalde nut. The concept of them is so cool. My favourtie's definitely the Linoheart. It looked totally awesome
Then my second favourite would be Zidane's Ulitma Weapon from FFIX. That too looked cool, and I think the whole idea for the twin-bladed weapon like that is too

U liked zidanes ultima weapon? i thot it looked kinda crappy.
BTW awesome sig
My favourite weapons are.....

Cloud - Ultima weapon and Buster sword
Aeris - Full Metal Staff (im going to get a replica one day) Princess Guard

Lulu - All XD very unique
Yuna - Nirvana - because its braskas ^_^

-Cloud's First Tsurugi
-Sephiroth's Masamune
-Weiss' twin gunblades in DoC
Yuna - Nirvana - because its braskas ^_^[/quote]

oh yeah yuna had sum pretty good ones! i liked her first staff whatever it was called.