Playstation Favourite Capcom Series

Whats Your Favourite Capcom Series?

  • Street Fighter

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Resident Evil

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Devil May Cry

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Dino Crisis

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Onimusha

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Capcom VS........

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Power Stone

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Big Casino

Money for Nothing
Mar 4, 2007
favourite capcom series

well theres -
resident evil
dino crisis
devil may cry
time crisis
theres prob a few more but i cant remember:blink:

id probadly go with resident evil they made so many great games re4 was the best, so many classics
i love DMC the third installment was the best! the combo of guns and swords is awesome.
I also love onimusha, dawn of dreams was by far the greatest out of all of them and one of my fav games ever.

i vote re cuz theres more of them than the other series of capcom games and just about all of them were amazing:P
Resident Evil...simply for Resident Evil 4. The Resident Evil series was merely mediocre before Resident Evil 4 came along.

That game alone makes the entire series elite.
The lack of Street Fighter and Mega Man disturbs me greatly, two true titans of the gaming world are doomed to be forgotten in obscurity because Capcom are a bizarrely self-destructive company....Darkstalkers as well, one of the more enjoyable 2D romps.
Apart from that, meh, there's no series as such from Capcom I'd say I'm a fan of. There's a ton of good one off games or maybe sequels that Capcom have made that I've really enjoyed, only for them to toss them onto the scrap heap:
Power Stone
Star Gladiator
Rival Schools
Marvel Vs Capcom
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
A mention perhaps for Breath Of Fire 3 and 4, which were worthy rpg's.
I would've loved to have tried Warzard, but that was never gonna happen.

time crisis
Just to be picky, that was a Namco series.
I know theres already one of these threads but there was no poll so i thought it was kind of pointless so ive set up this one so we can keep a record.

But i vote Resident Evil, Due to Residen Evil 1, 2 and 3 on the Psone they are amazing i still haev to complete RE1 im nearly tere im in teh catacombs bit, Resident Evil 2 is my Favourite just the events that happen in the game which really make it better and the zombies are really good on it.then theres RE3:Nemesis,which is fantastic basically like RE2 but with a Mutated Beast chasing you constantly,the Nemesis addtion to the game really does boost the scare factor.

Once when i was on RE3 i was in the Police station and nemesis Burst through the window i rand into that room tahst the very tight coridoor whith the corners,Nemesis ws after me i was just panicing and running then suddenly i ran into the middle of a pile of 7 - 8 zombies and they were picking me off and Nemesis was still after me,he fired his Rocket Launcher at me but a couple of Zombies got in the way of the blasts,which really pissed Nemesis off so Nemesis ran up to the remaining zombie in its way and killed it got its rocket launcher into to postion,FIRED! and recked me,thats possibly one of teh best gaming experiences iver ever had it was really intense,other then RE id choose Devil May Cry i love that series.
I have to go with the Resident Evil games...i mean the zombies have clearly marked my childhood forever!:P
yeah it was a tough choice for me because im a huge street fighter fan but then again i also like resident evil but i think they will both be my favorite.
I think DMC is the best
But I played resident evil 2 3 and 4 and they where great to
I also Played Dino Crisis 2 and the game rocked
I voted resident evil. I loved it i have finished 1 on ps1 and gc 2,3 and 0. They where all awesome i haven't played 4!!! i really need to lol
I'll definitely have to go with the Resident Evil series, although the Street Fighter series comes in at a close second for me.
I'm a harcore fan of the street fighter series. I also liked the Capcom Vs. series, But I'm in favor for Power Stone.
Resident Evil....DMC goes over to 360...Kiss my ass capcom...You will never get my well deserved love....Losers. Second number goes to Onimusha, third... Dino Crisis....Meh sort of.
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I am going to have to go with street fighter cause I was always into fighting games and SF was the first I ever played.
Its not up there but i grew up with Megaman. But the ones on the list i pick Resident Evil. I'd pick Onimusha but Re is better.