Favourite FF quotes

'I may be remnant, but once you were too' -AC

Lulu: No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew. - X

I was frozen in time, but now I feel as if my time is just beginning... -vincent VII

Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and DRINK YOUR GODDAMN TEA! - CID VII
I was frozen in time, but now I feel as if my time is just beginning... - Vincent Valentine

This is great... I have chicken wuss and a guy who just reached puberty in my squad... - Seifer

I dreamt I was a moron. - Squall

Quistis: I'm not asking you to say anything. I just want you to listen.
Squall: Then go talk to a wall.

Goodbye my sweet, lovable morons. - Kuja

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands! - Auron
Vaan: Jote said that you said the same words 50 years ago so... How old are you Fran?

(Fran looks annoyed, Walks away)

Balthier: Very smooth Vaan

Larsa: Surprisingly rude

Penelo: Try to grow up please.
There's a lot of quotes that I like, but mainly from FFIX. I know one of the Black Mages said, "Maybe we are just puppets created to serve humans..."

And I believe Vivi said, "Sorrow. How do you prove that you exist...? Maybe we don't exist..."
Well, aside from the one in my sig...

FF12: "We are the arbiters of our destiny." ~Basch

FF6: "My life is a chip in your pile. Ante up." ~Setzer

FFT: "Me and you are caught up in the same flow... I'm just swimming against it." ~Delita

I also really liked Balthier's whole dialog with Ashe about obsession in FF12...

Balthier: "You don’t want it for yourself? Use its power to restore Dalmasca. Something like that? The best intentions invite the worst kind of trouble."

Ashe: "Lusting for ever greater power, blinded by the Nethicite. Is that how you see me?"

Balthier: "That does sound like someone I know. He was obsessed with Nethicite, it was all he cared about. He’d babble nonsense, blind to aught but the stone’s power. He’d talk about some ‘Eynah’ or was it ‘Venat’... no matter. Everything he did he did to get closer to the Nethicite, to understand it. He made airships, weapons... He even made me a Judge."

Ashe: "You were a... a Judge?"

Balthier: "Part of a past I’d rather forget. It didn’t last long. I ran. I left the Judges... and him. Cidolfus Demen Bunansa. Draklor Laboratory’s very own Dr. Cid. That’s when he lost his heart to Nethicite, lost himself. And, I suppose, that’s when I lost my father. Don’t follow in his footsteps. I ran away. I couldn’t stand seeing him like that, a slave to the stone. So I ran. Free at last. Funny I went for the Dusk Shard. How could I have known it was Nethicite? And then, of course, I met you. All that running and I got nowhere. It’s time to end this- Cut my ties to the past."

Ashe: "It’s hard to leave the past behind. I know."

Balthier: "The choice is yours to make, but don’t give your heart to a stone. You’re too strong for that, Princess."

Great stuff...
Balthier: Don't worry Princess. I'll give that ring back to you once I find something more valuable.


Fran: I cannot hear the voice of the Wood anymore. Would you listen to her for me, Jote?

Jote: I shall. She says she is longing for Her lost child.

Fran: A pleasant lie, that.
Kefka: Son of a submariner, they'll pay for this.
Locke: "Kefka, wait!"
Kefka: "Wait? Do I look like a waiter?"
Seifer Alamasy: I have a chicken wuss and a guy who's just reached puberty in my squad!

"Chicken wuss" being the best insult of modern time in my humble opinion.

-Sir Balthier
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Here's a few of my favs.
"Wakka's a little lacking in the imagination department." Lulu, FFX

"Why build a city over a river, ya?" Wakka, FFX
"Well it would be convient with all that water there." Tidus, FFX
"Wrong!" Wakka, FFX

"I dreamt I was a moron." Squall, FVIII

"Let me guess, you'll only dance with girls you like." Rinoa, FVIII
"O.K. then, look into my eyes...you're-going-to-like-me, you're-going-to-like-me...Did it work?" Rinoa, FVIII

"Pitiful mortals, all hope ends here and your meaningless existence with it." Seymour Guado, FFX

"I never blamed you, not once. You came for me. That's all that matters." Aerith, Advent Children

"Where can I buy a phone?" Vincent, Advent Children
Cyan: The world before the fall, Lovely is the light of dawn, Noble is the heart of man...

Kefka: There's nothing like the sound of hundreds of voices screaming in unison

President Shin-Ra: These days, all it takes for your dreams to come true is money and power.

Cloud Strife: I wasn't pursuing Sephiroth; I was being summoned by him.

Auron: Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!

Aki: Only seven years old... and yet ready to die
auron: iritating isn't it, or are you afraid

quinna: only two things in world things you can eat and things you can no eat

zidane: well it looks like I'm stuck with the leftovers
quinna: no worry zidane my clan has an old saying "leftovers good"

necron: fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering


amarent: I can't let you do that it's not in my nature to walk away
zidane and everybody else: !?

squall: I will not be spoken about in the past tence!

seifer: let me add another scar for ya

(not technicly a ff quote but I'm counting it anyway)
auron: thank you
sora: you don't have to
auron: then I won't
sora: well
auron: you should say what you mean. fine then thank you...for meddling

sepheroth: I thought of a wonder gift for you, shall I give you despare
(delited cloud line)
cloud: don't be so generous!

(japinese version of ffVII:ac)
reno:is it after us
rude: why don't you go ask it

basch: if my shame were to bring one of my people happieness then I would bare that shame and I would bare it with pride(or something to that effect)

vaan: who are you
balthiare: well I'm the leading man

balthiere: you know what say about the leading man, he never dies
fran: I think your more of a supporting role

plus many many more
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"Howl alone, howl alone"

~ Biran/Yenke (can't remember which)

"There's sand in my boot"

~ Kefka

Auron's speech before the Yunalesca fight is awesome. I'm not going to do it injustice by trying to remember it.
Bartello thingy- "Mish Yoona! shave me"

Yuna- "You're plan sucks"

Tidus- "You say its my decsion, but I don't really have a choice do I? Your the only one with all the answers!"
Auron- "..."

I found that speech Auron made made btw it goes like this

Auron- "Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or
live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is
in your hands!"

Squall- "Whatever..."