Favourite FF quotes

Lord Vayne: There was little point in asking. But know this: I hold no idle hopes of frustrating that hatred. Nor shall I ask your fealty. That is the due of your fallen King, and rightly so. King Raminas loved his people; strove to bring you peace. His was a rule worthy of your devotion. Even now, he remains among you, protecting you. His ardor for the peace and weal of Dalmasca falters not! I would ask only that you do your King honor. Together, let us embrace the peace His Majesty would surely desire. Two years now divide us from war's bitter end, yet still its shadow looms over all, stifling the infant peace, a pall only you may cast off! Achieve but this one thing, and your hatred of me and of the Empire will grieve me not. I will stand fast. I will endure your hatred, suffer your slings and arrows - I will defend Dalmasca! Here I will pay my debt. I swear it now. Though King Raminas and Lady Ashe be gone, they stand ever at the side of their people. In honoring peace, you do honor to their memory, and to Dalmasca. What I ask, I ask plain. My hopes now rest with you.

Because he's just so..damn...evil..and sexy..and DECEPTIVE...xD
Piece of cake. I'm an escape artist. -Zidane

Come on, Princess. Let's ditch Sir Rustalot and get outta here! -Zidane

^^ love Zidane
My favourite quote is in my signature. The words is uttered by Lulu to Tidus when the ride to the temple after beating the Al Behd machina.

"You really do come from a world where there is no Sin, like you say."

One fun point is that you will not hear this line in every playthrough since the story can take a different turn. So I actually don't get to hear my favorite quote :O
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Barret: I can't...go on...any farther. Marlene, Daddy wanted to...see your face...one more time...
Tifa: Will you stop acting like a retard and climb?

While climbing all the stairs in the Shinra building. Made me laugh :)
" It fains me to inform you but your time here is now over, the curtain falls!" - Doctor Cidolfus Demen Bunansa , FFXII

" Too late and to their sorrow, do those who misplace their trust in gods learn their fate." - Judge bergan, FFXII

"Pitiful mortals...your hope ends here. ...And your meaningless existence with it!" - Seymour Guado, FFX

"Life is but a passing dream, but the death that follows is eternal." - Seymour Guado FFX

"You are a fading dream, but one that has been touched by reality. Run, dream. Run on into the daylight. And walk into reality." - Yojimbo FFX

"What did I tell you before? I play the leading man. And the leading man never dies." - Ffamran Mid Bunansa (Balthier), FFXII

"With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Ffamran Mid Bunansa (Balthier), FFXII

There we go, all my favs.
'I dreamt I was a moron' Squall FF8, cracks me up every time

'Too much hope is the opposite of despair, an over powering love will consume you in the end' Vincent FFVII

'You will find what you are pursuing but you will lose something dear' (or something along those lines) Cait Sith FFVII

Im sure theres plenty more but those are theones off the top of my head^^
[SIZE=-1]"Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn TEA!" [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]- Cid Highwind, FFVII

"What!? You think I'm BSing? - Zell Dincht, FFVIII

Wow, even the oglops are big in Lindblum! - Vivi Orintier, FFIX

There's more, certainly, but these have been my favorites for ages.[/SIZE]
My ff10 fav qoute

Seymour:*Pitiful mortal... Your hope ends here.... And your meaningless existence with it!!*

Yunalesca: Foolish creature! You would throw away hope. Well... I will free you before you drown in your sorrow.. It's better to die in hope than to live in despair. let me be your liberator!


There are so many here it's not even funny. but I'll list my favorites... *cough*

Vayne: Permit me to ask.. Who are you? A patron of Vengence? Or perchance a saint of salvation?

I am simply myself not more and no less. And I want only to be free.

Drace: Spare me your lies! I see the snake coiled here before me!

Reddas: Reach out your hand, Lady Ashe. But remember, that which you must grab is something beyond revenge. something greater than despair. Something beyond our reach. Try as we might, Gabranth, history's chains bind us too tightly.

Ashe: Even with power, we cannot change what has passed. What is done, is done

Gabranth:Errh! Hah! Defend? You? You who failed Landis and Dalmasca? What can shame hope to keep safe? Your shield is shattered! Your oaths poison those you would protect!

Gabranth: Hear me Basch. Do not think killing the king slayer will win you back your honor! When you abandoned home and kin, your name was forever stained with blood!

Basch: Aye, this stain is mine to bear. But I bear it willingly knowing that I did all I could... For hope!

Gabranth: Preen and strut as you like. In the end we are both Blood-thirsting carrion birds, hell-bent on revenge!

Cid: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!! Shards of nethicite! cocoon of the sun-cryst! Spill forth your mist upon this Ivalice. Let sea and sky be awash by it, so that Bahamut may come and drink his fill!

And lo! how brightly burned their lanthorn. Cast it's back the shadow of Occurian design! Testament that man's history shall be his alone!

Gabranth: I am Judge Magister.

Gabranth: Even in disgrace. My just reward for aiding the Empire that destroyed
my homeland.

Basch: Gabranth. Do not blame yourself anymore.

Gabranth: You confound me, brother! You failed Landis, you failed Dalmasca…all
you were to protect. Yet you still hold on to your honor. How?

Basch: I had someone more important to defend. And defend her I have. How is it
that you have survived? Is it not because you defend Lord Larsa?

Gabranth: Silence! All was stripped from me! Only hatred for the brother who
fled our homeland remains mine.

Gabranth: Tell me: why do you forsake that which you must hold most precious?

Basch: I do as I must, brother. Or is that not answer enough?

Vayne: Your Lives are forefit to me and your insurgance with them. Dalmasca will once again know order. For good and all, I shall put your futile attempts at rebellion to an end

Vayne: What am I to do with those who would oppose me... but show them death!

Vayne: The Hound strays. Treason bears a price.

Gabranth: One I gladly pay.

Vayne: Release your power, my minions! Find true your mark! Reap pain and despair unending! Die!

Vayne: Swords of light, minions strong... Dance to the sky! Unleash your bold fury! I will wield you! I will sever the lives of those who fall before the blade!
...I have had enough!

Gabranth: Even a stray has pride!

These are just the story type ones almost Every word out of Fran's, Balthier's, Ashe's and Basch's mouth I seriously would quote especially Balthier.

I so wanted to put more >_>
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FF7 CC:Zack: Grasp you dream! If you wanna be an hero you'll have to grasp your dream.

FFX: Auron: Outside the dream world, life can be harsh, even cruel, but it is life.
Rikku: Memories are nice, but that's all they are.
Seymour: Life is but a passing dream, but the death that follows is eternal.

FFT: Delita: "Forgive me. 'Tis your birth and faith that wrong you, not I."
Balthier: [To Ramza] "I'm no thief. I'm a sky pirate."
Balthier: "My shot is faster, or my name's not Balthier."
Wiegraf: A small stone may make a ripple at first, but someday it will be a wave.
"She's going to get hurt..." (Paine) FFX-2

"Kimahri thinks, Rikku should stay Rikku" (Kimahri) FFX

"Stay AWAY From the SUMMONERRR!" (Old Lady) FFX

"Don't Inturrpt me, Vaan" (Ashe) FFXII

I have plenty more. =/.
My favorite line is, and probably will always be Zidane's "ooh...soft" in response to grabbing Garnet's butt on the ladder.
"Chicken Wuss" (Seifer) FFVIII

"Oh, great! I have to work with a chicken wuss and a guy who just hit puberty" (Seifer) FFVIII

Now that is a classic line. hahaha.
Auron: "Once lady Yuna fixes her hair, we leave"

Jecht: Why do it today, when you can leave it for tomorrow"
from FFV:

Cid: Haha looks like that lobster just got served

Bartz: with Cheese Biscuits and Mashed Potatoes

I just thought WTF!?