Favourite FF quotes

"Sit Down Chicken Wuss"

"Oh great, I got a guy who just hit puberty and a chicken wuss in my crew"


Cloud: "Let's mosey!"

He,he,he...basically,I love everything that Cloud says.This one just sticks out the most because it brings out his quirky side. ( Cid might refer to it as 'stupid',though. ) ^_^
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The whole scene when Tidus finds out Yuna will die. So sad.

"This is my story" - Tidus

"Ooo tea, lots of sugar and dont forget the lard!"- Palmer

"Where's it's %%#$$@ head??"- Barret when he sees Jenova in the Shinra building.

reflect on your..." "childhood..." "your sensation..." "your words..." "your emotions..." "time..." "it will not wait..." "no matter..." "...how hard you hold on" "it escapes you..."time will not wait, no matter how hard you hold on it escapes you." -Ultemecia
Squall: “I dreamt I was a moron…”


“No cloud or squall shall hinder us…”

“You look like a bear wearing a marshmallow.” -to Barret

“Did you sleep well, Cloud?” Cloud: “Next to you, who wouldn’t?”

“C’mon Cloud say something…” Cloud: “…Something.”

Dr. Kadowaki:
“Hi there, Squall. Oh my…It's not everyday I see you walk around with a girl! Is she your girlfriend?” Squall: “Yes.” Rinoa: “Are you serious!? Squall!? I'm gonna take it seriously." Squall: “I'm serious.” Rinoa: “Woo. I'm speechless.” Squall: “I'm seriously joking.”

: “You know, I can imagine you doing this on a first date. You're so romantic..." -to Squall

“I feel a draft on my butt…”

“I see... I didn't understand a word. Kiros, it's your show from here."
Cloud: "If you don't tell us, I'll chop'em off!"
Aeris: " If you don't tell us, I'll rip'em off!"
Tifa: "If you don't tell us, I'll smash'em!"
"There is no good, there is no evil. It is just perspective and opinion" ~ Squall FFVIII
Bumped FGJ.

"I dreamt i was a moron" Squall FFVIII

"I think i want to be forgiven..."
"By who?" ~ Cloud and Aerith, AC
Reno: [brushes himself off] Mother schmother... it's Jenova's friggin' head. Loz: HEY!
Yazoo: I will not have you refer to mother that way!
Rude: Our apologies
Reno: Your ma's cool. What the hell am I saying!

Advent Children

Vaan: "So, uhh....Fran. How old did you say you were again?"

*Fran walks away*

Penelo: "Nice going Vaan."


Auron: "Now! This is it!
Now is the time to choose!
Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow!
Now is the time to shape your stories!
Your fate is in your hands!"


Squall: "I dreamt i was a moron.."

"dally dally shilly shally, isn't it time you do the forgiving?" ~ Aerith to Cloud, AC.

Cloud: ...Holy... Holy... is there... The Holy is shining...... Aerith's prayer
is shining......!

Tifa: Holy...... Aerith......

Cloud: It's not over yet... This isn't the end yet!!

Cloud: Aerith's memories... Our memories... We came to tell you... our
memories... Come Planet! Show us your answer! And Sephiroth!! To the settling
of everything!!

~Before the Bizaro Sephiroth fight.
"Sit Down Chicken Wuss"

"Oh great, I got a guy who just hit puberty and a chicken wuss in my crew" - Seifer

“Oooh…Soft!” - Zidane
Freya: "That's Beatrix? The cold-blooded knight who shows no mercy.

Freya: "Beatrix?"

Man: "Yes... Beatrix. I hear there are many fierce warriors out in
the world--some even more powerful than even I... ...Beatrix of
Alexandria, in particular. They say her swordsmanship is the best
in the land."

Beatrix: "You wish to fight me, Beatrix of Alexandria?"
Burmecian Soldier: "B-Beatrix!?"
Beatrix: "I commend your courage, but I will show you no mercy.

Beatrix: "How ridiculously weak... Isn't there anyone who is worthy of facing me?"

Beatrix: "Then allow me to shatter your delusions of grandeur."

I adore Beatrix ^_^ She's a villain who gets all the best lines.
Judge Ghis "And as for YOU my dear...the empire requires you no more!"

A classic villain line :) Ghis > the other Judges.
The part that goes something like:
Tidus: Let's go to the sea, before the sunrise. The city lights come on one by one, the stars fade. Then the city glows almost like it's on fire. It's sorta, rose coloured, right? First in to the sea, then it spreads to the whole city. It gets brighter and brighter. It's really pretty. I know you'd like it.

Yuna: Stay with me until the end... Please.
Tidus: Not until the end. Always!
Yuna: Always then.