Favourite FF quotes

"Farewell... My sweet, lovable morons." - Kuja

"I'm tired of this, thou art such a pain in the...confound it all, I'm starting to talk like you!" - Sabin

Yeah. Them Baron bozos ain't never comin' back! I gave 'em a helluva thumpin' with my non-stick frying pan!" - Yang's wife

"I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate YOU!" - Kefka
kimahri:"pick spot,shut up,wait"
wakka:"a summoner with bed hair,whats the world coming to?"
rikku:"syopo cusatyo!" (mayby someday)
quina:"i find no food so i cook you instead!"
Vaan (acting as Larsa): "I got the princess covered."


Penelo: "I got the princess covered?"

Vaan: "... Larsa'd say that ..."


Fran: "I'd say that you're more of a supporting role."
Balthier: "Oh Fran, please" *rolls eyes*

Just little things that made me smile.
I love the poor translation lines. Like Aeris/Aerith in FF7 "This guy are sick".

Also as someone mentioned above Tellah - "you spoony bard!" classic and probably one of the more famous quotes.
Beatrix: "Fools like you will never learn."

Beatrix: "Your pathetic powers are useless against me."

Dagger: "But Freya, Steiner, and Beatrix were left behind. I..."

Regent Cid: "Ah, the renowned General Beatrix. I don't think you have anything to worry about"

Beatrix: "Steiner..."

Steiner: "Beatrix..."

Beatrix: "Save your valediction, Steiner. We'll live to see another day."

Auron: "Now! This is it!
Now is the time to choose!
Die and be free of the pain or live and fight your sorrow!
Now is the time to shape your stories!
Your fate is in your hands!"

That and anything Balthier says in Final Fantasy 12.
Celes: W...wait! I'm a GENERAL, not some opera floozy!

Celes: I'm a soldier, not some love starved twit!
Buddy: What about Yuna? Think she'll quit?
Brother: Of course not!
Paine: And who asked you airhead?
Rin: Some Guado had snuk on the airship and they've released the fiends
Cid: You seem awfully calm about it!
Rin: I am calm about most things.
Cid (FFVIIDoC): Listen up folks cuz I'm gonna say this once! If people behind you die you die ,and if you die they die. If that happens I'm gonna drag you from hell and kill you again. Now go kick some Deepground ass!
(Something like that)
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"Off course!" - Cloud FF7, Gotta love mistranslations :D

Cloud: I think I'm begining to understand.
Tifa: What?
Cloud: An answer from the planet, the Promised Land, I think, I can meet her there
Tifa: Yeah, let's go meet her.

Zidane: Ooh, soft

Squall: Why don't you go talk to a wall

Yuna: I love you

Garland (FF1): I Garland, shall knock you down!

Cloud: Tifa! What's wrong? You look completely exhausted!
Tifa: Well, Aerith if very good with that staff..if you know what I mean.
(Hey, it happends in my mind the day after I send Cloud and Yuffie on their GS date.)

Edge: Damn Rydia, there's just no girl as good as you.
Yazoo:You think he'll be happy to see us?
Kadaj: Not a chance.
Loz: Don't cry Yazoo.
Yazoo: But mother's with him. *looks at Loz* Don't cry Loz.

Reno: Oh come on! It's just Jenova's freakin' head!
Yazoo: You will not speak about Mother like that!
Loz: You menie!
Ormi: So that's where it was! He he, sorry for the trouble, I appreceate yous finding it for us though.
*YRP shrugs*
Ormi: What. You're not giving it back?
Logos: The Gullwings.
Ormi: These meanies won't give me back the sphere!
Galuf: "What idiot came up with the idea of stealing the ship" Bartz: "Look in the mirror pops" Galuf: "Oh my head...can't remember a thing..." Bartz: "And your amnesia oh so conveniently return"
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"Yet I have faith that even without our king, you shall achieve honor through your companions. Even should you end up in an early grave, your friends will pass on the tales of your glory until time's end." - Luzaf
Cloud: Stay where you belong, in my memories
Sephiroth: I will never be a memory
Kefka: "Welcome to my barbeque! Run, run, run, or you'll be well done!" Haha, that was classic. XD
Rin: Please, buy any supplies you need before you head off to battle.
Wakka: What, we have to pay? You understand that if we die, you die too, right buddy?
Rin: I have faith in you.
Kefka: You all sound like chapters from a Self Help book!
Ramza: Do not say that, if a thing can be endeavored--
Delita: Can endeavor grant me an army? I would save Tietra myself if aught we in my power to do, but I cannot. 'Tis my meager lot in this life...

A few of the things I chuckled at and fangasm'd over whilst playing.
Vincent: I'll take care of your pet problem just keep driving
Shelke: Look at me, I should be 19 this year. If I didn't get my daily doze of mako, this body wouldn't last a day.
Vincent calling Cloud: Cloud, head over to Cid's.
Cloud: Alright.
Vincent: Oh and tell Yuffie, this is my phone and she can't use it.

Rikku: Just now, you sounded like a leader, you know?

Tidus: Star of the Zanarkand Abes. Didn't anybody tell you?

Rikku: aha! *bows. Goes back up again* huh??

Seymour: ah, the son of Jecht.
(It's just the way she reacted)
Judge Ghis "And as for YOU my dear, well...THE EMPIRE REQUIRES YOU NO MORE!"

It was just classic villiany. XD